Estás en modo de exploración. debe iniciar sesión para usar MEMORY

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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

central nervous system componentsBrain spinal cord contains relay neurons(interneurons)
Peripheral nervous system componentscranial nerves peripheral nerves contains: sensory neurons motor neurons
devisions of the PNSafferent(away from CNS) -somatic from organs -viceral from skin and organs Efferent (towards) -somatic- skeletal muscles -Autonomic-heart, involuntary muscles, glands i. sympathetic-fight flight i.i. parasympathetic -normal function
CerebrumBiggest section outer surface= grey matter inner = white matter- militated fibres additional grey matter central- basal ganglia mental functions such as thinking, reasoning, learning, memory perception, senses, control of VOLENTARY MUSCLE CONTRACTIONS
thalamusgrey matter structure near brain centre, above mid brain just above hypothalamus
lobes of cerebrumfrontal -cognitive function, voluntary movement parietal lobes, info about taste, temp, touch, movement occipital -vision tempural -memory and senses
corpus callosumwide band of nerved under cerebrum, crossing hemispheres, allows brain communication
Cerrebellumlies under rear cerebrum posture, balance, fine coordination, voluntary muscles receives sensory info from ear, posture balance and stretch receptors-muscles
hypothalamusmiddle brain bellow pituitary homeostasis
Medulla oblongatacontinuation of spine vital control center cardiac, respiratory, vasomotor, reflexes, swallowing, coughing regulated by hypothalamus
cerebral cortexouter layer of cerebrum-consists of the 4 lobes