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level: Tree

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Tree

What does LCA stand for?Life Cycle Assessment
What is a LCA used for?It evaluates the environmental impacts of a development from conception through to demolition and disposal, i.e. from cradle to grave.
Name the 4 phases in LCA (Hint: G-L-L-I)Goal and scope definition, Life cycle inventory analysis, Life cycle impact assessment, Interpretation.
What is the purpose of the Goal and scope definition phase in LCA?The purpose is to identify the system boundary, the functional unit and determine the level of detail.
What is the purpose of the Life cycle inventory analysis phase in LCA?This phase involves creating an inventory of all material quantities using product inventory databases.
What is the purpose of the Life cycle impact phase in ICA?The inventory items from the LCI phase are analyzed for their impacts on human health and the environment.
What is the purpose of the Interpretation phase in LCA?To check and evaluate the information from the third phase in order to meet the requirements determined in the goal and scope definition phase. The results are used to compare concepts and make improvements.
Define the term: Non-residential buildingAll buildings which are not used for living purposes.
Define the term: Residential buildingA dwelling./ places where people live, and amongst others, include bungalows, blocks of flats and flat sharing communities.
Flip the card and read carefully until you understand the paragraphs about building costs.The building costs include all the expenses for goods, services and charges necessary to carry out a development. Before planning and constructing a property, the client needs to be aware of all the expenses associated with the development. Architects and engineers have a detailed knowledge of the costs involved and are able to support the client by preparing a realistic cost estimate. The client will then be able to determine the feasibility and affordability of the project. The design team may need to recommend adjustments in order to bring the scope of the project into line with the client’s means. The final step of this early process is the agreement of the budget for the project. The total expense budget, at the start, is the sum of a large number of individual items. As work progresses, the expense budget is replaced by actual costs until, on completion, the final statement is drawn up with the total cost of the project. Throughout the period of development, as actual costs are invoiced, it is essential to monitor progress against the original budget or revised budget if alterations have been agreed along the way. Since there is a tendency for all parties to pitch estimates on the low side, it is always prudent to allow for a contingency sum.