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level: 173FR

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 173FR

I want to —- a white and black cat. (sahip olmak)have
Sometimes the teacher —- us have a PE lesson. (izin verir)lets
Can you —— the questions? (tekrarlamak) (say again)repeat
I want to travel —- Spain. (in, on to)to
The woman is —— her clothes (ütüleme)ironing
What is the woman ——? (yapıyor)doing
The boy is ——— the pencils. (bileme)sharpening
They went to the wood to —— some mushrooms. (seçmek)pick
The man is ——- something. (sabitleme)fixing
They go to the summer ——- in the summer holiday. (kamp)camp
In the summer camp, people sleep in ——-. (çadır)tents
a girl is ——- the kitchen floor. (paspaslamak)mopping
My English exam _____ easy. _ _İngilizce sınavım kolaydı. _ _was
I _____ go to school today. _ _Bugün okula gitmedim. _ _didn’t
I ____ go to school yesterday. _ _Dün okula gitmedim. _ _didn’t
I _____ all my exams. _ _Bütün sınavlarımı yaptım. _ _had
My cousin ____ to our house to visit our house. _ _Kuzenim evimizi ziyarete geldi. _ _came
Mehmet Emir ___ a mobile phone.. _ _Mehmet Emir'in cep telefonu var.. _ _has
When I play Minecraft, I ____ a server. _ _Minecraft oynadığımda bir sunucu oluşturuyorum. _ _create
Tomorrow I ____ go to school. _ _Yarın okula gitmeyeceğim. _ _am not going to
I ____ in Spain. _ _İspanya'da doğdum. _ _was born
I ____ goals with my right foot. _ _Sağ ayağımla gol atabiliyorum. _ _can score
I _____ yesterday at two o’clock. _ _Dün saat ikide uyuyordum. _ _was sleeping
I _____ early today. _ _Bugün erken kalkamadım. _ _couldn’t get up
I ____ in English with my friend. _ _Arkadaşımla İngilizce konuştum. _ _spoke
I have _______ (boğaz ağrısı)sore throat
I didn' t go to school today because I am ______ (hasta)sick
I am _________ (öksürüyorum)coughing
I don't have _________ (başağrısı)headache
I don't have _______ . (ateş)fever
I stayed _ _ seven days/ a week.for
My transformer toy is Arc, It can _ _ space ship.turn into
I _ _ five or six hours a day playing on my computer.spend
I spend five or six hours a day playing_ _ my computer.on
My best _ _ is my computer. (teknolojik alet)technological device
Ali is _______. (Ali uzundur.)tall
Ali is _______ . (Ali daha uzundur)taller
Ali is ____ ___ Veli. ( Ali Veli’ den daha uzundur.)taller than
Veli is ____ ____ Ali. (Veli Aliden daha hızlıdır.)faster than
Antalya is ____ ____ Erzurum. (Antalya Erzurumdan daha sıcaktır)hotter than
My room is ____ ____ yours. (Odam seninkinde daha büyüktür)bigger than
Mercedes is ________. (Mersedes pahalıdır)expensive
Mercedes is ____ ____. (Mersedes daha pahalıdır)more expensive
Mercedes is ____ ____ ___ Fiat. (Mersedes, Fiat’dan daha pahalıdır)more expensive than
Melis is ___ _____ ___ Selen. (Melis, Selen’den daha güzeldir)more beautiful than
I have a friend ______ lives in İzmir. (İzmir’de yaşayan bir arkadaşım var.)who
I don’t know the person ________ broke the window. (Pencereyi kıran kişiyi tanımam)who
I met the man ______ ______ football. (Futbol oynayan adamla tanıştım.)who played
The girl _____ ______ dress is speaking English. (Elbise giyen kız İngilizce konuşuyor)who wears
Ayşe ______ ______ in Ankara is my friend. (Ankarada yaşayan Ayşe …….who lives
The policeman ____ _____ us died in the park. (Bİze yardım eden polis memuru …….)who helped
There is a child ____ ______ _____ guitar . (Orada gitar çalıyor olan bir çocuk var)who is playing
The child ____ _____ _____ guitar is now on the stage. (Gİtar çalabilen çocuk sahnede.)who can play
_ _ is hard in İstanbul. UlaşımTransportation
istanbul is a _ _ city. kalabalıkcrowded
There are a lot of _ _ in istanbul. Göçmenlerimmigrants
When it is summer time , I go _ _ a summer vacation.on
When it is summer time , I go on a summer _ _. tatilvacation.
