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level: Red-shift (HARD)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Red-shift (HARD)

The Doppler effect describes the change in frequency and wavelength of waves from a moving source.Doppler Effect
What does the Doppler effect describe?The change in frequency and wavelength of waves from a moving source.
When an ambulance is moving towards you, its siren has a higher pitch than normal.Ambulance Siren Towards
What happens to the pitch of an ambulance siren when it moves towards you?It has a higher pitch than normal.
When an ambulance is moving away from you, its siren has a lower pitch than normal.Ambulance Siren Away
What happens to the pitch of an ambulance siren when it moves away from you?It has a lower pitch than normal.
When a wave source is moving towards an observer, the waves bunch together. The wavelength decreases, and the frequency increases. This makes sound waves have a higher pitch and makes light waves more blue.Waves Moving Towards
What happens to waves when the source moves towards an observer?The waves bunch together, wavelength decreases, frequency increases, making sound waves higher pitch and light waves more blue.
When a wave source is moving away from an observer, the waves are spread apart. The wavelength increases, and the frequency decreases. This makes sound waves have a lower pitch and makes light waves more red.Waves Moving Away
What happens to waves when the source moves away from an observer?The waves spread apart, wavelength increases, frequency decreases, making sound waves lower pitch and light waves more red.
The Universe contains a huge number of galaxies.The Universe contains a huge number of galaxies.
What does the Universe contain a huge number of?Galaxies.
A galaxy is made of millions and millions of solar systems.Composition of a Galaxy
What is a galaxy made of?Millions and millions of solar systems.
Our Solar System is in a galaxy called the Milky Way.Milky Way Galaxy
What is the name of the galaxy that contains our Solar System?The Milky Way.
The light from distant galaxies is red-shifted.Red-Shifted Light
What is the phenomenon where light from distant galaxies shifts to a longer wavelength?Red-shift.
Light from a star does not include all the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum because elements in the star absorb some of the wavelengths.Star Light Wavelengths
Why does light from a star not include all the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum?Because elements in the star absorb some of the wavelengths.
Viewed from Earth, some of the colours are missing, and we see dark lines where they should be.Missing Colours
What do we see when some colours of light from a star are missing?Dark lines where the colours should be.
Different elements absorb different wavelengths of light. When we can't see a particular colour, we know it has been absorbed by a particular element.Element Absorption
How do we know which element has absorbed a particular colour of light?Different elements absorb different wavelengths, so when a colour is missing, it indicates absorption by a specific element.
The lines for each element always have the same spacing.Line Spacing
What is consistent about the lines representing each element's absorption?The lines always have the same spacing.
With light from distant galaxies, the lines are closer to the red end of the spectrum. They have shifted to a longer wavelength, known as red-shift.Red-Shift in Distant Galaxies
What happens to the absorption lines in the light from distant galaxies?They shift to the red end of the spectrum, indicating a longer wavelength, known as red-shift.
Red-shift shows that space is expanding.Red-Shift and Expansion
What does red-shift indicate about space?It shows that space is expanding.
Red-shift means that the galaxy or star being observed is moving away from the Earth.Red-Shift Meaning
What does red-shift mean about the movement of a galaxy or star?It means the galaxy or star is moving away from the Earth.
The expanding space between the galaxy or star and the Earth stretches out the wavelengths and causes the shift.Wavelength Stretching
What causes the stretching of wavelengths in red-shift?The expanding space between the galaxy or star and the Earth.
The further away a galaxy is, the more the light is shifted to the red end of the spectrum. The further the galaxy, the bigger the increase in wavelength.Distance and Red-Shift
What happens to the red-shift as a galaxy gets further away?The light is more shifted to the red end of the spectrum, indicating a bigger increase in wavelength.
This shows that more distant galaxies are moving away from us faster than closer galaxies.Distant Galaxies
What does the red-shift of distant galaxies indicate about their movement compared to closer galaxies?More distant galaxies are moving away faster than closer galaxies.
What does the red-shift of galaxies provide evidence for?That the Universe is expanding.
Since 1998, observations of supernovae have shown that distant galaxies are moving away faster and faster.Supernova Observations
What have observations of supernovae since 1998 shown?That distant galaxies are moving away faster and faster.
Both the Big Bang and Steady State theories agree that the Universe is expanding. Red-shift provides evidence to support both theories.Supporting Theories
Which two theories agree that red-shift shows the Universe is expanding?The Big Bang and Steady State theories.