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level: 13 DM

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 13 DM

I will…………….. do a plan for this summer. yapamayacağımnot be able to
I …….. go to the beach in summer with my family. giderdimused to
I went ……. a picnic with my friends last.on
In most of the place it is…………….. to make barbecue.allowed
The prices in Yasemin cafe are …………….. . makul, karşılanabiliraffordable
I ……………. do a plan on the Eid El Adha. belki yapabilirimmight
We stayed …….. a Hotel.in
I ………………. Balikesir once.have been to
I …… used to working in my new workplace. alıştımgot
For me, It takes little bit more time to be ………… with others in a new place. yakınclose
I don’t share many special things with ……….. . diğerleriyleothers.
I wouldn’t like to …… a manager in the future.be
We are……………. siblings. gibilike
She usually ………… İzmir. gidertravels to
I………….. my friends. buluştummet
Friendships and Neighborhood ……… important.are
I have been living in the same ……………… for thirty years. mahalledeneighborhood
……. western part of Turkey, people are more friendly.In the
I’m …………. with my new job. (Yeni işimden memnunum.)satisfied
My new office is ………… . (Yeni ofisim daha kalabalık.)more crowded
They work ……… . (Sıkı çalışıyorlar.)hard
My office is far away ……… my house. (İş yerim evime çok uzak.)from
My office is …….. the first floor. (Ofisim birinci katta.)on
We are still ………….. . (Hala iletişim halindeyiz.)in touch
I can ……… it with my workplace. (Bunu iş yerimle karşılaştırabilirim.)compare
Everybody …….. a table. (Herkesin bir masası var.)has
Everybody …….. working at their table. (Everybody is working on their table.)is
Despite the accident, everyone in the car was ……………..(hayatta)alive
………………the accident, everyone in the car was alive. -e rağmenDespite
She ………………. stamps(pul) as a hobby.(Toplamak)collects
There are many …………………in the technology sector.(İş olanakları)job opportunities
I am trying to ………….to my new job. adapte olmakadapt
………………………. give me the salt? Lütfe uzatabilir misinCould you please
The two companies reached an …………… on the terms (şartlar) of the partnership. anlaşmaagreement
I go …….. on the weekend. (Hafta sonu koşuya gidiyorum.)jogging
When I …… a university student, I used to exercise. (Üniversite öğrencisiyken spor yapardım.)was
I don’t ……… these days. (Bu günlerde çalışmıyorum.)work out
We need to exercise …….. energetic. (Enerjik olmak için spor yapmalıyız.)to be
I used to ……. home. (Evde yürüyerek gidiyordum.)walk
My …….. was to lose weight. (Amacım kilo vermekti.)purpose
I want to stay healthy and ………… . (Sağlıklı ve formda kalmak istiyorum.)in shape
I ……. eat fast food. (Nadiren fast food yerim.)rarely
I eat salads ……… . (Düzenli olarak salata yiyorum.)regularly
I don’t pay attention to my ……… . (Beslenmeme dikkat etmiyorum.)diet
I don’t have …………. . (Yüksek tansiyonum yok.)high blood pressure
I went to cast my ……….. . oy vermeye gittimvote
……………. are Manager, Engineer and officers. bazılarıSome of them
I ……… at my last workplace for four years. çalıştımhave worked
I am a ……………….. person. hassassensible
The Eids are not the same ……. they were in the past.as
……………… goes to Çorum to Visit my Grandparents, because They are not alive. hiçkimseNobody
…………….was there when I arrived home. hiçkimseNobody
………………wasn't there when I arrived home. hiçkimseAnybody
That was the …………..movie I've ever seen. en kötüworst
That was the worst movie I've …………..seen. hayatımdaever
It would be ……………….to save some money for emergencies. mantıklısensible
The history books are filled with tales of ……………………. among royal families. taht kavgalarıthrone fights
We need to hire an …………… person to lead the project. tecrübeliexperienced
The movie's ending was so…………….that it brought tears to my eyes. duygusalemotional
Business meetings typically require ……………….attire. resmiformal
They get a …….. . (Boşanıyorlar.)divorce
He is from a ……… family. (Kendisi geleneksel bir aileden geliyor.)traditional
We are highly …….. on the Internet. (İnternete oldukça bağımlıyız.)dependent
Social media is highly ……… . (Sosyal medya oldukça bağımlılık yapıcıdır.)addictive
I send videos …… my friends. (Arkadaşlarıma video gönderiyorum.)to
I ……. hear. (Duyamadım.)couldn’t
I learn new ……. on Instagram. (Instagram'da yeni tarifler öğreniyorum.)recipes
People are …….. to social media. (İnsanlar sosyal medyaya bağımlı hale geldi.)addicted
I ____ in the hospital for my cousin. _ _kalmak zorunda kaldımhad to stay
My cousin wanted ___ to stay with her in the hospital. _ _benim kalmamı istedime
She normally works ___ an office girl in a company. _ _olarakas
It ___ forty five minutes to go to Torbalı by car. _ _sürertakes
She ___ kids. _ _sahiptirhas
She has a ____ ._ _kız evlatdaughter
She has a daughter ____ is only two years old. _ _who
Her daughter ____ with her grandma. _ _was
Eda is a ____ girl. _ _güzelbeautiful
Eda likes ____ cartoons._ _izlemeyito watch
Eda likes to watch ____._ _çizgi filmlercartoons
Her ____ are retired. _ _büyük ebeveynlergrandparents
Eda likes ____. _ _onlarıthem
They have two _____ ._ _ çocukchildren
I ____ to have siblings. _ _isterdimwould like
I would like to have ____. _ _kardeşlersiblings
I don’t like _____ alone. _ _to be
Because I don’t have brothers and sisters, I ___ to shopping with someone. _ _gidememcan’t go
I have never _ _ pottery. yapmayı denemektried to make
_ _ They have many toys, They play computer games.BileEven If
I _ _to my job day by day Günden güne alışıyorum.am getting used
I have a ____. _ _çözümsolution
Some people can’t smell anything, ____. _ _hem de hiçat all
When you see a good move, ____ a better one. _ _aralook for
____ to my books, I have a lot of magazines. _ _In addition
A man opens the door ____ flight. _ _esnasındaduring
The police ____ a man. _ _tutukladıarrested
Before the plane ______, …. ._ _yere inmeden öncelanded
The ____ caused fear among the passengers. _ _ olayincident
The incident _____ fear among the passengers._ _sebep olducaused
The incident caused fear _____ the passengers._ _arasındaamong
The incident caused ___ among the passengers._ _korkufear
____ leaving Ayşe, Mehmet started dating with Zeynep. _ _-den sonraAfter
Although nobody _____, nine people had breathing problems. _ _kimse yaralanmamasına rağmengot hurt
The ____ was a 33-year-old passenger who was sitting near the emergency exit._ _şüphelisuspect
The suspect was a 33-year-old ____ who was sitting near the emergency exit._ _yolcupassenger
She works in a restaurant in the evenings _______ doing a full-time job . (Tam zamanlı bir işte çalışmasının yanı sıra .......)as well as
I ________ my computer repaired. (Bilgisayarımı tamir ettirdim.)had
We _______ our house painted. (Evimizi boyattık.)had
He had his teeth _______. (Dişlerini çektirdi.)pulled
She had her car________. (Arabasını yıkattı.)washed
They _______ their hair cut. (Saçlarını kestirdiler.)had