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level: Allotropes of carbon

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level questions: Allotropes of carbon

Substances where every atom is linked to other atoms by strong covalent bonds.Giant Covalent Structures
What are substances called where every atom is linked to other atoms by strong covalent bonds?These substances have giant covalent structures.
Chemical bonds formed by the sharing of electron pairs between atoms.Covalent Bonds
What type of bonds hold atoms together in giant covalent structures?Lots of strong covalent bonds hold atoms together in giant covalent structures.
The temperatures at which substances change state from solid to liquid (melting) or liquid to gas (boiling).Melting and Boiling Points
What property do giant covalent substances typically have due to the strong covalent bonds?Therefore giant covalent substances have very high melting and boiling points.
Why do giant covalent substances typically have high melting and boiling points?It takes a lot of energy to overcome all of the covalent bonds in giant covalent structures.
A form of carbon in which each carbon atom is covalently bonded to four other carbon atoms in a three-dimensional lattice structure.Diamond
What is an example of a substance with a giant covalent structure?Diamond is an example of a giant covalent structure.
A form of carbon in which each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three other carbon atoms in flat layers.Graphite
What is another example of a substance with a giant covalent structure, besides diamond?Graphite is another example of a substance with a giant covalent structure.
A chemical element with the symbol C and atomic number 6.Carbon
What elements are found in both diamond and graphite?Diamond and graphite both contain covalently bonded carbon atoms, as they are two different forms of carbon.
A form of carbon in which each carbon atom is covalently bonded to four other carbon atoms in a three-dimensional lattice structure.Diamond
What is the structure of diamond?Diamond has a giant covalent structure made of carbon atoms.
Chemical bonds formed by the sharing of electron pairs between atoms, resulting in a stable molecular structure.Strong Covalent Bonds
What type of bonds hold carbon atoms together in diamond?Each carbon atom in diamond forms 4 strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms.
The resistance of a material to deformation, indentation, or scratching.Hardness
What property does diamond possess due to its strong covalent bonds?The strong covalent bonds in diamond make it very hard.
The temperatures at which substances change state from solid to liquid (melting) or liquid to gas (boiling).Melting and Boiling Points
Why does diamond have a very high melting and boiling point?It takes lots of energy to overcome the strong covalent bonds in diamond, so it also has a very high melting and boiling point.
The ability of a material to conduct electricity.Electrical Conductivity
Does diamond conduct electricity? Why or why not?Diamond doesn't conduct electricity because there are no charged particles that are free to move.
Instruments or machines used for cutting, shaping, or removing material from a workpiece.Cutting Tools
Why is diamond used in cutting tools?Diamond is used in cutting tools because it's so hard that it can easily cut most other substances.
A form of carbon in which each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three other carbon atoms in flat layers.Graphite
What is the structure of graphite?Graphite is another giant covalent structure made of carbon atoms.
Chemical bonds formed by the sharing of electron pairs between atoms.Covalent Bonds
How many covalent bonds does each carbon atom in graphite form with other carbon atoms?Each carbon atom in graphite forms 3 covalent bonds with other carbon atoms.
A ring-like structure composed of six carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal shape.Hexagonal Rings
How are the carbon atoms arranged in graphite?The atoms in graphite are arranged in layers of hexagonal rings.
Forces of attraction between molecules.Intermolecular Forces
What type of forces exist between the layers of graphite?There are no covalent bonds between the layers of graphite, only weak intermolecular forces.
The property of a material to be easily compressed, shaped, or deformed.Softness
What property of graphite makes it soft and slippery?The ability of the layers of graphite to easily slide over each other due to weak intermolecular forces makes graphite soft and slippery.
A substance used to reduce friction between surfaces in contact with each other.Lubricant
Why is graphite useful as a lubricant?The layers of graphite can easily slide over each other due to weak intermolecular forces, making graphite soft and slippery, thus useful as a lubricant.
Electrons in a molecule, ion, or solid metal that are not associated with a single atom or covalent bond, but instead are free to move throughout the structure.Delocalised Electrons
Why can graphite conduct electricity?Graphite can conduct electricity because it has delocalised electrons.
