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level questions: Easy

anatomically includes the skin and mucosa of the female genitalia external to the hymenVulva
gland present on eah side of the vaginal canal and produces a mucus-like fluid that drains via ducts to the lower vestibuleBartholin cyst
canal leading to the cervixvagina
cancer from the lower 2/3 of the vagina is likely to metastasize in what lymph nodes?inguinal nodes
cancer from the upper 1/3 of the vagina is likely to metastasize in what lymph nodes?regional iliac nodes
anatomically comprises the "neck" of the uteruscervix
mucosal lining of the uterine cavityendometrium
smooth muscle wall underlying the mucosal lining of the uterine cavitymyometrium
lining of the uterus that is hormonally sensitiveendometrium
functional unit of the ovaryfollicle
follicle is consisted of?oocyte surrounded by granulosa and theca cells
residual follicle that primarily secretes progesteronecorpus luteum
epithelial carcinomas tend to spread where?locally especially to the peritoneum
most common site of ectopic pregnancyampulla of the fallopian tube
lining of the vulvasquamous epithelium
mucosal lining of the vaginanon-keratinizing squamous epithelium
original lining of the Mullerian ductscolumnar epithelium
lining of the exocervixnon-keratinizing squamous epithelium
lining of the endocervixsimple columnar epithelium
junction between exocervix and endocervixtransformation zone
hallmark of HPV-associated condylomas characterized by raisin like nucleuskoilocytes
necessary for the diagnosis of chronic endometritisplasma cells
histologic characteristic of hyperplasia pathway in endometrial caendometrioid
histologic characteristic of sporadic pathway in endometrial caserous papillary structures with psammoma body formation
ovarian cell that produces androgentheca cells
ovarian cell that converts androgen to estradiolgranulosa
glomerulus-like structures classically seen on histology of endodermal sinus tumorSchiller-Duval bodies
histologic finding in sertoli-leydig cell tumorReinke crystals
villi characteristic of partial molesome are hydropic, some are not
villi characteristic of complete molemost are hydropic
trophoblastic proliferation of partial molefocal
trophoblastic proliferation of complete molediffuse circumferential
hydatidiform mole appearance on ultrasoundsnowstorm appearance
classical gross appearance of endometriosisyellow-brown gun-powder nodules
number of nodules in leiomyomamultiple
gross characteristic of leiomyomawell-defined white whorled masses
number of nodules in leiomyosarcomasingle
gross characteristic of leiomyosarcomasingle lesion with areas of necrosis and hemorrhage
histologic characteristic of cystadenomasingle cyst with a simple flat lining
histologic characteristic of cystadenocarcinomacomplex cysts with a thick shaggy lining
classic clinical presentation of hydatidiform molepassage of grape-like masses through the vaginal canal
embryonic origin of the lower 2/3 of the vaginaurogenital sinus
embryonic origin of the upper 1/3 of the vaginaMullerian duct
most common pathogens causing condylomaHPV types 6 and 11
most common etiology of HPV-related vulvar carcinomaHPV types 16 and 18
most common etiology vaginal carcinomaHPV types 16 and 18
sexually transmiited DNA virus that infects the lower genital tractHuman Papilloma virus
most common High risk HPV typesHPV types 16, 18, 31 and 33
most common low risk HPV typesHPV types 6 and 11
most common pathogens causing cervical carcinomaHPV types 16 and 18
coverage of quadrivalent HPV vaccineHPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18
unilateral painful cystic lesion at the lower vestibule adjacent to the vaginal canalBartholin cyst
warty neoplasm of vulvar skin, often largeCondyloma
thinning of the epidermis and fibrosis of the dermis presenting as leukoplakia with parchment like vulvar skinLichen sclerosis
hyperplasia of the vulvar squamous epithelium which presents as leukoplakia with thick leathery vulvar skinLichen simplex chronicus
Which of the following is associated with a slighly increased risk for squamous cell ca? Lichen sclerosis or Lichen simplex chronicus?Lichen sclerosis
malignant epithelial cells in the epidermis presenting as erythematous pruritic ulcerated vulvar skin with no underlying carcinomaExtramammary Paget Disease
malignant epithelial cells in the epidermis of the nipple but is almost always associated with an underlying caricinomaPaget disease of the nipple
focal persistence of columnar epithelium in the upper 1/3 of the vaginaadenosis
malignant proliferation of glands with clear cytoplasmClear cell adenocarcinoma
rare malignant mesenchymal proliferation of immature skeletal muscle presenting as bleeding and a grape-like mass protruding from the vagina or penis of a childEmbryonal rhabdomyosarcoma or sarcoma botryoides
characterized by koilocytic change, disordered cellular maturation, nuclear atypia and increased mitotic activity within the cervical epitheliumcervical intraepithelial neoplasia
most common subtype of cervical carcinomasquamous cell carcinoma
second most common subtype of cervical carcinomaadenocarcinoma
