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level: 131 EF RT

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 131 EF RT

I don’t like ______ chicken ( fırında kızarmış)roasted
I prefer______ chicken (ızgara)grilled
we usually______eggs (haşlamak)boil
______ chips is better than baked potato. (yağda kızarmış)fried
Fried potato is better than ______ potato. (fırında pişmiş)baked
We usually eat ______ twice a month. (……… dışarıda yeriz)out
I went to the shopping center to drink ——-coffee
I am good at _____ cakes (kek yapmada …….. )making
The girl is texting on her phone——— eating dinner. (akşam yemeği yerken …….)while
I think people should ______their own vegetables ( …….. yetiştirmeli)grow
I think ______ tea and coffee are healthy. (hem çay hemde kahve ……)both
I think chopsticks are hard to ______ ( kullanması zordur)use
I like _______ reading and watching movies. (hem okumayı hemde film izlemeyi …….)both
on Friday, I usually go to school ______ feet. (yürüyerek)on
Which subjects do you like the _______? (en az)least
What is your favorite _______? (müzik grubu)band
Russia is an _______ big country. (oldukça)extremely
I prefer being a —— more than being a child. gençteenager
I am 3 years ——- than my brother.older
my brother is sometimes very ______ (sinir bozucu)annoying
When I was a child, my favorite teacher ______ my class teacher. (be)was
I am still in ______ with my childhood best friend. (temasta)touch
my cousin was the one who ______ me. (kuzenim bana adını verendir)named
the ______ of my name is beautiful (Anlam)meaning
I ______ just come back from Istanbul (Ben İstanbul'dan yeni döndüm- dönmüşlüğüm vardır)have
we stayed ______ my aunt in Istanbul. (teyzemle ….)with
I received ______ gifts (bazı hediyeler …..)some
In the spring most places ______ green (yeşile diner)turn, become
It is better to be ______(zamanında)on time
One day I ______ to go to the hospital, so I was late from school. (……..gitmek zorunda kaldım)had
I really like to go ______ on the weekend. (yüzmeye gitmeyi ….)swimming
Can you ______ down? (Aşağı kaydırabilir misin?)scroll
I can swim for 50 meters without ______. (nefes almadan)taking a breath
The mother is ______ the clothes (…… ütülüyor)ironing
The mother is ironing the clothes ______ her daughter is cleaning the house. (kızı evi temizliyorken ….)while
My mom _____ ______ ______ every weekend. (çamaşır yıkar)do the laundry
This shirt should ______ cleaned . (…………… temizlemeli.)be
The woman is ______ the clothes ( …….. dikiyor)sewing
I ______ a black dress from my cousin. (……. ödünç aldım)borrowed
______ of my clothes are made in Turkiye (çoğu)most of
parlak renk)light bright colors
Can I try the shirt —- (in-on-at ?)on
My _____ favorite subject is social studies. (en az)least
I like my science teacher, she is _____, she always smiles at me and she treats me well. (kibar, nazik)kind
My favorite season ____ the year is summer. (yılın en sevdiğim ayı …..)of
I am going on a _____ to Istanbul. (İstanbul’a bir yolculuğa çıkıyorum.)trip
I will _____ other countries. (….. ziyaret edeceğim.)visit
I don’t have _____ friends, I only have one. (çok arkadaşım …..)many
I like ______ books. ( ……… okumayı severim)reading
I can’t dance _______ (iyi)well
I like ______ to music (…. dinlemeyi severim)listening
my favorite holiday is the summer holiday because it is very _____ . (uzun)long
I will study the 8th grade lessons _____ summer.in
I like —- ( Yüzmeyi severim)swimming
I had a bird but it ——— (uçup gitti)flew away
I ——— happier travelling with somebody. (….. daha mutlu olacağım)will be
We got lost on the way _____ to Istanbul. (dönüş yolunda)back
if I lost my swim suite, my holiday _____ ruined. (……. tatilim mahvolurdu)would
Our car______ of fuel. (Arabamızı yakıtı bitti)ran out
We got lost and had to _____ ____ the way we came. (geri dönmek)go back
we got lost —— returning back to Istanbul. (İstanbul’a geri dönerken …..)while
I don’t know your number. If I ______ (know) your number, I would phone you. (Şimdi hayalimde)knew