The outermost energy level of an atom, containing the electrons involved in forming bonds with other atoms.Outer Shell
How many electrons does a carbon atom have in its outer shell?A carbon atom has 4 electrons in its outer shell.
Chemical bonds formed by the sharing of electron pairs between atoms.Covalent Bonds
Why are there no free electrons in diamond?Every carbon atom in diamond forms 4 covalent bonds, so there are no free electrons.
The internal energy of an object due to the kinetic energy of its atoms and/or molecules.Thermal Energy
Why is there one free electron in graphite?In graphite each carbon atom only forms 3 covalent bonds, so they each have 1 free electron.
How does the presence of delocalised electrons in graphite affect its ability to conduct heat?Delocalised electrons can transfer thermal energy, so graphite is a good conductor of heat.
A property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field.Electric Charge
How do delocalised electrons contribute to the conductivity of graphite?Delocalised electrons can carry an electric charge, making graphite a good conductor of electricity.
Conductive materials used to make electrical contacts with non-metallic parts of a circuit.Electrodes
How is graphite used in electronics?Graphite is useful in making electrodes due to its ability to conduct electricity.
A single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice structure.Graphene
What is graphene?Graphene is a single layer of graphite.
Having relatively little weight; not heavy.Lightweight
What is one of the notable characteristics of graphene?Graphene is very light and strong.
Having only length and width, with no thickness.Two-Dimensional
How many dimensions does graphene typically have?Graphene is two-dimensional.
The ability of a material to withstand an applied force without yielding or fracturing.Strength
How does the arrangement of carbon atoms in graphene contribute to its strength?Each carbon atom in graphene forms 3 covalent bonds, contributing to its strength.
The ability of a material to conduct electrical current.Electrical Conductivity
How does the presence of delocalised electrons in graphene affect its electrical properties?Like graphite, graphene is a good conductor of heat and electricity due to its delocalised electrons.
Materials made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce a material with characteristics different from the individual components.Composite Materials
What are materials created by adding graphene to metals, polymers, and ceramics called?The materials created are called composites.
Covalent structures with hollow shapes, typically consisting of rings of carbon atoms.Fullerenes
What are fullerenes?Fullerenes are covalent structures with hollow shapes, typically consisting of rings of carbon atoms.
A molecular structure consisting of atoms arranged in a closed loop or ring.Ring Structure
What are fullerene structures based on?Fullerene structures are based on rings of carbon atoms.
A ring structure consisting of six carbon atoms bonded together in a hexagonal shape.Hexagonal Ring
What is the typical composition of a carbon ring in a fullerene structure?Each ring usually contains 6 carbon atoms, forming a hexagonal ring. But some fullerenes contain rings with 5 or 7 carbon atoms.
A type of fullerene with a spherical shape, containing 60 carbon atoms.Buckminsterfullerene (C60)
Which fullerene was the first to be discovered?Buckminsterfullerene (C60) was the first fullerene to be discovered.
Molecules composed entirely of carbon, usually in the form of hollow spheres, ellipsoids, or tubes.Fullerenes
What properties make fullerenes useful in strengthening materials?Fullerenes are light and strong, allowing them to strengthen materials without adding much weight.
Electrons that are not associated with a single atom or covalent bond but instead are free to move throughout the structure.Delocalised Electrons
How do delocalised electrons contribute to the conductivity of heat and electricity in fullerenes?Delocalised electrons in fullerenes allow them to conduct heat and electricity effectively.
The ratio of the surface area of an object to its volume.Surface Area to Volume Ratio
How does the high surface area to volume ratio of fullerenes make them useful as catalysts?The high surface area to volume ratio of fullerenes makes them effective catalysts because more reactive sites are available for chemical reactions.
Forces of attraction or repulsion between molecules.Intermolecular Forces
How do weak intermolecular forces contribute to the usefulness of fullerenes as lubricants?Weak intermolecular forces between fullerene molecules make them slippery, making them effective as lubricants.