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level: Traditional Conservatism

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Traditional Conservatism

How did Traditional Conservatism come to be?-Traditional Conservatism is Authoritarian. Developing due to Fears of Radical Change and Belief in Human Equality from Supporters of the French Revolution and Enlightenment, this Form of Conservatism can even be linked to the Rise of Fascism in Europe, though it's not the only Influence -Opposing any new Reformist Ideas of the 18th Century, like Democracy and Individual Rights, it is a Reactionary, Backwards Ideology. It mainly focuses on Social Order and it Orgininally Represented Landowners Interests
What Core Values does Traditional Conservatism Stand for?-Important of Tradition and Custom, highlighting the Bonds that hold together the Past, Present and Future Generations -Burke argued Abounding Tradition and the 'Accumulated Wisdom of the Ages' and wanting Abstract Ideas, you get Social Disorder and Chaos -Takes a very Romantic View of the Past, and Rejects new ideas, such as Industrialisation, Traditional do Believe Greatly in Organic Society.
What Beliefs do Traditional Conservatives take when it comes to having a Successful Human Society-Huerachry is the essence and Core of all Successful Human Societies and is essential for our Survival. Being Obedient to those at the Top is Natural. Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) argued the Absolute Monarchy must be Restored in France because of this -Humans are seen as Sinful, Greedy, and Motivated by Negative Feelings and thus Unable to Grasp the world around them. Social Stability thus requires Strong Government to be made, and People to come together as an Organic Society, bound by institutions, Hierarchy and more
What happened with Traditional Conservativism during the 19th and 20th Century?-During the 19th Century, Traditional Conservatives were Seen as Defending Established Institutions, like the Church, Monarchy and Astreicotoracy. Later, they were gripped by the Rise of Industrialization and the Influence of the Middle Class -During the 20th Century, Traditional Conservatives saw Challenges from Socialism, liberalism and Fascism. After WWII, Traditional Conservatives had to adapt to the Changing Landscapes. The New Right began to be more prominent as the Cold War Progressed, and Traditional Conservatives had to Evolve and Reconcile their Beliefs with the Growth of Individual Rights, Diversity in Society and the Welfare State
What does Reactionary mean?-This means to look Backwards, wishing to Return to an Imagined Past. This is Critical for understanding Traditional Conservatism