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Buddhism Orgin-Began as a reform movement within Hindiusm,but it has become new religon(6th Century) -Similarities: Reincarnation-Hinduism(re-incarnation),Buddhism(rebirth) The law of Karma
3 key Differences Between Hinduism and Budhism1.Buddhism rejects the idea of the individual soul(atman)uniting with the universal source of life(brahman) 2.Buddhism does not following hindu holy writings 3.Buddhism are atheistic denies the existence of god/gods
Who was Buddha(Legends)-Not a name but a title the “enlighted one” -Siddharta Guatama is his name -560 BC he was born in northeastern india -Birth:Their was a saying to his father the king,he would either group a great spiritual leader or monarch(wanted to a monrach),the elephent(enter her this is the contacipation),birth was born standing up and according to it their was miraculous events,he began to walk 7 steps and a lotus flower he stopped and walks,I am chief of the earth last birth this would end his sufferment.He prophecy he will become that he will become the Buddha. -Early Years:His father dosen’t want him to happen he lives in luxury he was spoiled,married at age 16 had a son and harem,he feels empy,he wonder what is the purpose of life,his father told guards not to see this four sign for he would leave -They were going to a park,they saw an aging man,that man what has he done,well he is an ancient main because he can’t live long,will I also he is shocked till all the pleasures he is seen the others he goes back to room sorrowful he have never accepted,every day.he saw the 3 journey,he saw all the sufferin he feels hindu fails.He sees the happines in monk and he will cut hair put in robe and live this way and be a spiritual monk.At the age of 29 he has relized the truth of humanity and lives it behid.
Four Great signs(four relaties of life):-Old man -Diesed man -Dead man -Hermit monk
The Great renunciation-Told Father:not ride to hold a man by force a man who is anxious of a burning house(represents his life and hinduism0 -All pleasures and attachments are vain/worthless -What matter is true knowledge -The great renaucation:from a prince to seeke to wandering princer(he took of and wouldn’t return till his mission was
The quest for truth-Left home became a homeless wander at 29 -Began lifelong quest of truth and enlightenment -Concerned in the suffering of poor for hindu was corrupt and ineffecitve
Two extremes-Guatams early was (self indulance like desire and materialism and pleasure seeking),now he enter the extrem of self denial-ascestism(he deprives of al like fasting and yogal) -Abandoned both paths as futile and ineffective
Middle path-Middle path between the extreme of self indulgence(pleasure seeking) and self denial(ascetism) -Meditation that leads to enlightenment
Tempations-Struggled to find answers 7 years -Faced temptation from mara the evil one
Under the Bodhi tree-Passed through the hindu stage of conciousness (saw all of his previous incarnations,he grasped how he could escape samsara to achieve the goal) -Find the solutuion for 49 days -Mara(hind devil)lured him 3 temptations 1. The temptation of flesh(3 beautiful women to follow them,2nd temptation of the spirit(ferocious demons tried to frighten him of of mediation.3. The subtle temptation of pride(your spiritual growth and widsom is to profound for normal people don’t teach them)
Attaining Enlightment-Under the bohdi tree he attained the solution in meditation of enlightment -He attained the divine eye and perceived the eightfold path toward truth and liberation -He becomes the buddha(through night -Looking wtithin he attains this(no outward revelation) -He becom es a guru with disciples and spend 44 year in mediation and itinerant teaching(all beings are passed by enlightenment but most are blinded to this fact)
3 habit that blind englightment(avoid)-Desire -Anger -ignorance
Four noble truths-Suffering exist(dukkha-suffering (and unsatifactory,not tempory) -The cause of suffering is human desires(sleep,hunger) and passions -Suffering ceases when you elimanate human desire -Freedom from suffering is achieved by following the eightfold path
EightFold Path(before we act and speak)-Right knowlege -Right attitude -Right speech -Right action -Right occupation -Right effort -Right mindfulness -Right composure(concertation)
Core of Buddhas Teaching-Nothing exists independently -Nothing is eternal -“Non self” -Goal let go of all attachments since all is impermanent -Rebirth not reincarnation
