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level: Hardware

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level questions: Hardware

considerations to take into account for a certain clients needsweight , compatibility and portability of the device CPU, RAM and processing power battery size in relation to the use of the device WIFI and other communicatory factors size and interactivity of the device cost and price to performance ratio
considerations to take into account for a certain clients needsweight , compatibility and portability of the device CPU, RAM and processing power battery size in relation to the use of the device WIFI and other communicatory factors size and interactivity of the device cost and price to performance ratio
considerations to take into account for a certain clients needsweight , compatibility and portability of the device CPU, RAM and processing power battery size in relation to the use of the device WIFI and other communicatory factors size and interactivity of the device cost and price to performance ratio
considerations to take into account for a certain clients needsweight , compatibility and portability of the device CPU, RAM and processing power battery size in relation to the use of the device WIFI and other communicatory factors size and interactivity of the device cost and price to performance ratio
considerations to take into account for a certain clients needsweight , compatibility and portability of the device CPU, RAM and processing power battery size in relation to the use of the device WIFI and other communicatory factors size and interactivity of the device cost and price to performance ratio
considerations to take into account for a certain clients needsweight , compatibility and portability of the device CPU, RAM and processing power battery size in relation to the use of the device WIFI and other communicatory factors size and interactivity of the device cost and price to performance ratio
considerations to take into account for a certain clients needsweight , compatibility and portability of the device CPU, RAM and processing power battery size in relation to the use of the device WIFI and other communicatory factors size and interactivity of the device cost and price to performance ratio
considerations to take into account for a certain clients needsweight , compatibility and portability of the device CPU, RAM and processing power battery size in relation to the use of the device WIFI and other communicatory factors size and interactivity of the device cost and price to performance ratio
Function of the CPUThe brains of the computer Processes and calculates information required by the OS attached to the motherboard handles instructions received from both the soft/hardware consists of the control unit and arithmetic logic unit
Function of the RAMPrimary memory that stores short term data for programs Ram is also attached to the motherboard
Function of the SSD/HDDsecondary memory of the computer responsible for storing long term data often has a larger storage capacity than the primary memory but slower access speeds is attached to the motherboard or through an external port (USBA USBC)
Function of the motherboardthe body of the computer that connects all internal and external components information passes through the motherboard to other parts of the computer depending on where they are needed can be compared to an airport or any sort of hub for data from part to part
Function of the GPUprocessing unit for graphics converts data to colour outputs on a display often include video out ports they are connected to the motherboard can be integrated into the CPU
Function of the NICprovides the computer with wired and/or wireless network connections connected to the motherboard
Traits of a desktop computerdesigned to be interacted with external hardware or integrated external hardware often heavy and unportable often lack screen interactivity or require additional external hardware
Traits of a mobile devicehandheld and portable touch screen and integrated buttons used for interaction touch screen designed with user experience in mind so will have to be appropriately sized can be many forms of a device not just phones and tablets often include a lot of digital convergence that has been shrunk down (cameras, speakers etc)
Pros and Cons of a desktopPROS often more powerful easily connected to wired servers quick data transfer and processing speeds does not suffer from the effects of a battery hardware can be swapped out to easily keep up-to-date more suitable for offices schools and workspaces CONS heavy and not particularly portable often much more expensive although the price is justified by performance not as interactable as mobile or other devices without additional hardware
Pros and Cons of a mobile devicesPROS portable and can be taken virtually anywhere more interactive features through the use of a touchscreen more comfortable for a broader range of activities CONS is often less powerful even at similar price points due to the loss of performance when compacting tech limited by the capacity of the battery limited by geographical location in terms of cell service and internet small screen lacks the advantages of larger screens smaller screens can be less useable
Developing trends in technologyFingerprint scanners and other forms of biometrics scanners NFC (near field communication) only really used for payments in mobile devices as 3rd party apps are blocked by producers, can also use apples beacon to scan a chip which communicates information similar to a QR Wearable Technology due to lack of innovation in mobile tech companies are looking to revolutionise other aspects of everyday life such as watches, rings or glasses VR and AR can be used for many tasks but mostly for gaming, entertainment and online collaboration
what is digital convergence?is the concept that refers to when multiple functions of differing devices are combined into one device
Effects of digital convergenceoften makes devices cheaper than buying several other devices to achieve the same purpose causes redundancy in older devices possibly having economic impacts forms dependency on single devices (one point of failure could be catastrophic) more convenient for the user but does heavily rely on the processing power and battery of the device
considerations to take into account for a certain clients needsweight , compatibility and portability of the device CPU, RAM and processing power battery size in relation to the use of the device WIFI and other communicatory factors size and interactivity of the device cost and price to performance ratio