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Academy T1 - English Cloze - Writing
Individual Levels
level: 31BY
Questions and Answers List
level questions: 31BY
- ✅ "**_ _ _ _ _**" I finished my homework, I would be able to play with them. - Sadece ödevimi bitirirsem, onlarla oynayabilirim.
Only if
- ✅ She might "**_ _ _ _ _** me **buy**" some chocolate to my classroom. - Sınıfıma bazı çikolatalar almamı "zorla**t**abilir**di**".
- ✅ I keep "**_ _ _ _ _**" the duties I need to fulfil daily. - Günlük yerine getirmem gereken görevleri ertelemeye devam ediyorum.
- ✅ I am not a "**_ _ _ _ _**". - Ben bir kitap kurdu değilim.
- ✅ I read very "**_ _ _ _ _**". - Çok yavaş okuyorum.
- ✅ "**_ _ _ _ _**" my school performance, I must "**admit**" that I had a "**rather**" rough start this year. - Okul performansıma gelince, bu yıl oldukça zor bir başlangıç yaptığımı kabul etmek zorundayım.
As for
- ✅ My results in the beginning were "**_ _ _ _ _**", and I even received my worst exam score. - Başlangıçtaki sonuçlarım idealin çok uzağındaydı ve hatta en kötü sınav notumu aldım.
far from ideal
- ✅ It was a challenging beginning, but I'm "**_ _ _ _ _**" to make a positive change. - Zor bir başlangıçtı, ama olumlu bir değişim yapmaya kararlıyım.
- ✅ I've been working hard every day, and my most recent exam went "**_ _ _ _ _**" well. - Her gün çalışıyorum ve en son sınavım olağanüstü iyi geçti.
- ✅ In the past, my academic performance was quite "**_ _ _ _ _**", with none of my results falling below ninety points. - Geçmişte, akademik performansım oldukça tutarlıydı ve hiçbir sonucum doksanın altına düşmedi.
- ✅ "**However**", this year has been a bit of a "**_ _ _ _ _**", especially in subjects like Turkish and science. - Ancak, bu yıl biraz hayal kırıklığı oldu, özellikle Türkçe ve fen gibi derslerde.
- ✅ I'm not "**_ _ _ _ _**" with my scores, but I'm "**committed**" to improving. - Sonuçlarımdan memnun değilim, ama gelişmeye kararlıyım.
- ✅ I'**ve noticed** that many of my friends also "**_ _ _ _ _**" a difficult start. - Arkadaşlarımın da zor bir başlangıçla karşılaştığını fark ettim.
- ✅ It seems like something happened "**_ _ _ _ _**" the summer break that affected our performance. - Yaz tatili boyunca performansımızı etkileyen bir şeyler olduğu gibi görünüyor.
- ✅ These days, I'm "**_ _ _ _ _**" in homework**, "which"** makes it hard to concentrate on studying. - Bu günlerde, ödevlerle boğulmuş durumdayım, bu da çalışmaya odaklanmayı zorlaştırıyor.
- ✅ **However**, I'm "**determined**" to do better, "**_ _ _ _ _**" I did in primary school when I "**consistently**" scored high marks. - Ancak, ilkokulda yaptığım gibi, daha iyi yapmaya kararlıyım ve sürekli yüksek notlar aldığım gibi.
just as
- ✅ I believe I can "**_ _ _ _ _**" and improve my performance in the future. - Gelecekte performansımı geliştirebileceğime inanıyorum.
get back on track
- ✅ I always try to "**_ _ _ _ _**" rush hour traffic by leaving for work a bit earlier in the morning. - İşe gitmek için sabah biraz daha erken çıkarak yoğun saat trafiğini önlemeye çalışıyorum.
- ✅ **Avoid** going out during the quarantine "**_ _ _ _ _**" it is absolutely necessary. - Karantina sırasında sadece kesinlikle gerekli olmadıkça dışarı çıkmaktan kaçının.
- ✅ Ali is late for work. He "**_ _ _ _ _**" the bus. - Ali işe geç kaldı. Otobüsü kaçırmış olmalı.
must have missed
- ✅ My sister is not old "**_ _ _ _ _**" to go to the city center on her own. - Kız kardeşim şehir merkezine tek başına gitmek için yeterince yaşlı değil.