I don’t have any time. If I had more time, I _____ _____ (read) more. (Şimdi hayalimde)would read
Your coat doesn’t look like good. If I were you I _____ _____ this coat. (Şimdi hayalimde- …… .satın almazdım)wouldn’t buy
I wasn’t hungry. If I _____ _____ hungry, I would have eaten something. (Geçmişte hayalimde)had been
I didn’t have enough money. If I had had some money, I _____ _____ _____ a taxi. (Geçmişte hayalimde)would have taken
The weather was very bad yesterday. If the weather _____ ______ good, we would have gone out. (Geçmişte hayalimde- ….. iyi olmuş olsaydı, …….)had been
I forgot where you live. If I had remembered your address, I _____ _____ _____ a letter. (Geçmişte hayalimde- ……… gönderirdim- göndermiş olurdum)would have sent
If I had the "________" to visit places like that, I wouldn’t complain! (Eğer böyle yerleri ziyaret etme "fırsatım" olsaydı şikayet etmezdim!)opportunity
If I had the opportunity to visit places like that, I wouldn’t "________"! (Böyle yerleri ziyaret etme fırsatım olsaydı "şikayet etmezdim"!)complain
What’s the "________" with you? (Senin sorunun ne?)matter
I’ll "_______" studying. (Çalışmaya "devam edeceğim".)keep
I'm so "________ ".(Çok "heyecanlıyım")excited
The movie was very "_______". (Film çok "heyecan vericiydi")exciting
It doesn’t always feel "______" it.(Her zaman “öyle” hissettirmiyor.)like
Will you "_______ " me? (Beni affedecek misin?)forgive
I "______ "! (Söz veriyorum"!)promise
I’d feel "_______ ”. ("Kendimi "daha kötü" hissederdim)worse
It’s not an "_______ ". (Bu bir "seçenek" değil.)option
You don’t "_______ " it easy! (Bunu "kolaylaştırmıyorsun"!)make
Well, "_______ "! (Peki, "neyse”!)anyway
"______ " I leave now, I’ll be too late. (Şimdi gitsem bile çok geç kalacağım.)Even if
Don’t come "_______ " I call. (Eğer aramazsam, gelme!)unless
He'll "________ " help you. (O sana yardım edebilecek.)be able to
You look very "________" - is something wrong? (Çok "ciddi" görünüyorsun - bir sorun mu var?)serious
Covid-19 "_______" many people. (Kovid-19 birçok insanı "etkiledi".)affected
The "_______ " here’s awesome. (Buradaki "manzara" müthiş.)landscape
The landscape here’s "_______ ". (Buradaki manzara "müthiş".)awesome
You can’t "________" what it’s like. “Nasıl bir şey olduğunu "hayal edemezsiniz".”imagine
I’ll never go unless you "_______" me. “Beni “götürmezsen” asla gitmeyeceğim.”take
There aren’t many trees, "________ ". (”Açıkçası" çok fazla ağaç yok.)obviously
What’s it "______"? (Nasıl bir şey"?)like
"_______ " a surprise!" (Bu ne sürpriz!)What
The _________ is the nature around usenvironment
_________ means that the environment is not cleanpollution
cars ____ _____ toxic gas into the airlet out
Air pollution can _____ ____ _____make us sick
water pollution can ____ _____kill fish
To end pollution, we can _____ ______ride bikes
_____ is the brown ground where we plantsoil
My favorite Inside Out character is ____Joy
My _______ cartoon is Gumballfavorite
My favorite catroon _____ ____ _____ of many animals that live together and have adventurestells the story
We can see the animals and _________ adventurestheir
I ______ watch animated showsmostly
I ____ a good day todayhad
Sponge Bob is very ___________hardworking
My favorite Disney princess is Rupanzel, she has long _______ hairmagical
Sally ____ _____ _____ harder to pass it. ( …..daha sıkı çalışmalıydı).should have studied
He _____ _____ _____ too fast. (Çok hızlı araba kullanmamalıydı)shouldn't have driven
I ____ _____ ____ somewhere. (Bir yerlere gidebilirdim- ama gitmedim)could have gone
I ____ _____ ____ my keys in the taxi.(…… belki takside unutmuş olabilirim)might have left
Why hasn’t Sarah replied to my message? I suppose she _____ _____ _____ _____ it. (Sanırım, belki onu almamış olabilir)might not have received
I saw him driving a new car. He ____ ____ ____ his old car. (Galiba eski rabasını satmış olmalı.)must have sold
I _____ _____ _____ Lisa, but I didn’t have her number. (Lisa yı arayacaktım ama ……)would have called