bacterial infection of endometrium usually due to retained products of conception presentiing as fever, abnormal uterine bleeding and pelvic painacute endometritis
inflammation of the endometrium characterized by lymphocytes and plasma cellschronic endometritis
hyperplastic protrusion of the endometriumendometrial polyp
endometrial glands and stroma outside of the uterine endometrial liningendometriosis
endometriosis involving the myometriumadenomyosis
hyperplasia of endometrial glands relative to stromaendometrial hyperplasia
most common invasive carcinoma of the female genital tractendometrial carcinoma
other neoplasms wherein psammoma bodies could be seenpapillary thyroid ca, meningioma, mesothelioma
most common tumor in femalesleiomyoma
benign neoplastic proliferation of smooth muscle arising from the myometriumleiomyoma
malignant proliferation of smooth muscle arising from the myometriumleiomyosarcoma
multiple ovarian follicular cysts due to hormone imbalancepolycystic ovarian disease
most common type of ovarian tumorsurface epithelial tumor
15% of endometrioid carcinomas of the ovary are associated with an independent _____________endometrial carcinoma
has the worst pronosis of female genital tract cancerssurface epithelial carcinoma
second most common type of ovarian tumorGerm cell tumor
cystic tumor composed of fetal tissue derived from two or three embryologic layerscystic teratoma
teratoma composed primarily of thyroid tissuestruma ovarii
large cells with clear cytoplasm and central nucleidysgerminoma
most common malignant germ cell tumordysgerminoma
testicular counter part of dysgerminomaseminoma
malignant tumor that mimics that yolk sacendodermal sinus tumor
most common germ cell tumor in childrenendodermal sinus tumor
malignant tumor composed of trophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts; mimics placental tissue but villi are absentchoriocarcinoma
malignant tumor composed of large primitive cells; aggressive with early metastasisembryonal carcinoma
tumors that resemble sex cord-stromal tissues of the ovarysex cord-stromal tumors
benign fibroblastic tumorFibroma
surface epithelial tumor composed of bladder-like epithelium and are usually benignBrenner tumors
metastatic mucinous tumor that involves both ovariesKrukenberg tumor
most common source of metastasis to ovaryDiffuse gastric carcinoma
massive amounts of mucus in the peritoneum usual due to mucinous tumor of the appendixPseudomyxoma peritonei
implantation of fertilized ovum in a site other than the uterine wallectopic pregnancy
implantation of the placenta in the lower uterine segment overlyinig the cervical osPlacenta previa
separation of placenta from the decidua prior to delivery of the fetusAbruptio placenta
improper implantation of placenta into the myometrium with little or no intervening deciduaPlacenta accreta
villi of the placenta invades the myometriumPlacenta increta
villi of the placenta penetrate to the myometrium and to or through the serosaPlacenta percreta
pregnancy induced hypertension, proteinuria and edemaPreeclampsia
pregnancy induced hypertension, proteinuria, edema and seizuresEclampsia
abnormal conception characterized by swollen and edematous villi with proliferation of trophoblastsHydratidiform mole
normal ovum fertilized by two spermpartial mole
empty ovum fertilized by two spermcomplete mole
epithelial involvement by immature dysplastic cells in CIN I<1/3 of the thickness of the epithelium
epithelial involvement by immature dysplastic cells in CIN II<2/3 of the thickness of the epithelium
epithelial involvement by immature dysplastic cells in CIN IIIslighly less than the entire thickness of the epithelium
epithelial involvement by immature dysplastic cells in CISentired thickness of the epithelium
phase of the endometrial cycle characterized by growth of the endometriumproliferatve phase
phase of the endometrial cycle characterized by endometrial preparation for implantationsecretory phase
phase of the endometrial cycle characterized by shedding of the endometriummenstrual phase
leads to LH surgeEstradiol surge
pathogenesis of endometrial hyperplasiaunopposed estrogen
leads to ovulationLH surge
marks the beginning of the endometrial cycleovulation
granulosa-theca cell tumor often presents with what hormonal problem?estrogen excess
key risk factor to ectopic pregnancyscarring
meaning of HELLPhemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets
secondary amenorrhea due to loss of basals and scarring as a result of overaggressve dilation and curettageAsherman syndrome
fibroma associated with pleural effusion and ascitesMeigs syndrome
fetal consequence of cigarrete smokeintrauterine growth restriction
gold standard for screening of cervical carcinomapap smear
confirmatory test for cervical carcinoma when the screening test suggest a positive resultcolposcopy and biopsy
LH:FSH ratio in PCOS>2
classic presentation of patients with PCOSobese young woman with infertility, oligomenorrhea and hirtuism
number of chromosomes of partial mole69
number of chromosomes of complete mole46
fetal tissue in partial mole (absent or present)present
fetal tissue in complete mole (absent or present)absent
granulosa-theca cell tumor metastatic risk (HIGH or LOW)low
prognosis of dysgerminoma (good or poor?)good