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level: Level 1 of Chapter 3( Session 21-30)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chapter 3( Session 21-30)

a state of complete happinessbliss
the most important male servant in a wealthy housebutler
a strong pain caused by a muscle after a lot of physical usecramp
make it more attractive by adding beautiful things to itdecorate
old and in bad conditiondilapidated
to make it occurevoke
an instance of saying goodbye or a way to say itfarewell
a device that controls the flow of a liquid or gasfaucet
dirt or dirty things that disgust youfilth
a mistake in something that causes it to be less effective or correctflaw
to smile broadlygrin
the maintenance of a house or an establishment like a hotelhousekeeping
a large pile of itmound
does not have any feelingnumb
act in an unsafe wayreckless
a dark grey rock that can easily be split into layersslate
a seat with legs but no support for a person’s arms and back.stool
something shows that it exists or is truetestament
wood that is used for building houses and making furnituretimber
a device attached to a pipe and controls the flow of liquid or airvalve
something used to hide people and thingscamouflage
to meet them face to face to deal with a problemconfront
to think about itcontemplate
to struggle to overcome itcontend
a small portable bedcot
to join the militaryenlist
a border between two regions or countriesfrontier
a person who fights as part of an unofficial armyguerilla
material that gives specific information or instructionshandbook
not sure or are slow to act or speakhesitant
full of a variety of large, healthy plantslush
a set of clothes worn together, often for a certain job or eventoutfit
an animal’s foot that has claws or soft padspaw
very goodsplendid
to go in a wrong direction and become loststray
great importance, size, or valuesubstantial
a stick with one end on fire that can be carried in order to give lighttorch
a large area of landtract
a period of watchful attention at night for a specific purposevigil
in the middle of itamid
occurs behind a theater’s stagebackstage
someone who has at least one billion dollarsbillionaire
someone who behaves or looks like a violent animalbrute
awkward in handling thingsclumsy
to hit it while movingcollide
someone who has committed a crime or other bad deedculprit
to leave a place of danger to a place of safetyevacuate
able to catch on fireflammable
a large crowd of people that often wants to cause violencemob
done too early or before the proper timepremature
have bad feelings about itresent
uses humor and irony to make fun of somethingsatire
the careful examination of somethingscrutiny
to place it in a group apart from other thingssegregate
to force them to do or experience itsubject
to give evidence as a witnesstestify
a loud and confused noise made by a large crowd of peopletumult
to think less of them than they really areunderestimate
loud noise caused by people who are very angry or upsetuproar
to increase in speedaccelerate
do it again, possibly in a different wayanew
a part of something that is wrong or missingdefect
dull, dark, and lifelessdreary
to copy itduplicate
related to electricity and magnetic fieldselectromagnetic
a particle in all atoms that has a negative electric chargeelectron
to fly on extended wings with little or no effortglide
very smartingenious
a product, or an idea, that is new or very originalinnovation
think in creative waysinnovative
to make it go into motionlaunch
concerned with the science of weathermeteorological
the science that studies the weathermeteorology
to enter into itpenetrate
does not give up and keeps on workingpersistent
the force that moves something forwardpropulsion
to copy its actions or characteristicssimulate
to urge them into actionspur
to cause or to increase activity in itstimulate
done in advancebeforehand
not seen clearlyblurred
same as the temperature in Celsiuscentigrade
to talk quickly about unimportant thingschatter
music played with an orchestra but features a solo instrumentconcerto
to make it a liquidcondense
to become steadily worsedeteriorate
a unit for measuring temperaturedegree
the outside surface of somethingexterior
loud and happyhearty
friendly to strangershospitable
makes you laugh, and it can also refer to your feelingshumor
a large house with many roomsmanor
a building in which monks livemonastery
a room where babies and children sleep, play, or are cared fornursery
extended to its full lengthoutstretched
a package of things to be carried or mailed somewhereparcel
an outline of a face, usually as seen from the sideprofile
follows a twisting coursewinding
to close it with a zipperzip
to put an end to it, such as a system or lawabolish
