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level: Lesson 6-10

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Lesson 6-10

can be harmful, dangerous, or unfavorableAdverse
a different optionalternate
break down naturally into substances that do not harm the environmentbiodegradable
inside a packageboxed
stops you from breathingchoke
to do something easilyconvenient
to throw it awaydiscard
a large sea mammal that breathes airdolphin
something is done in a way that concerns living organisms and the environmentecologically
results in someone’s deathfatal
the number of times something happensincidence
something belongs to a city or local governmentmunicipal
when something is utilized too many timesoveruse
a freshwater body that is smaller than a lakepond
to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used againrecycle
can be utilized over and over againreusable
pushed into a small spacestuffed
causes sadness because it might involve death or sufferingtragic
to use it for a specific purposeutilize
a very large mammal that lives in the oceanwhale
amateura person who does something for fun and isn’t paid for it
ambiguousnot entirely clear
anonymousno one knows who he or she is
attainto succeed at something
autonomyfreedom or independence
concessionsomething that one person gives up to another
decaythe result of something slowly being broken down or destroyed naturally
dwellto live there
enlightento teach them about something
enrichto make someone rich or increase their wealth
flourishto do very well
geometrythe study of shapes and how to measure them
gleamto sparkle and shine
greedwanting to have more of something than you need or should have
harmonya feeling that everything is peaceful, balanced, and in agreement
indigenoussomething or someone exists naturally in an environment or area
jurisdictionthe power or right to make judgments about the law and how it is upheld
paradea series of things or people that come or are shown one after another
statuea three-dimensional work of art, usually made of clay, marble, or metal
virginsomeone who has never had sex
abnormaldifferent from normal or average
absentmissing or not in the place they are expected to be
adjacentnext to or adjoining something else.
aluminuma chemical element that is a light silver-coloured metal
applicablerelevant to them
artificialmade or produced to copy something natural; not real
bicyclea two-wheeled vehicle powered by pedaling
brokerto arrange or negotiate the details of something for others
bureaucracya group of people who work together to help manage a large business or run a country
configureto set it up and arrange it
consolidateto join or bring together into one thing
convenienceto do something easily
deductto subtract something
deemto consider something
entrepreneursomeone who starts a new business or organization in order to make money
evenlydivided equally into amounts, numbers, or values
fiscalrelated to money or finances, especially that of a government or business
franchisethe right to sell another company’s products or services in a particular area
ideologicalbased on a system of beliefs or ideals
robota machine that can do the work of a person
abbeya house, or group of houses, where monks or nuns live
abundantit is available in large quantities
adjoinbe next to or attached to something else
amplePlenty of or large: it is enough or more than enough
aridit is hot and dry and gets very little or no rain
cathedralan important, and often large and beautifully-built, church
crisisa difficult time when things are going to either get worse or better
depriveto not let them have it
droughta long period of time in which little or no rain falls
eligiblepermitted to do or have something
fastto go without food or drink for a period of time.
grumbleto complain
inlandinto the center of a country or land
moisturesmall drops of water in the air or on a surface
nonethelessoccurs despite some other thing.
oatha formal, often public, promise
prairiea flat, wide area of land in North America and Canada, without many trees and originally covered with grass
ruggedrocky and difficult to travel through
scarcea very small amount of it
speculateto guess about something
aquaticlives or grows in water
biospherethe regions of the surface and atmosphere of the Earth where living organisms exist
bizarrevery strange
Celsiusa scale for measuring temperature.
coarsea rough texture.
companionsomeone spends a lot of time with.
digestswallow food and pass it through the body.
durationtime during which it happens.