Endless KnotLife leades on with the unity the six realms of existence
The Solution to Suffering-Life is temporary,sorrowfull and full of selfishness. -The solution to life problem is seek to achieve a state of consciousness where one progressively extingushes all of the yearning of self and denies the existence of one personal identity
The Three Refuges(when one become buddhist statement)-5 followers of buddha concieved by his example and sermon the deer park -Conversation formalized byy reciting the three refuges -Recited daily:I take refuge in the Buddha,I take refuge in the Dharma,I take refuge in the Sangha(congregation of the followers)
M editation-2 basic dimension -Samatha:focuses on a single object of concertation such as -breathing.Calm abiding which bring tranquility. -Vipassana:insight,mindfulness moved beyoung ordinary distraction to recognize the true nature of reality
Dharma-Law or teaching -Religious teaching or knowledge -Moral physical laws and knowledge -Teaching of buddh -Source:found within enlightenment -Regulates 4 elements:water,earth,fire,air
Dependant Co Arising-Nothing is permanent,everything is changing -No underlying reality=no god,no creator,no eternal being -Anatman=no self(5 skandhas) -God and self don’t exist -No self and reincarnation
Five Remembrance:-I am subject to aging -I am subject to ill health -I am going to die -Everyone and everything I love will change,and I will be seperated from them. -My only true possessions are my actions and I cannot escape their consequence
The Non self and reincarnation:-Buddha has vision of past lives -No self,then what is reincarnated -Believe in reincarnation -An incconsitent idea retained from hindu root of buddhism
Ethics:-Intention:whatever is intended to benefit oneself or others and does the least harm is ethical -Three poisons:Greed,hated and delusion -Five precepts -High ethics less absolute more situational
Five percepts:-No killing(respect for life) -No stealing(r for others property) -No sexual misconduct(pure nature) -Lying(r for honesty) -No intoxicants(r for clear mind)
Four Immeasurable:-Loving kindness to al -Compassion -Joy -equanimity=freedom from bias against others
Karma:Law of cause and effect(cosmic dimensions) Determines the quality of works and actions of ones lifes Establishes the order of universe Bondage to the cycle of good and evil actions Liberation from karma
Nirvana-Four noble truths built -Blowing out the flame of desire-the ultimate state beyond craving and desire -All human desires and craves are extinguensed since they are the source of suffering -Goal of enlightenment=liberation from samsara -Indivual self is extinguish,tranquil state of mind
Buddha image:-4 basic position:seating,standing,walking ,reclining -Each position indicates an attitude toward life -Modified images of buddha -Dimension of image -Perfect proportions -Harmony and expression of physical beauty -The ideal picture of a heavenly body
Buddhism and Atheism:-Buddha did not believe in god -Honor buddha but he is an enlightened human being,not a savioror redeemer -Pay homage to the spirits of nature and the spirits of ancestor
Bodhisattvas:-A person who is an path to bodhi(enlightement becoming buddha) -Budden oftend the bodhisattvas
Monks:-The ideal life -Belongings(3 robes,belt,bowl,needle,water strainer(respect for form of life) -Rule 227 for man,311 rules women -Place of worship(temple):pagoda -Offering and gifts at shrines(worship twice a day)
Shrine:-The center statue of buddha -3 baskets(sacred text) -Stupa -Water but in bowls and stows,minfulness practice
Tripitata=the three baskets:-3 set of sacred writing in theravade buddhism -3 parts: sutras(Sermon and dialogues),rules for monk,statemen t about doctrines -Most important life was 500 years after his death
Prayer Wheel:to accumulate merit, to help all beings in the world and to purify their karma (intentional actions
Prayer Clothes:Blessed for sacred deity to bring peace
Major Geographic Diviosion of BudhasimIslam,Hinduism,Vajrayana,Mahayana
Divisons with BuddhismTheavada -An original school,the tradition of the elder --Monastic:enlightment for select few monks -Buddha is the human ideal -Enlightment attained only through one’s own efforts(good karma) Mahayana(Biggest of the two) -Believe enlighenment is available for all -Focus:compassion -Rejection of Dualism -Pray to buddha for grace and deliverance -Bodhavistva:eternal being’s who are worthy of nirvana but postpone so they can help human being