- ✅ Mary is known for her creativity; she can always "**_ _ _ _ _**" innovative solutions to challenging problems. - Mary yaratıcılığıyla tanınıyor; zorlu problemlere her zaman yenilikçi çözümler bulabilir.
come up with
- ✅ The team needs to "**_ _ _ _ _**" a unique marketing strategy for the new product launch. - Takım, yeni ürün lansmanı için benzersiz bir pazarlama stratejisi belirlemek zorunda.
come up with
- ✅ It's essential to "**_ _ _ _ _**" the latest technological advancements in the field to stay competitive in the industry. - Endüstride rekabetçi kalmak için alandaki en son teknolojik gelişmelerle ayakta kalmak önemlidir.
keep up with
- ✅ Despite her busy schedule, Sarah manages to "**_ _ _ _ _**" her favorite TV shows. - Yoğun programına rağmen, Sarah favori TV şovlarını takip etmeyi başarıyor.
keep up with
- ✅ During the interview, the candidate "**_ _ _ _ _**" confidence and a deep understanding of the industry. - Görüşme sırasında, aday özgüven ve endüstriye derin bir anlayışla karşımıza çıktı.
came across with
- ✅ I "**_ _ _ _ _**" an interesting article about sustainable living while browsing the internet. - İnternette gezinirken sürdürülebilir yaşamla ilgili ilginç bir makaleye rastladım.
came across with
_____ I walked through that street yesterday, I would have been robbed.
= _____ I to see him, I would kill immediately.
= _____ I earn more money, I will be able to spend a weekend on the mount Uludağ.
Never _____ I ever seen such a big lie!.
Never _____ I sleep late.
I need to _______ my reading this weekend. - Bu hafta sonu okumalarıma yetişmem lazım.
catch up on
He always _______ doing his homework until the last minute. - Her zaman ödevlerini son dakikaya bırakır.
puts off
The meeting was _______ due to bad weather. - Toplantı kötü hava nedeniyle iptal edildi.
called off
Can you _______ my cat while I'm away? - Ben yokken kedime bakabilir misin?
look after
She _______her coat when she entered the warm house. - Sıcak eve girdiğinde paltonu çıkardı.
took off
The train _______ halfway to our destination. - Tren varış noktamıza yarı yolda bozuldu.
broke down
I _______ an old friend at the grocery store. - Markette eski bir arkadaşımla karşılaştım.
ran into
I'm going to _______ with the plan despite the risks. - Risklere rağmen planı gerçekleştireceğim.
go ahead
They need to _______ a solution to the problem. - Sorunun bir çözümünü bulmaları gerekiyor.
figute out
The teacher asked us to _______ our assignments by Friday. - Öğretmen bize ödevlerimizi Cuma'ya kadar teslim etmemizi istedi.
hand in
Please _______ while I transfer your call to the correct department. - Lütfen, aramanızı doğru departmana aktarırken bekleyin.
hold on
We had to _______ noisy neighbors for months. - Aylar boyunca gürültülü komşularla başa çıkmak zorunda kaldık.
put up with
She _______ a story to explain why she was late. - Geç kaldığına dair bir hikaye uydurdu.
made up
The car _______ on the way to the airport. - Araba havaalanına giderken bozuldu.
broke down
Don't forget to _______ the application form completely. - Başvuru formunu tamamen doldurmayı unutma.
fill out
They _______ milk, so I had to go to the store. - Sütleri bitti, bu yüzden markete gitmek zorunda kaldım.
ran out of
I'm going to _______ the matter and get back to you. - Konuyu araştırıp size geri döneceğim.
look into
He _______ with his girlfriend last month. - Geçen ay kız arkadaşıyla ayrıldı.
broke up
They _______ fireworks to celebrate the new year. - Yeni yılı kutlamak için havai fişekler ateşlediler.
set off
We need to _______ the house before the guests arrive. - Misafirler gelmeden evi temizlememiz lazım.
clean up
I ask a question …….. my teacher.
This event is …… a landslide.
Global warming is a significant increase in the Earth's climatic temperature over a ____ short period of time as a result of human activities. nispeten
____, global warming is the release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the Earth's atmosphere that is causing this warming effect. özellikle
In particular
(Sera gazları): Gases that contribute to the _______ effect by absorbing infrared radiation.
