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level: Adverbs with -ed + ly

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level questions: Adverbs with -ed + ly

cowed, passive, or shy. gentle or quiet (у приглушеній манері)in a subdued manner
(гідно)in a dignified fashion
worried or angry (схвильовано)agitatedly
used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.allegedly
justly; rightly. (заслужено)deservedly
resolute; staunch (рішуче)determinedly
depressed or discouraged by the failure of one's hopes or expectations (розчаровано)disappointedly
in a very enthusiastic and eager manner. (схвильовано)excitedly
moving or working rapidly (поспішно)hurriedly
in a very obvious way, usually to express criticism or disapproval (підкреслено)pointedly
again and again; over and over (неодноразово)repeatedly
according to what many people say (повідомляється)reportedly
in a way that is said to be true, although it is not known to be certain (за загальними відомостями)reputedly
used to show that you do not believe that something you have been told is true (нібито)supposedly
having or characterized by concerns; concerned; anxious (стурбовано)worriedly
adequate for the purpose; enough (достатньо)sufficiently
in a way that is stated to be true, although this may not be the case (нібито)purportedly
referes to a lighting technique that creates a soft and diffused light effect(приглушене освітлення)subdued lighting
(приглушений голос)a subdued voice
more and more angry (все більше хвилюється)increasingly agitated
in a way that was not expected or regarded as likely (несподівано)unexpectedly
undoubtedly; undeniably. (рішуче)decidedly
in a manner characterized by embarrassment, confusion, or shame (збентежено)abashedly
lost in thought; deeply engrossed or preoccupied. (поглинено)absorbedly
without paying attention to what is happening around you because you are thinking about something elseabstractedly
without paying attention to what you are doing or what is happening near you because you are thinking about other things (неуважно)absentmindedly
experiencing a sudden sense of danger (стривожено)alarmedly
used to express a concession or recognition that something is the case. (за загальним визнанням)admittedly
in a way that is artificial and not sincere. (манірно)affectedly
in a way that shows a lot of interest and energyanimatedly
filled with sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder; amazed (здивовано)astonishedly