Zen Buddhism-Zen means mediation -Most popular form of buddhism in west(famous of coach bull phill jackson,micheal b jordan that he was in the zone he took it from the context of in zen) -Enlightenment is totally dependent upon self efort(meditation)
Koan- A phrase,question,unsolvable problem -What is the sound of one hand clapping? -Objective:to push one’s mental ability into a non thinking mode by repeating and mediating upon a koon
Staori(Nirvana)-In zen buddhism this is then end of all rational thought desire and passiosn -Includes the cancellation of individual identity -Detachments from everything that causes pain,stress,anxiety -Look within for spiritual insight and peace of mind
Summary Of Buddhism-3 jewels(refuges) -3 poisonons(greed,hatred and delusion) -4 noble truths(suffering exist,suffering is caused by our desires and way to eliminate our desire is the eightfold path_ -4 immeasurables(kindess,compassion,joy and equanimity) -5 remembrance(aging,ill health,die,change and separate,my only truth is my action) -5 precept -8 fold path
Buddhism Today5th Largest Religion in the world,all contents in the world residing in asia
The appeal of buddhism in the west-Its appreacitaion for form and beauty -It appear to be tolearnt-”I don’t need to answer or to obey god” -It provides a religion acceptable to skeptics and aethist -It appeals to human sense or works and justics more natural then grace -It has hight ethical and moral emphasis(the 5 precepts)
Meditation:Matthew 12:43-35-When an evil spirit comes out of a man it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it -I will return to the house I left’ when it arrives it finds the house unoccupied swept clean and put in order -Then it goes and takes it with it seven other spirits more wicked then itself and goi in and live their and the final condition of that man is worse then the first -What is he saying:that many mediation leaves the mind empy and it allows the devil to enter for influence
Jesus and Buddha-Jesus and Buddha are the same-even that jesus is an incarnation of Buddha! -Buddha was tempted by mara-one of many demons -Jesus was tempted by satan himself -Buddha was not in a dessert,jesus was -Buddha was tempeted with carnal pleasures and fear of death. -Jesus was tempteted with the use of of his power,presumpution and -idolatry(false worship) -Buddha gained victory by lookin within for answers -Jesus gained victory through scripture”it is written” -The temptations of jesus parallel the temptations of the isralites in the wilderness -Buddha was tempted for himself.Jesus was tempted regarding his mission to save humanity.(method of ministry)
Buddha compared with jesus:-Buddha searched the way -Jesus said I am the way -Buddha searched for the truth -Jesus said I am the truth -Buddha searched for a reason for living.Jesus said I am the life.No one comes to the father,expect by way of me.(John 14:6)
What I like about Buddhist-Buddist Acknowledge suffering -Buddhist uphold valuable moral principles -Buddhist believe in the importance of mediation -Buddhist emphazize compassion -Buddhist seek the middle way -Buddhist taught about the one who is to come(maitreya)
Major Differences between Buddhism and Christianity-Atheism:Classical buddhism believe in spirits not god no personal diety -Idoltry:Images and shrines that they worship can easily become idols.They say they are unacceptable for god is to great to have this -Role of the self:Buddhism beliefs self must be extinguished and submerged to nirvanas nothingness.Christanity says the self must be reborn,converted but not destroyed. Desire:Evil and suffering for buddhism they should be extinguished,christiany says your natural desires are corrupted by sin they need to be redeemed and purified.Sin has corrupted our desires but we don’t think they should be eliminated -Prayer and mediation:Buddhist practice a lot prayer,it usually is ritualistic and acquires some meritation.If their is no god who are you praying to(ancestors,buddha),christians prayer is a dialoge between the believer and personal god it is a conversation between us and god -Ultimate Goal: In buddhism is to extingush personal desires and identy until self is eliminated into nirvana(cosmin nothingness) While christinatiny the eternal salvation is what the goal is,each person should spent infinity with god -Salvation(grace vs works):Buddhism is salvation by works while christianity is salvation by grace(cross) -Buddha last words:All things decay and generally workout your salvation