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level: Level 14

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 14

How is it?Exp / どうですか?
How is it? (a casual way of saying どうですか?)Exp / どう?
how long/ どのぐらい
how many (asking quantity)N / いくつ
how many (items)N / なんこ
how much (asking price)N / いくら
how oldN / なんさい
how old (asking age)N / いくつ
HueN / フエ
Huh? / What? / Pardon?Exp / え?
Huh?! (expresses surprise)Exp / え~!
I / myselfN / わたし
I can speak / understand it.Exp / できます
I do not understand.Exp / わかりません
I don't / no (negative of ある)イA / ない
I don't know yet.Exp / まだわかりません
I don't really know.Exp / ちょっと、わからないですね
I don't really like ~.Exp / ~はちょっと…
I have arrived home.Exp / つきました
I have it.Exp / ありますよ/あるよ
I like it.Exp / すきです
I look forward to getting to know you.Exp / (どうぞ)よろしく
I see. (a casual way of saying そうですか)Exp / そう
I see. (indicates that the speaker has understood what the other person is saying)Exp / そうですか
I understand.Exp / わかります
I understand. (a casual way of saying わかりました)Exp / わかった
I will introduce you.Exp / しょうかいします
I will take ~.Exp / ~にのります
ice creamN / アイスクリーム
iced coffeeN / アイスコーヒー
IkebukuroN / いけぶくろ
I'll be in your care. (polite expression used when meeting someone who will look after you)Exp / おせわになります
I'll bring them to you. (polite expression used by staff)Exp / おもちします
I'll have ~.Exp / ~にします
I'll show you. (polite expression)Exp / ごあんないします/ごあんないいたします
I'll try to look.Exp / さがしてみます
I'm looking forward to it.Exp / たのしみですね
I'm sorry.Exp / すみません
immediately/ すぐに