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level: Market Failures in Monopolies

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Market Failures in Monopolies

What is a Pure Monopoly?-This a Market with only 1 Supplier. Markets with more than 1 Supplier can also be called a Monopoly if it Dominates the Market
What is Monopoly Power? -When is it arguably Most Powerful?-This is when the Firm can Influence the Price of a Good in a Market. -A Firm with Monopoly Power can Affect its Price (Price Making Power) and can happen in Pure Monopolies, Oligopolies or even Monopolistic Competition -Goods which are Essential and has no Substitutes have the Greatest Monopoly Power. More Inelastic Demand a Product is, the Greater Monopoly Power present
How can Monopolies create a Market Failure and Misallocation of Resources?-Usually, the Price and Output would be at a Point where Supply = Demand (AR = AC) -Monopolies though can Misallocate Resources by Restricting Supply to create a Higher Price (MC=MR) -This is Market Failure. Welfare Loss of KLM exists (Fewer Units left for Consumers to Purchase) -Furthermore, Output being Restricted can lead to Economies of Scale being Less of an Impact. Productive Efficiency is not Achieved -Monopolies experience Higher Costs of Production also exists as they may not have an Incentive to Innovate Market Production. They may not Cut Costs as they are Price Makers -Finally, Choice is Restricted on Consumers, and their Wants and Needs will not be noted upon by the Firm, because Price Makers
What Benefits can Monopolies bring?-Some Markets can Enjoy only having One Producer ie Energy Grids, which can Exploit the Economies of Scale and Produce Productive Efficiency -The Large Economies of Scale can lead to a Lower Price being Charged as Costs of Productions fall. This also helps International Competition -Monopolies use Profits to Innovate and make Better Quality Products for Consumers