In conclusion, global warming and natural disasters are _____ linked. yakından, yakın bir şekilde
_____, it is crucial to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the rate of global warming. bu sebeple
In addition, global warming is causing glaciers and polar ice caps to melt, _____ a rise in sea levels. ve yol açar
leading to
I was incredibly excited, and when Ramadan ______, my excitement only intensified.
I understand that it's something I must do ____ my age.
due to
I do it simply because I enjoy it, and it doesn't ____ much difficulty for me.
while I'm fasting, I perceive it as a sort of game; ___- from food doesn't disrupt my life significantly.
while I'm fasting, I ____ it as a sort of game; abstaining from food doesn't disrupt my life significantly.
Regarding fasting, it ___- much in my daily routine
hasn't altered
After 8 p.m., we ___ our fast and have our meal.
While fasting, I do feel a slight ____, although I believe it's not solely attributable to fasting, but perhaps influenced by my sleeping pattern.
While fasting, I do feel a slight fatigue, although I believe it's not ___ attributable to fasting, but perhaps influenced by my sleeping pattern.
I usually ____ until midnight or even later, occasionally scrolling through my phone for extended periods.
stay up
I simply don't sleep; instead, I ____ my day.
reflect on
my altered sleep patterns haven't ___ me significantly.
I ____ fasting earlier, and another important aspect is giving "fitre" to needy people, those who require assistance.
During Ramadan, while we fast, we do so to empathize with the struggles of the ____.
less fortunate
It helps us grasp the _____ by those who can't afford food.
challenges faced
This understanding ___ not just for a day but for the entire month.
In Ramadan, there's a tradition called "fitre," which involves giving a set amount of money to help the____.
We usually give this money to mosques or community centers, where it's used to _____ food to those in need.
This act of giving brings people together and ____ kindness.
It reduces conflicts and strengthens ____ within the community.
It's a time when people come together and show ____ for one another.
So, let's remember to be **_____** not only during Ramadan but throughout the year.
Looking back at the past decade, it's clear that technology has ____.
come a long way
_____ now to ten years ago, we've seen some really big improvements, which is great.
However, _____ these improvements, there's a growing concern about people becoming too reliant on technology.
along with
___ , managing this addiction isn't too difficult. ama
Despite the positives, there are also some ____ to technology.
____ Russia and Ukraine, for instance.
However, we need to be ____ how we use technology.
careful with
While it can do a lot of good, there are also risks like ____ and spreading misinformation.
privacy concerns
So, it's important to use technology ____ and think about the impact it has on society.
Overall, technology has made huge ____ in the past decade, and it's had a big impact on how we live our lives.
But we need to remember to use it wisely and ethically ____ it continues to benefit us in the future.
to ensure
If I ____ a mayor, .... olsaydım ...
I hope our mayor doesn't lose the ____ . seçimler
There ___ always some tournaments being organized in Konya.
I wouldn't change ___ . bir şeyleri
Robots might ____ the world. ele geçirmek
____ technology (gelişmiş)
AI might lead to mass ___ . işsizlik
in the nineteenth ___ (yüzyıl)
While I wouldn't want to rock the boat and get the current mayor fired, I do think there's some _____. (ilerlemeler kaydedilebilir, gelişme alanları var, bazı eksiklikler var.)
room for improvement
Firstly, I believe our city is already on par with other ___ cities in many ways. big
Firstly, I believe our city is already ____ with other major cities in many ways. the same level
on par
This wouldn't just be any building, it would be a truly impressive facility – _____, modern, and state-of-the-art. ferah geniş
Now, Konya already has a great ____ for hosting sporting events. fame
The train ___ already left by the time I get to the station.
I usually go ___ a walk in the evenings, but yesterday I was tired and stayed home.
If I _ _ (know) you were coming, I would have prepared a bigger meal.
had known
By next summer, I _ _ (live) in this city for 5 years.
will have been living
I ____ reviewed perfect tenses for a while now.
haven't reviewed
I _ _ (not see) him since yesterday.
haven't seen
They suggested _ _ (go) for a hike this weekend.
No sooner had I arrived _ _ it started to rain.
Ali is such a wealthy man that he is ____ of affording to purchase the city of Yozgat.
Either you study hard, ___ you won't pass the exam. * (Ya ders çalışırsın ya da sınavı geçemezsin.)