I didn’t invite them to the party. They _____ _____ ____ anyway. (….. Zaten gelmezlerdi)wouldn’t have come
I _____ what he was saying. (Ne söylediğini "anladım".)got
This plan doesn’t ______ to me. (Bu plan benim için "mantıklı" değil.)make sense
I always ______ my phone is charged before traveling. (Seyahat etmeden önce telefonumun şarjının dolu olduğundan "emin olurum".)make sure
Please _____ me know when you arrive. (Lütfen vardığında bana haber ver.)let
I must leave to______ now, but I'm looking forward to relaxing later. (Şimdi "işlerimi" halletmek için çıkmalıyım ama daha sonra dinlenmeyi dört gözle bekliyorum.)run errands
Getting good news this morning _____ my day. (Bu sabah iyi haber almak günümü güzelleştirdi.)made
He forgot to ______ the lights. (Işıkları "açmayı" unuttu.)turn on
Don’t forget to _____ the computer. (Bilgisayarı "kapatmayı" unutma.)turn off
It’s raining, let’s ______ a taxi. (Yağmur yağıyor, hadi taksiye "binelim".)take
I missed the train, so I had to _____ a bus. (Treni kaçırdım, bu yüzden otobüse "binmek" zorunda kaldım.)take
The Mariana Trench is "_______" place on earth_ _Mariana Çukuru dünyanın “en derin” yeridirthe deepest
"_______" point on earth is the peak of Mount Everest _ _Dünya üzerindeki “en yüksek” nokta Everest Dağı'nın zirvesidirThe highest
"_______" robots, scientists were able to learn about the deepest place on earth _ _Robotların "yardımıyla" bilim insanları dünyanın en derin yeri hakkında bilgi edinebildilerWith the help of
I "______" my bread in the soup._ _Ekmeğimi çorbaya “bandırdım”.dipped
Injuries are "______" in sports _ _Sakatlıklar sporda “yaygındır”common
"______" house in this street has its own garage. _ _Bu sokaktaki “her” evin kendi garajı var.Each
I'll "______" be home by midnight. _ _“Muhtemelen” gece yarısına kadar evde olurum.probably
I can "_______" why he said that. _ _Bunu neden söylediğini “anlayabilirim".figure out
I met my next-door "______" _ _Yan "komşumla" tanıştım.neighbour
That sounds "_______". _ _Kulağa “oldukça zor” geliyor.pretty hard
None of your "_______"! _ _Seni ilgilendirmez!business
She wore a "______" dress. _ _“Süslü” bir elbise giymiş.fancy
We're "______" buying a new car._ _Yeni bir araba almayı “düşünüyoruz”.considering
It is "_______" to sell cigarettes to anyone under 18. _ _On sekiz yaşından küçüklere sigara satmak “yasadışı”.illegal
I didn't "_______" to speak to her. _ _Onunla konuşma “şansım” olmadı.get a chance
I did house "_______" this morning. _ _Bu sabah evin “işlerini” yaptım.chores
I "________" at the weekend. _ _Hafta sonu “çamaşır yıkarım”.do the laundry
I "_______" the class into three groups. _ _Sınıfı üç gruba "ayırdım".separated
Sometimes we would stay "_______" at my grandmother's house. _ _Bazen büyükannemin evinde “gece boyunca” kalırdık.overnight
He yawned "_______" the play. _ _Oyun "boyunca" esnedi.throughout
You "______" join the dinner with me. _ _Benimle yemeğe "belki katılabilirsin".might
I "_______" in Ankara. _ _Ben Ankara'da “büyüdüm”.grew up
I “_____” work late last night. (Dün gece geç saatlere kadar çalışmak “zorunda kaldım”.)had to
“______” it was raining, we went for a walk. (Yağmur yağıyor olmasına “rağmen” yürüyüşe çıktık.)Although
You can stay here “______” I return. (Ben dönene “kadar” burada kalabilirsin.)until
I “_______” that movie yet. (O filmi henüz “izlemedim- izlemişliğim yoktur”.)haven’t seen
I haven’t seen that movie “______”._ (O filmi “henüz” izlemedim.)yet
She has been to Paris “______”. (Paris’e “bir kez” bulunmuşluğum vardır.-gittim)once
I have been to that restaurant “______”. (O restorana “iki kez” gittim- bulunmuşluğum vardır..)twice
I have been studying “______” three hours. (”Üç saattir” ders çalışıyorum.)for
They have been waiting for the bus “______” morning. (Sabah saatlerinden “beri” otobüs bekliyorlar.)since
The project “______” completed on time. (Ödevin zamanında tamamlandı.- “tamamlanmışlığı vardır”)has been
I take a break “______” I feel tired. (”Ne zaman” yorgun hissetsem ara veririm.)whenever