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level: State

Questions and Answers List

level questions: State

Do Liberals Reject the State? -What does this say about Constitution perhaps?-Well Liberals see the State as a Threat to Individual's Freedom and Liberty, so they advocate for a Limited Government -But the State is Necessary, and without such, we would live in Unsafe, Lawless Conditions. It's a Necessary Evil -Liberals believe Human Nature is Corruptible via Power, so those in Power need Hefty Limits placed on them, or else they may Exploit their Power -This is why Liberals really like Entrenched Constitutions, as it set out the checks and Balances, as well as the Powers. -Also, Liberals believes, at least Classical, that the State has no place in the Economy
Why is there Division over the State in Liberalism? What is an Enabling State?-Liberalism is Split over the Role of the State -Classical says the State should be a 'Nightwatchman' and protect Inflidival Freedom via Law -Modern calls for an Enabling State: Offering a Hand Up, not Handout, to allow Individuals to Achieve their reams and AIms and be Free (Positive Freedom!) -Modern justifies such because Capitalism and Limited State create Huge Inequalities, and thus hold people back from achieving what they want to do. The State must intervene, and ensure Equality of opportunity is Achieved and Positive Freedom. A Welfare State may even be made.