We can ___ confirm nor deny the rumors. * (Söylentileri ne doğrulayabiliriz ne de reddedebiliriz.)
I like ___ coffee and tea. * (Hem kahve hem de çay severim.)
You can choose ___ to go to the beach or stay home. * Plaja gitmeyi mi yoksa evde kalmayı ** mı** seçebilirsin.
He ran so fast ___ he couldn't stop. * (Öyle hızlı koştu ki duramadı.) (So... that) expresses consequence.
No ___ had I finished my dinner than the doorbell rang. (Dinerimi bitirir bitirmez kapı çaldı.)
___ more you practice, ___ better you will become. (Ne kadar çok pratik yaparsan, o kadar iyi olursun.)
____ my car stolen was a terrible experience. (Arabamın çalınması korkunç bir deneyimdi.)
We discussed the problems ____ by the company. (Şirketin karşılaştığı sorunları tartıştık.)
being faced
____ my work, I decided to take a break. (İşimi bitirdikten sonra, ara vermeye karar verdim.)
Having finished
She apologized for not ____ been invited to the party. (Partiye davet edilmediği için özür diledi.)
I regret not _____ harder in school. (Okulda daha çok çalışmadığıma pişmanım.)
having studied
Never ___ I seen such a beautiful view in my life.
____ I a millionaire, I would travel the world. (Normal order: If I were a millionaire, I would travel the world.)
___ she beautiful, but she is also intelligent. (Normal order: She is not only beautiful, but she is also intelligent.)
Not only is
____ being tired, I finished my work. (Although I was tired, I finished my work.)
I missed the train, ____, I was late for work. (I missed the train, therefore, I was late for work.)
I'll lend you the money, ____ you pay me back next week. - şartıyla
provided that
____ books allow readers to engage their imaginations and create their own mental images of the story, movies bring stories to life visually through actors, settings, and special effects.
Additionally, adaptations of books into movies introduce these stories to new audiences who ____ the original written work.
may not have picked up
Authors can delve into complex descriptions,____ readers with vivid imagery that stimulates their senses.
Books also allow for introspection ___ readers navigate through the internal thoughts of characters. (-dıkça)
With advances in technology, filmmakers can create breathtaking visuals that transport viewers into ____ worlds or historically significant eras. harika
___ you prefer diving deep into the pages of a book or losing yourself in the magic of cinema, both mediums have their own charm. ister böyle ister böyle ...
1. ____ - To capture someone's interest or attention strongly
2. ___ - A period of ten years
3. ____ - To occupy oneself; involve someone's attention or interest
4. ____ images - Visual representations formed in one's mind
5. Visual ____ - A visually impressive event or display
6.____ - The process of changing something so it fits another purpose
7. Characters' ____ – The innermost musings and reflections portrayed by fictional characters
8. ____ – Complexity; details; profound understanding
9. ____ worlds – Imaginary realms filled with magical elements
10. Historical ____ – Locations from past eras
Some Instagrams are ……… . (Bazı Instagram'lar uygunsuz.)
You shouldn’t use social media for a bad ……… . (Sosyal medyayı kötü amaçlarla kullanmamalısınız.)
The video ____ and was viewed by millions of people within a couple of days. popüler oldu
went viral
Don’t ___ the trolls by responding to their negative comments. besleme
He decided to ___ his gameplay on Twitch. canlı yayın
• Turkish translation: Arkadaşlıktan çıkarmak.
With just a few clicks or taps, we can ___ reach out to friends and family across the globe. aniden
____ platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we can stay connected to people no matter where they are. aracılığıyla, sayesinde
Turkish Translation: Bütünleyici
Turkish Translation: Köprü kurmak
bridges the gap
Turkish Translation: Dikkatli bir şekilde
I've been taking care of these plants for months, but so far they haven't grown at all. Maybe I don't _____ a green thumb. Görünüşe göre
My friend seems to _____ lemons on their hands lately. Everything they touch seems to go wrong! Limonlara dokundukları her şey ters gidiyor gibi görünüyor!
The police are cracking down on _____ driving. It's a major cause of accidents. Dikkatsiz sürüşe karşı polis baskı uyguluyor. Bu kazaların ana nedenlerinden biridir.