to change it to improve or make it accurateamend
to have a strong desire to achieve or do somethingaspire
to remove it if it is dangerous, rude, or rebelliouscensor
a document that describes the rights of an organization or groupcharter
a document of principles for a government.constitution
full of people from many different places.cosmopolitan
to distribute itdisseminate
to praise them in an effort to please them.flatter
well known for something bad.infamous
cannot walk properly due to an injury to the leg or footlame
to walk with difficulty because someone’s leg or foot is hurtlimp
a sudden, strong expression of an emotionoutburst
extreme, unacceptable, and sometimes a symptom of diseasepathological
unusually greatphenomenal
a survey in which people give their opinions about important thingspoll
a strong feeling of sadness and regretremorse
the behavior of keeping things secretsecrecy
to deal with it in a determined and efficient waytackle
a state where people seem asleep and have no control of themselvestrance
a person who lacks courage to do risky or dangerous thingscoward
to remove or erase written materialdelete
related to a group with a similar cultureethnic
to not accept them into a groupexclude
from an original sourcefirsthand
able to speak it very wellfluent
related to an empireimperial
open to all groups and people in societyinclusive
the section of a government that makes lawslegislature
concerned with languagelinguistic
speak only one languagemonolingual
an identity based on the nation from which you comenationality
someone who loves, supports, and defends their countrypatriot
to take legal action against themprosecute
related to a race or racesracial
serious and honestsolemn
a union formed from common responsibilities or interestssolidarity
the ability to avoid offending people when dealing with problemstact
to betray them or weaken their efforts or authorityundermine
to limit its developmentconstrain
a bus or train stationdepot
to imitate them because they are greatly admiredemulate
the finger between one’s thumb and middle fingerforefinger
all the organs inside a person or animalguts
a natural part of something elseinherent
to frighten othersintimidate
a person who makes repairs and takes care of a buildingjanitor
slightly wetmoist
an informal way of saying “no.”nope
to push someone or something with a finger or pointed objectprod
a sum of money paid to a kidnapper to set the person freeransom
to use physical strength to stop themrestrain
the watery liquid in people’s mouths that helps in digestionsaliva
to force liquid from one’s mouthspit
to run very fast over a short distancesprint
respectful of others’ rights and beliefsstunt
a place where actors or musicians act or singtolerant
a fictional monster that sleeps in a coffin and sucks people’s bloodvampire
to open one’s mouth wide and breathe in airyawn
next to or joined with a building or roomadjoining
to say that it is true without offering proofallege
a curved opening formed under a structure such as a bridge or doorway.arch
to get together in one place.assemble
a person killed or injured in a war or an accident.casualty
to build iterect
very unpleasantfoul
a unit of measure equal to 10,000 square metershectare
to increase the intensity of itheighten
friendly behavior and entertainment, shown to guests or strangershospitality
a large and expensive homemansion
to have a greater number than itoutnumber
extremely happyoverjoyed
an area of land covered with grass for animals to use as foodpasture
a written request asking an authority to do somethingpetition
to build new structures on itrenovate
to change it, or update it to make it betterrevise
a large, thick, flat piece of stone, concrete, metal, or woodslab
an open area that is connected to a house or an apartmentterrace
a section of grass and the dirt in which it growsturf
like it in certain waysanalogous
a device used for seeing things that are far awaybinoculars
its sizebulk
to consists of or is made up of itcomprise
to show or portray itdepict
two partsdual
a temperature scale where water freezes at 32° and boils at 212°.Fahrenheit
to achieve or finish it.fulfill
a small group of treesgrove
the raw form of rock or material from which a valuable metal is takenore
the wild inland region of Australia where very few people liveoutback
to exceed it in value, amount, or importanceoutweigh
a true statement or real event that seems illogical.paradox
a structure that extends into a body of water.pier
a route that is shorter than the main route.shortcut
a tax or fee paid on certain imports or exportstariff
a device that measures temperaturethermometer
to tip it into a sloping positiontilt
its two main ideas are switched with one anothervice versa