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level: Equations for force and extension

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level questions: Equations for force and extension

Extension of elastic objects is proportional to the force applied.Proportional Extension
How does the extension of an elastic object relate to the force applied?If an object is elastic (like a spring), the extension is directly proportional to the force applied.
There's a linear relationship between force and extension, seen by plotting a graph of force against extension.Linear Relationship
What type of relationship exists between force and extension in elastic objects?There is a linear relationship between force and extension.
The extension is only proportional to the force until the object reaches its limit of proportionality. Beyond this limit, the object won't return to its original length.Limit of Proportionality
What happens when an elastic object is stretched past its limit of proportionality?If an object is stretched past the limit of proportionality, it won't return to its original length.
Beyond the limit of proportionality, the graph of force against extension is no longer a straight line, indicating a non-linear relationship.Non-Linear Relationship
How does the graph of force against extension change beyond the limit of proportionality?Beyond the limit of proportionality, the graph of force against extension is no longer a straight line, showing a non-linear relationship.
There's an equation to describe linear elastic distortion. The equation is ? = ??Equation for Force and Extension
The equation is true for both compression and extension of elastic objects. The symbol "x" represents either compression or extension.Compression and Extension
What does the symbol "x" represent in the equation ? = ???It represents either compression or extension.
To find the extension of a spring, subtract the original length of the spring from the final length.Finding Extension
How do you find the extension of a spring?Subtract the original length of the spring from the final length.
The spring constant is a measure of the stiffness of a spring (or other elastic object). It is different for different elastic objects.Spring Constant
What does the spring constant measure?The stiffness of a spring or other elastic object.
The greater the spring constant of a spring, the stiffer the spring.Greater Spring Constant
What does a greater spring constant indicate about a spring?It indicates that the spring is stiffer.
The spring constant (k) can be calculated using the equation ? = ?? or from the gradient of the graph of force against extension.Calculating Spring Constant
How can the spring constant (k) be calculated?Using the equation ? = ?? or from the gradient of the graph of force against extension.
You can calculate the work done in stretching a spring.Work Done in Stretching a Spring
What happens when a force stretches or compresses a spring?A force that stretches (or compresses) a spring does work on it.
The work done on the spring is stored as elastic potential energy.Elastic Potential Energy
What happens to the work done on a spring?It is stored as elastic potential energy.
When the spring is released, the elastic potential energy is released.Release of Spring
What happens when a stretched spring is released?The elastic potential energy is released.
If not elastically deformed, the work done on the spring is equal to the elastic potential energy stored.Work Done and Elastic Potential Energy
Under what condition is the work done on a spring equal to the elastic potential energy stored?If the spring is not elastically deformed.
The work done in stretching a spring can be calculated with an equation:Equation for Work Done
The equation only works if you don't go beyond the limit of proportionality.Limit of Proportionality
When does the equation for calculating work done on a spring apply?The equation only works if you don't go beyond the limit of proportionality.