The company _____ recently after years of mismanagement. Yönetimdeki yıllarca süren kötü yönetimden sonra şirket kısa süre önce iflas etti.
went bankrupt
It's important to invest your money wisely. _____ it on unnecessary things, you might regret it later. Gereksiz şeylere harcarsanız, daha sonra pişman olabilirsiniz.
No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't find a solution. _____ they came up with new ideas, nothing worked. Ne kadar uğraşırlarsa uğraşsınlar bir çözüm bulamadılar. Eğer yeni fikirler ortaya atmadılarsa, hiçbir şey işe yaramadı.
A large _____ of birds migrated south for the winter. Kış için güneye doğru büyük bir kuş sürüsü göç etti.
We need a strong _____ to win this competition. Bu yarışmayı kazanmak için güçlü bir ekibe ihtiyacımız var.
The news of the accident _____ me. I couldn't believe it was true. Kaza haberi beni yıktı. Buna inanamadım.
Taking out a large _____ can be a good way to finance a big purchase, _____ you make sure you can afford the repayments. Büyük bir kredi almak, büyük bir satın alma işlemini finanse etmek için iyi bir yol olabilir, ancak geri ödemeleri karşılayabildiğinizden emin olun.
The investigation _____ that the fire was caused by faulty wiring. Soruşturma, yangının hatalı kablo tesisatından kaynaklandığını ortaya çıkardı.
turned out
The protesters _____ for their rights. Protestocular hakları için şiddetle savaştı.
fought fiercely
It's important to manage your _____ carefully. Getting into _____ can be financially crippling. Borcunuzu dikkatli bir şekilde yönetmek önemlidir. Borca girmek mali açıdan felç edici olabilir.
The new law aims to _____ the number of traffic accidents. Yeni yasa, trafik kazalarının sayısını azaltmayı amaçlıyor.
She _____ to be the perfect candidate for the job during the interview. Mülakat sırasında iş için mükemmel aday gibi çıktı.
came out
I am happy _____ that author. gördüğüm için
to have seen
I regret _____ my son. oğluma kızdığım için pişmanlık duyuyorum.
to have reprimanded
I ____ for my practice exam for two weeks. hazırlanıyorum
have been getting prepared
I _____ my project for one month. hazırlıyorum
have been preparing
My classroom is very ___. rekabetçi
He already ____ about himself. konuşmuştu
had talked
He already had talked about ___. kendisi
Some students weren’t listening ___ him.
I would ___ to learn if he was married or not.
The ___ he was speaking was impressive.
I _______ just nowadays got my computer back.
I ____ my computer repaired.
He has a friend who works ___ the same company.
The guest tried to _________ with the locals by dressing similarly.Misafir, yerli halkla aynı şekilde giyinerek uyum sağlamaya çalıştı.
blend in
He was the only one who _________ in his bright yellow suit.Parlak sarı takım elbisesiyle herkesin arasından sıyrılıyordu.
stood out
We were a little _________ on cash after our vacation, so we had to cut back on expenses.Tatilden sonra biraz nakit sıkıntısı çekiyorduk, bu yüzden harcamalarımızı kısmak zorunda kaldık.
short of money
The restaurant was _________ decorated with flowers and candles.Restoran çiçekler ve mumlarla muhteşem bir şekilde dekore edilmişti.
beautifully decorated
"He did a _________ job fixing the car," I remarked."Arabayı tamir etme konusunda harika bir iş çıkardı," diye belirttim.
The police _________ the suspect to confess to the crime.Polis, şüphelinin suçu itiraf etmesi için ısrar etti.
insisted on someone doing something
The gang was known for _________ money from local businesses.Çete, yerel işletmelerden haraç almaya biliniyordu.
They _________ in a lively discussion about politics for hours.Saatlerce hararetli bir şekilde siyaset hakkında sohbet ettiler.
Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice" explores themes of _________ and social class.Jane Austen'nin "Gurur ve Önyargı" adlı romanı, gurur, önyargı ve sosyal sınıf temalarını ele alır.
Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment" delves into the psychological impact of _________ and guilt.Dostoyevski'nin "Suç ve Ceza" adlı eseri, suçun ve suçluluğun psikolojik etkisini derinlemesine inceler.
The lecture was _________ , leaving the audience feeling uninspired.Konuşma son derece sıkıcıydı ve izleyicileri ilham verici olmaktan uzak bıraktı.
dry as a bone