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level: Theories on the origin of the universe (HARD)

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level questions: Theories on the origin of the universe (HARD)

Red-shift tells us that distant galaxies are moving away from us.Red-Shift
What does red-shift indicate about distant galaxies?They are moving away from us.
If galaxies are moving, at some point in the past they must have been closer together.Past Galaxy Movement
What does the movement of galaxies imply about their past positions?They must have been closer together.
The Big Bang theory says that the Universe began from a very small region that was extremely hot and dense.Big Bang Theory
According to the Big Bang theory, how did the Universe begin?From a very small region that was extremely hot and dense.
About 13.8 billion years ago, this tiny point exploded.13.8 Billion Years Ago
When did the Big Bang occur?About 13.8 billion years ago.
The explosion caused the Universe to expand, and the expansion is still happening today.Universe Expansion
What caused the Universe to expand, and is this expansion still happening?The explosion caused by the Big Bang, and yes, the expansion is still happening today.
The Steady State theory says that the Universe has always existed.Steady State Theory Existence
What does the Steady State theory say about the existence of the Universe?It says that the Universe has always existed.
The Steady State theory says that the Universe is always expanding.Steady State Expansion
What does the Steady State theory say about the expansion of the Universe?It says that the Universe is always expanding.
According to the Steady State theory, new matter is always being created as the Universe expands.New Matter Creation
What does the Steady State theory say about the creation of matter?It says that new matter is always being created as the Universe expands.
This means the average density of the Universe would remain constant.Density Consistency
According to the Steady State theory, what happens to the average density of the Universe as it expands?It remains constant.
Evidence to support the Big Bang theory includes red-shift and cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation.Big Bang Evidence
What evidence supports the Big Bang theory?Red-shift and cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation.
Observations of red-shift support the Big Bang theory. However, observations of red-shift can also be accounted for by the Steady State theory.Red-Shift Observations
Which theory can be supported by red-shift observations?Both the Big Bang theory and the Steady State theory.
The Big Bang theory says that large amounts of gamma radiation were released in all directions by the explosion.Gamma Radiation Release
According to the Big Bang theory, what type of radiation was released during the explosion?Large amounts of gamma radiation in all directions.
The expansion of the Universe would have increased the wavelength of this radiation, so it would now be microwave radiation.Radiation Wavelength Increase
What happened to the gamma radiation as the Universe expanded?Its wavelength increased, so it is now microwave radiation.
The Big Bang theory predicts that this radiation should be detected today, in all directions.Prediction of Radiation Detection
What does the Big Bang theory predict about the radiation from the explosion?It should be detected today, in all directions, as microwave radiation.
In 1964, two astronomers detected faint microwave radiation coming from all directions with a new radio telescope. This microwave radiation matched the predictions of the Big Bang theory.1964 Discovery
What significant discovery was made in 1964 that supported the Big Bang theory?Faint microwave radiation was detected from all directions, matching the predictions of the Big Bang theory.
This radiation is called cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation.CMB Radiation
What is the name of the microwave radiation detected that supports the Big Bang theory?Cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation.
Both the Big Bang theory and the Steady State theory say the Universe is expanding.Universe Expansion
Which theories state that the Universe is expanding?Both the Big Bang theory and the Steady State theory.
Both theories can explain the observations of galaxies being red-shifted.Red-Shift Explanation
Which theories can explain the red-shift of galaxies?Both the Big Bang theory and the Steady State theory.
However, only the Big Bang theory can explain the observations of CMB radiation.CMB Radiation Explanation
Which theory explains the observations of CMB radiation?Only the Big Bang theory.
This means the Big Bang theory has more evidence supporting it than the Steady State theory.Evidence Support
Which theory has more evidence supporting it?The Big Bang theory.
Therefore, most scientists support the Big Bang theory.Scientific Support
Which theory do most scientists support and why?Most scientists support the Big Bang theory because it has more evidence supporting it.