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level: The eye (HARD)

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level questions: The eye (HARD)

A sense organ used by animals to perceive visual information from the surrounding environment.Eye
What is the function of the eye?The eye is a sense organ used by animals to see, perceiving visual information from the surrounding environment.
A small hole in the center of the iris that allows light to enter the eye.Pupil
What is the function of the pupil?The pupil is a small hole that lets light into the eye.
The colored part of the eye surrounding the pupil, controlling the size of the pupil.Iris
What is the role of the iris in the eye?The iris controls the size of the pupil, regulating the amount of light entering the eye.
The transparent outer covering of the eye that helps to refract (bend) light rays as they enter the eye.Cornea
What is the function of the cornea in the eye?The cornea helps to refract (bend) light rays as they enter the eye.
A transparent, flexible structure in the eye that further refracts (bends) light rays to focus them onto the retina.Lens
What is the role of the lens in the eye?The lens refracts (bends) light rays to focus them onto the retina for clear vision.
The innermost layer of the eye containing light-sensitive receptors called rods and cones.Retina
What is the function of the retina in the eye?The retina contains receptors called rods, sensitive to light intensity, and cones, sensitive to color, allowing for visual perception.
The colored part of the eye surrounding the pupil, controlling the size of the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye.Iris
What is the function of the iris in the eye?The iris controls how much light enters the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.
The innermost layer of the eye containing light-sensitive receptors called rods and cones.Retina
Why must the amount of light entering the eye be controlled?The amount of light entering the eye must be controlled because excessive brightness can damage the retina, while dim light may not stimulate the retina enough to form a clear image.
The process by which the iris decreases the size of the pupil in response to bright light.Contraction
What happens to the pupil size in bright light?In bright light, the iris contracts, making the pupil smaller to reduce the amount of light entering the eye.
The process by which the iris increases the size of the pupil in response to dim light.Relaxation
What happens to the pupil size in dim light?In dim light, the iris relaxes, making the pupil bigger to allow more light into the eye.
The small hole in the center of the iris that allows light to enter the eye.Pupil
What part of the eye controls the size of the pupil?The iris controls the size of the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye.
Tissues in the body that contract or relax to produce movement or control the size of structures.Muscles
How does the iris control the size of the pupil?The iris contains muscles that contract or relax to adjust the size of the pupil, controlling the amount of light entering the eye.
A transparent, flexible structure in the eye that helps to focus light onto the retina.Lens
How does the eye focus on objects that are near?To focus on a near object, muscles in the eye contract, making the lens thicker, which refracts light rays more strongly.
The bending of light as it passes through different substances or mediums.Refraction
What happens to the lens when focusing on a faraway object?To focus on a faraway object, muscles in the eye relax, making the lens thinner, causing light rays to be refracted only slightly.
The process by which muscles in the eye shorten or tighten.Contraction
What role do muscles play in the eye's ability to focus?Muscles in the eye contract or relax to adjust the shape of the lens, allowing the eye to focus on objects at different distances.
A vision condition where near objects appear blurry due to the inability of the eye to refract light rays enough, causing them to focus behind the retina.Long-sightedness
What is long-sightedness, and what causes it?Long-sightedness is a condition where near objects appear blurry because the lens is too thin, causing light rays to focus behind the retina.
A vision condition where far away objects appear blurry due to the inability of the eye to refract light rays appropriately (refracts too much), causing them to focus in front of the retina.Short-sightedness
What is short-sightedness, and what causes it?Short-sightedness is a condition where far away objects appear blurry because the lens is too thick, causing light rays to focus in front of the retina.
Where should light rays focus for normal vision?Light rays should focus precisely on the retina for normal vision to occur.
Curved lenses worn in eyeglasses to ensure that light rays focus properly on the retina, correcting vision problems such as short-sightedness or long-sightedness.Spectacle Lenses
How do spectacle lenses correct short-sightedness?Spectacle lenses for short-sightedness decrease the amount that light rays are refracted, ensuring they focus properly on the retina.
Thin lenses placed directly on the surface of the eye to correct vision problems, functioning similarly to spectacle lenses but providing greater convenience and aesthetic appeal.Contact Lenses
How do contact lenses differ from spectacle lenses?Contact lenses are placed directly on the eyeball and provide correction for vision problems without the need for eyeglasses.
A surgical procedure that corrects vision problems by reshaping the cornea using laser technology, providing a permanent solution for certain refractive errors.Laser Eye Surgery
How does laser eye surgery correct vision problems?Laser eye surgery reshapes the cornea, allowing light rays to focus properly on the retina, thereby correcting vision problems.
A surgical procedure in which the eye's natural lens is replaced with an artificial lens to correct severe vision problems or conditions such as cataracts.Lens Replacement Surgery
What is the purpose of lens replacement surgery?Lens replacement surgery aims to correct vision problems by replacing the eye's natural lens with an artificial one, providing clearer vision.
Various methods and technologies used to correct vision problems, including spectacle lenses, contact lenses, laser eye surgery, and lens replacement surgery.Vision Correction Technologies
What are some examples of vision correction technologies?Examples include spectacle lenses, contact lenses, laser eye surgery, and lens replacement surgery, all designed to correct vision problems and improve eyesight.
A medical condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to blurry vision.Cataract
What is a cataract?A cataract is a medical condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to blurry vision.
The process of removing the cloudy lens of the eye and replacing it with an artificial lens.Cataract Treatment
How is a cataract treated?A cataract is treated by removing the cloudy lens of the eye and replacing it with an artificial lens.
Cataracts that occur more frequently in older individuals due to natural aging processes affecting the lens tissues.Age-Related Cataracts
Why are cataracts more common in older people?Cataracts are more common in older people due to natural aging processes affecting the lens tissues.
A vision disorder where individuals have difficulty distinguishing between certain colors.Colour Blindness
What is colour blindness?Colour blindness is a vision disorder where individuals have difficulty distinguishing between certain colors.
A medical condition that is passed down from parents to their offspring through genes.Inherited Condition
How is colour blindness usually acquired?Colour blindness is usually an inherited condition, where cone cells in the retina don't work properly.
Photoreceptor cells in the retina responsible for detecting color and detail in bright light conditions.Cone Cells
What causes colour blindness?Colour blindness is usually caused by cone cells in the retina not working properly.
The absence of a medical treatment to completely cure or correct colour blindness.Colour Blindness Cure
Is there a cure for colour blindness?No, there is no cure for colour blindness.