level: Level 4
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 4
Question | Answer |
jeopardy | riesgo |
ribbon | lazo |
engage | involucrar |
dupe | engañar |
buttering up | adulando |
obliterated | arrasado |
whim | capricho |
restrain | contener |
echelons | escalones |
cahoots | complicidad |
coerced | coaccionado |
defile | profanar |
lecherous | lascivo |
salacious | obsceno |
hussy | desvergonzada |
strokes | accidentes cerebrovasculares |
succinctly | sucintamente |
strain | tension |
bit of stretch | un poco exagerado |
stretch | estirar |
plunge | sumergir |
eel | anguila |
appeal | apelacion |
appeal for | pedir |
duvet | edredon |
mishap | percance |
gabardine | gabardina |
surly | arisco |
ward of the state | bajo tutela de estado |
flattered | halagado |
washing up | fregar |
under oath | bajo juramento |
oar | remo |
cottage | casa de campo |
sieves | tamices |
sprouted | germinado |
remorseful | arrepentido |
cuddle | acurrucar |
worn off | desaparecer |
stag beetle | escarabajo ciervo |