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level: Microscopes

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Microscopes

A unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter, commonly used to measure small structures such as cells.Micrometre
What is the abbreviation for micrometre?The abbreviation for micrometre is µm.
The basic structural and functional unit of living organisms, typically microscopic in size.Cell
What is the typical size range of plant and animal cells?Plant and animal cells are typically about 10 to 100 micrometres across.
A single-celled microorganism belonging to the domain Bacteria, typically much smaller than plant and animal cells.Bacterial Cell
How do the sizes of bacterial cells compare to those of plant and animal cells?Bacterial cells are typically smaller than plant and animal cells, ranging from about 0.5 to 5 micrometres across.
The basic unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), equal to 100 centimetres or approximately 39.37 inches.Metre
What is the relationship between a micrometre and a metre?A micrometre is equal to one millionth of a metre (1 × 10-6 m), or approximately 0.000001 metres.
The physical dimensions or magnitude of an object, organism, or structure, often measured in units such as metres or micrometres.Size
Why are micrometres commonly used to measure small structures like cells?Micrometres are commonly used to measure small structures like cells because they provide a suitable scale for describing the microscopic dimensions of these biological entities.
The process of making an approximate calculation or judgement based on limited information or assumptions.Estimation
When is estimation useful in biology?Estimation is useful in biology when it is difficult to measure or count actual values, such as when dealing with large numbers of organisms or very small structures.
The process of determining the size, length, or amount of something using standard units or instruments.Measurement
Why might it be challenging to measure or count actual values in biology?It can be challenging to measure or count actual values in biology due to factors such as the large numbers of organisms, the small size of cellular structures, or limitations in observation techniques.
A value or result that is close to the actual value but not necessarily exact or precise.Approximation
How can estimation help in biology when dealing with large numbers of organisms?Estimation can help in biology when dealing with large numbers of organisms by providing approximate values without the need to count each individual organism.
A microscope that uses visible light to illuminate and magnify specimens, commonly used for viewing cells and cellular structures.Light Microscope
Give an example of when estimation might be used in biology when examining cellular structures.Estimation might be used in biology when examining cellular structures, such as estimating the size of a cell nucleus based on its proportion to the overall cell size.
The relationship or ratio of one part to another part or to the whole, often expressed as a fraction or percentage.Proportion
How can proportions be used in estimation in biology?Proportions can be used in estimation in biology by relating the size or quantity of one component to another component or to the overall system, allowing for approximate calculations or judgements.
The degree of closeness between a measured or calculated value and the true or accepted value of a quantity. For example, a plant cell is found to be 30 µm in length. We know that the length of its nucleus is about one-sixth of the length of the cell. So we can estimate the length of the nucleus is approximately 5 µm (30µm ÷ 6 = 5µm).Accuracy
What is the purpose of estimation in biology when accuracy is important?Even when accuracy is important in biology, estimation can be useful for obtaining approximate values quickly or when precise measurements are impractical or impossible.
A method of writing very large or very small numbers using powers of 10 to represent their magnitude.Standard Form
What is the purpose of standard form in representing numbers?Standard form is used to represent very large or very small numbers in a concise and manageable format using powers of 10.
The digit between 1 and 10 in a number written in standard form, which indicates the significant figures of the number.Leading Number
What range of values can the leading number in standard form have?The leading number in standard form must be between 1 and 10.
The exponent associated with the base 10 in a number written in standard form, indicating the magnitude of the number.Power of 10
How is standard form used to represent very large numbers?Standard form represents very large numbers by expressing them as a leading number multiplied by a power of 10, where the power indicates the number of digits to move the decimal point to the right.
The process of converting numbers written in standard form back to their usual numerical representation without powers of 10.Converting to Ordinary Numbers
Why is it helpful to convert numbers in standard form to ordinary numbers before adding or subtracting them?Converting numbers in standard form to ordinary numbers before addition or subtraction simplifies the calculation by aligning the decimal points of the numbers for easier arithmetic.
The process of multiplying numbers expressed in standard form by multiplying their leading numbers and adding their powers of 10.Multiplying Numbers in Standard Form
How are powers of 10 treated when multiplying numbers in standard form?When multiplying numbers in standard form, the powers of 10 are added together to determine the exponent of the result.
The process of dividing numbers expressed in standard form by dividing their leading numbers and subtracting their powers of 10.Dividing Numbers in Standard Form
How are powers of 10 treated when dividing numbers in standard form?When dividing numbers in standard form, the powers of 10 are subtracted from each other to determine the exponent of the result.
An instrument used to magnify small objects or organisms, such as cells, to enable detailed observation and study.Microscope
What is the primary function of a microscope?Microscopes are primarily used to magnify small objects or organisms, allowing for detailed observation and study.
A type of microscope that uses visible light and lenses to magnify and create an image of a sample.Light Microscope
How do light microscopes create magnified images of samples?Light microscopes use lenses to focus visible light onto a sample, resulting in magnification and the creation of an enlarged image.
The ability of a microscope to distinguish between points close together in a sample, determining the level of detail that can be observed.Resolution
What is resolution in the context of microscopy?Resolution refers to the microscope's ability to distinguish between closely spaced points in a sample, determining the level of detail that can be resolved in the image.
The maximum level of detail that a microscope can achieve, beyond which points in the sample appear blurred or indistinguishable.Limit of Resolution
What is the significance of the limit of resolution in microscopy?The limit of resolution defines the maximum level of detail that can be observed through a microscope, beyond which finer structures in the sample cannot be distinguished.
The process of enlarging the apparent size of an object or organism under observation through a microscope.Magnification
How does magnification contribute to the study of small objects using microscopes?Magnification increases the apparent size of small objects or organisms, allowing for detailed examination and study of their structures and features.
A type of microscope that uses a beam of electrons instead of light rays to create highly magnified images of samples, providing higher resolution and allowing for the study of smaller structures.Electron Microscope (Introduced in the 1930s)
What distinguishes an electron microscope from a light microscope?Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons instead of light rays to magnify samples, resulting in higher resolution and greater magnification capabilities.
Tiny, negatively charged particles that are fundamental constituents of matter and are utilized in electron microscopes to create magnified images of samples.Electrons
What role do electrons play in electron microscopes?Electrons are used to create a beam that passes through the sample in electron microscopes, enabling the generation of highly magnified images with enhanced resolution.
The ability of an electron microscope to distinguish between closely spaced points in a sample, allowing for the visualization of fine details.Resolution (in Electron Microscopes)
How does the resolution of an electron microscope compare to that of a light microscope?Electron microscopes typically have much higher resolution compared to light microscopes, allowing for the visualization of smaller and more intricate structures within samples.
The process of enlarging the apparent size of a sample under observation in an electron microscope, often to extremely high levels.Magnification (in Electron Microscopes)
What advancements in microscopy have electron microscopes facilitated?Electron microscopes have enabled biologists to study and understand smaller structures within cells and other samples, owing to their higher resolution and magnification capabilities compared to light microscopes.