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level: 30 Advanced Adverbs

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 30 Advanced Adverbs

In a reluctant or resentful manner (like you don’t really want to do it) (неохоче)begrudgingly
Doing something in a very obvious way (відверто)blatantly
In a way that is unpredictable or impulsive (примхливо)capriciously
In a secretive or hidden way. (таємно)clandestinely
In a way that concludes/finalizes the issue. (остаточно)definitively
In a strange way that causes discomfort. (збентежено)disconcertingly
In a way that is not balanced (непропорційно)disproportionately
In a way that requires little or no effort. (без зусиль)effortlessly
In an amazingly bad or shocking manner. (надзвичайно)egregiously
Extremely (надзвичайно)exceedingly
Expressing something in an honest and direct manner (відверто кажучи)frankly
In a fast manner (шалено)frantically
Done quickly and without much thought/preparation (поспішно)hastily
Done without intention (ненавмисно)inadvertently
Continuously (безперервно)incessantly
Definitely (безперечно)indisputably
In a way that is not effective or successful (неефективно)ineffectually
Always (незмінно)invariably
In a way that is contrary to what one might expect (іронічно)ironically
In a very thorough way (прискіпливо)meticulously
Apparently or seemingly true based on what is observable (but may not be true in reality) (нібито)ostensibly
Mainly or primarily (переважно)predominantly
In a deep or significant manner; with great intensity or seriousness. (глибоко)profoundly
In great quantities (рясно)profusely
In a determined and persistent way, without pause (невблаганно)relentlessly
In an ashamed or embarrassed manner (збентежено)sheepishly
Occasionally (епізодично)sporadically
In a manner that celebrates victory (тріумфально)triumphantly
When a group is in complete agreement (одноголосно)unanimously
With great enthusiasm (завзято)zealously