ecologythe study of the environment and living things
featan impressive or difficult achievement or action
infiniteno limit or end
nucleusthe central part of an atom or cell
parasitea tiny animal or plant that attaches to another animal to get food
prominentimportant and well known
repetitiverepeated many times and becomes boring
reproductivea living thing which can produce young
temperatenever gets too hot or cold
tolerancethe ability to accept something unfavorable
undergoexperience something, especially a change or something unpleasant
vulnerableweak and without protection
very old or outdatedarchaic
used to make musical instruments and ornamentsbrass
economic system where private companies make goods for profitcapitalism
part of a larger machinecomponent
somebody relies on something elsedependence
reduce or get smallerdiminish
a disadvantagedrawback
interrupt or force your ideas on other peopleimpose
a kind of business that produces services or things for saleindustry
something related to a manager or managementmanagerial
the period between 650 and 1500 CEmedieval
not used anymore because something better existsobsolete
faced in that direction.oriented
a large piece of land that is surrounded by the sea on three sidespeninsula
people admire or respect themprestige
an amount that shows the link between the parts and the wholeproportion
very new or differentradical
to prove that something is wrongrefute
very impressivespectacular
to make cloth using horizontal and vertical threadsweave
a person whose job is to keep financial accounts for a businessaccountant
a business person who invests in trade and industry for profitcapitalist
the feeling of having no respect for somethingcontempt
something produced by the landcrop
to put a lot of time and effort into itdedicate
a narrow hole cut into the ground by a road or a fieldditch
a company or businessenterprise
to provide money for themfinance
a lack of interest in itindifferent
to supply water to landirrigate
to make it as great as possible in amount, size, or importancemaximize
relates to moneymonetary
stop something bad from happeningprecaution
happens before a more important eventpreliminary
completely soak it with a liquidsaturate
easy to do or understandsimplicity
to plant them in the groundsow
a tool used for diggingspade
a round red fruit, but usually eaten as a vegetabletomato
will happen in the near futureupcoming
the study of people, society, and cultureanthropology
to clap in order to show approvalapplaud
to give the job to themappoint
(of machines, especially computers, or software) able to be used togethercompatible
the ability to do something well or effectivelycompetence
to discuss something with them to make a decisionconfer
happen one after another without interruptionconsecutive
not exact or detailed but can still be usefulcrude
a solid object with six square surfaces that are all the same sizecube
comments to a person about how they are doing somethingfeedback
lack of knowledge about itignorance
a quality or thing related to menmasculine
a structure that is built to remind people of a person or eventmonument
very fit and strongmuscular
the manner in which they stand or sitposture
to place or build it in a certain placesituate
to make sure that it is done correctlysupervise
the state of having two halves that are exactly the samesymmetry
design that is drawn permanently on the skin with needlestattoo
student at a college who is studying for a bachelor’s degreeundergraduate
to provide them with all the things they need or wantcater
pay attention to the needs of othersconsiderate
act of eating or drinking itconsumption
a standard or principle by which something is judged, or with the help of which a decision is madecriteria
tough outer part of a loaf of breadcrust
to give them the right to have or do somethingentitle
safely accompany them to a placeescort
connected to an outer partexternal
a building that exists for a particular purposefacility
a mental or physical abilityfaculty
a large pile of themheap
one half of the Earthhemisphere
a type of dog that is often used for racing or huntinghound
not friendly and makes people feel unimportantimpersonal
to pass your tongue over itlick
attractive object that people display in their homesornament
a person who is walking on a streetpedestrian
a place where people in danger can go to be safesanctuary
someone who watches something, for example, a sports eventspectator
to shout at themyell
a thing that is added to another thing to make it look betteraccessory
something that a person buys or gets in some wayacquisition
a material made out of stiff papercardboard
a difficult situation in which a choice has to be made.dilemma
contains a lot of detailselaborate
correct in every detailexact
to make it easierfacilitate
a group of shipsfleet
a pattern of squares with numbers and letters to find places on a mapgrid
to bring in a product from another countryimport
to reach an opinion or decide that something is true on the basis of information that is availableinfer
to fill it up with airinflate
something that one is born with and was not learnedinnate
a type of rock that feels cold and is smooth when cutmarble
a long pole on a ship that holds the sailmast
the feeling of being sick to your stomachnausea
a country’s navy or military shipsnaval
a small, flexible bag that is usually made of soft materialpouch
completely wetsaturated