When it _ _, I play snowball. kar yağdığındasnows
In winter, It _ _ so much. (Kışın İstanbula çok kar yağmaz)doesn’t snow
My phone is really _ _ . kullanışlı.convenient
I never leave home _ _ it onsuzwithout
it can do _ _ . çok daha fazlasımuch more
I use it _ _ a GPS. olarakas
I never _ _ kaybolmamget lost
I just enter the address of the place _ _ I want to get to.that
It’s _ _ really helpful when I’m travelling. ayrıca, de, da.also
I can use it to take pictures and even _ _ hotels. rezervasyon yapmakbook
I also use my smartphone for _ _. eğlenceentertainment
I often_ _ interesting videos with my YouTube app. aramak, bulmaya çalışmaksearch for
I _ _ a lot of important information in the device. tutmak, saklamakkeep
_ _, I can’t live without my smartphone. temel olarakBasically
The giraffe has a long ________ . boyunneck
My sister has a _______ of cats, she is afraid of themphobia
Today I ________ games. - oynadıımplayed
I talked ___ my friends.to
Dolphins live in ____ sea.the
Baby Yoda is ________ and cuteshort
It ........... a special power. yok sahip değildoesn't have
It is ................... en güçlüthe strongest.
It doesn't have a ............ ruhsoul
They all together ............. the character of Enart. oluşturmakform
The movie ____ by the whole family last night. izlendiwas wached
1. The book ____ by me yesterday. okundu.was read
10. The computer _____ by the technician yesterday. _ tamir edildiwas fixed
3.5 Huawei _____ in China. üretiliris produced
My cousins ______ _______ to my housecame over
I am ________ __________ of scootersafraid (or) scared
I ________ to ____ bikesprefer - ride
I enjoy ________climbing
I like ______ _____ __________going for walks
I like Ronaldo because he is kind, he ________ ___ ________ and he helps people who need moneydonates for charity
My ________ basketball team is The Lakersfavorite
Ronaldo plays _____ Al-Nasr football teamfor
They _ _ to see the new movie this weekend.would like
I won’t _ _ play computer games.be able to
Roblox and Brawlstars are ____ games._ _Roblox ve Brawlstars oldukça farklı oyunlardır._ _quite different
Roblox ___ for a while, so I couldn’t play it last week._ _Roblox bir süreliğine kapalı olduğundan geçen hafta oynayamadım._ _was closed
Roblox was closed for a while, so I ___ it last week._ _Roblox bir süreliğine kapalı olduğundan geçen hafta oynayamadım._ _couldn’t play
Roblox is ___ closed. _ _Roblox hala kapalı. _ _still
I don’t know __ Roblox was blocked._ _Roblox'un neden engellendiğini bilmiyorum._ _why
When I play Brawlstars, I ___ a character to play with. _ _Brawlstars oynadığımda oynayacak bir karakter seçmem gerekiyor. _ _need to choose
My cousin plays with Dynamite, ___ is a character in the game Brawlstars._ _Kuzenim Brawlstars oyunundaki bir karakter olan Dynamite ile oynuyor._ _which
With Chester, I fight against some other characters, ___ are actually real people. _ _Chester'la aslında gerçek insan olan diğer bazı karakterlere karşı savaşıyorum. _ _who
With Chester, I fight against some other characters, who are ___ real people._ _Chester ile aslında gerçek insan olan diğer bazı karakterlere karşı savaşıyorum._ _actually
I ____ other real users. _ _Diğer gerçek kullanıcılara karşı savaşıyorum. _ _fight against
Chester ___ some bombs. _ _Chester biraz bomba atabilir. _ _can throw
Chester can throw some ____. _ _Chester bazı zehirli şişeleri fırlatabilir. _ _poison bottles
Chester can ____ his life. _ _Chester hayatını yeniden doldurabilir. _ _refill
He can ___ other characters. _ _Diğer karakterleri yavaşlatabilir. _ _slow down
My favorite character Chester ___ other characters. _ _Favori karakterim Chester diğer karakterleri dondurabiliyor. _ _can freeze
Each time Edgar hits his ___, he can refill his own life. _ _Edgar rakibine her vurduğunda kendi hayatını yeniden doldurabilir. _ _opponent
El Primo is a wrestler ____ is a very important fighter in the game. _ _El Primo, oyunda çok önemli bir dövüşçü olan bir güreşçidir. _ _who
El Primo is _______ characters in the game._ _El Primo oyundaki en ünlü karakterlerden biridir._ _one of the most famous
____ is Kit the strongest character in the game!_ _Kit nasıl oluyor da oyundaki en güçlü karakter oluyor?_ _How come
When Kit freezes his opponent, he can kill them ___. _ _Kit rakibini dondurduğunda onu kolaylıkla öldürebilir. _ _easily
I ____ Brawlstars cards many times._ _Brawlstars kartlarını birçok kez satın aldım._ _have bought
It is ____ to take Brawlstars cards to school. _ _Brawlstars kartlarını okula götürmek yasaktır. _ _forbidden