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level: Prime Minister vs President

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level questions: Prime Minister vs President

What are the Features of a Parliamentary Government vs Features of a Presidential Government-Executive is formed from the Legislature, so Members of the House of Commons and Lords makes up Government. This is the Fusion of Powers. Vs Members of Executive can not be Members of the Legislature as Separation of Power -Government can not take action with Parliament Approval, due to Parliamentary Sovereignty. Vs President Executes the Law and is not held back by Sovereignty of Legislature -Scrutiny of Executive occurs In Parliament via Parliamentary Questions on Floor of Both Chambers of Committees. Vs President can not be Summoned by Legislature so Scrutiny occurs Outside the Legislature via the Media as well as Inside it -PM needs their Parliamentary Majority and Cabinet Support to Remain at the Head. Vs President rely on Advisors but can chose to Ignore their Cabinet -No Direct Election for PM but elected as an MP like House of Commons. VS President is directly Elected and has a Separate Mandate from the Legislature Elected
How has Prime Ministers acted like Presidents in British Politics?-Election Campaigns have started to become Personalised with PM being the Focal point. Theresa May had hers about a 'Strong and Stable Leadership' -PM creates Space between themselves and other Institutions even their Cabinet, Parliament and Party. This is Spatial Leadership. Cameron personalised himself as a Moderniser, trying to Reform the Stuffy Party via Legalising gay Marriage (eg) -PM more Reliant on their Advisors, such as a US President. In Johnson's First Year, Dominic Cummings a Senior Advisor had Huge Influence over Government -Prime Ministers want to Act Independently in Foreign Affairs and not allow Parliament getting in the way. May used Prerogative in 2018 Syrian Bombings to act Separately from Parliament (by not seeking Approval
How has Prime Ministers acted like Presidents, but been severely Limited in doing so in British Politics?-Personalising Election Campaigns can Damage Leaders if the Campaigning Skills are not on Point. May's Public Faith weakened after U-Turning on Party Policy on Dementia Tax -Spatial Leadership isn't Possible due to the Fusion of Powers. PM are eventually Reined in. May had lost all Control on the Payroll Vote. March 2019 saw Junior Ministers allowed to vote on the Indicative Vote Process over Brexit -Reliance on Advisors can damage PM's Credibility. After the Manifesto and Loss of Majority in 2017, May sacked Senior Advisor Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill -Ever since Iraq War, Parliament has become much more Assertive. Cameron failed to Persuade Parliament to vote for Military Action against the Assad Regime in Syria