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level: Transpiration and translocation

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level questions: Transpiration and translocation

Two types of vascular tissues in plants responsible for transportation.Xylem and Phloem
What are the two main types of vascular tissues in plants?Xylem and phloem are the two types of vascular tissues in plants.
Plant tissue responsible for transporting water and minerals from roots up the plant.Xylem Tissue
What is the main function of xylem tissue in plants?Xylem tissue is adapted to transport water and minerals around a plant.
The process by which xylem cells transport water and minerals from the roots up the plant.Water and Mineral Transport
What do xylem cells transport in plants?Xylem cells transport water and minerals up the plant from the roots.
The loss of water from the plant due to evaporation and diffusion.Transpiration
What causes more water to be drawn up the xylem?Transpiration, the loss of water from the plant by evaporation and diffusion, causes more water to be drawn up the xylem.
Structural features that make xylem tissue well-suited for water transport.Xylem Tissue Adaptations
How is xylem tissue adapted for water transport?Xylem tissue is made up of hollow tubes of dead xylem cells reinforced with lignin for strength.
A substance that reinforces the cell walls of xylem cells, providing strength.Lignin
What role does lignin play in xylem tissue?Lignin reinforces the cell walls of xylem cells, providing strength to the tissue.
Plant tissue responsible for the translocation of food substances, such as sucrose, throughout the plant.Phloem Tissue
What is the main function of phloem tissue in plants?Phloem tissue is adapted to help plants with translocation, the movement of food substances from leaves to other parts of the plant.
The process of moving food substances from leaves to other parts of the plant.Translocation
What is translocation in plants?Translocation is the movement of food substances from leaves to other parts of the plant.
Cells in phloem tissue responsible for transporting food substances like sucrose up and down the plant.Phloem Cells
What do phloem cells transport in plants?Phloem cells transport food substances, such as sucrose, up and down the plant.
The fluid containing dissolved substances, including sucrose, within plant cells.Cell Sap
What is sucrose dissolved in within the phloem cells?Sucrose is dissolved in cell sap within the phloem cells.
Structural features of phloem cells that make them well-suited for transporting cell sap.Phloem Cell Adaptations
How are phloem cells adapted for transporting cell sap?Phloem tissue's elongated cells are adapted to transport cell sap. Unlike xylem, phloem is made up of living cells, which use energy to transport sucrose around.
The need for energy in phloem cells to transport sucrose.Energy Requirement in Phloem
Why do phloem cells require energy for transporting sucrose?Active transport against concentration gradient; essential for efficient bidirectional sucrose movement.
Openings in the end walls of phloem cells through which sap moves from one cell to the next.Pores in End Walls
How does sap move within the phloem tissue?Sap moves from one phloem cell to the next through pores in their end walls.
Pores present on the surface of a leaf, facilitating the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.Stomata
What are the pores on a leaf called, and what is their function?The pores on a leaf are called stomata, and they facilitate the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Each individual pore on a leaf's surface, through which gas exchange occurs.Stoma
What is each individual pore on a leaf called?Each individual pore on a leaf is called a stoma.
The process by which carbon dioxide and oxygen diffuse in and out of the leaf through stomata.Gas Exchange
What is the primary function of stomata?Stomata facilitate gas exchange, allowing carbon dioxide and oxygen to diffuse in and out of the leaf.
The uneven distribution of stomata, with more found on the underside of a leaf than on the top.Stomata Distribution
Where are stomata more abundant on a leaf?There are more stomata on the underside of a leaf than on the top.
Cells surrounding each stoma that control its opening and closing.Guard Cells
What surrounds each stoma, regulating its opening and closing?Each stoma is surrounded by guard cells.
The role of guard cells in regulating stomatal opening and closing.Guard Cell Function
What happens to stomata when guard cells are filled with water?When guard cells are filled with water, they swell, causing the stomata to open and facilitating gas exchange.
The reaction of guard cells to water shortage, leading to stomatal closure.Guard Cell Response to Water Shortage
How do guard cells respond to a shortage of water?When there is a shortage of water, guard cells shrink, causing stomatal closure and reducing water vapor loss through the pores.
The process of water loss from a plant, primarily through evaporation and diffusion.Transpiration
What is transpiration in plants?Transpiration is the loss of water from a plant.
Factors leading to transpiration, including evaporation and diffusion of water through the stomata.Causes of Transpiration
What causes transpiration in plants?Transpiration is caused by the evaporation and diffusion of water through the stomata.
The movement of water from the plant to the air through the stomata due to differences in water concentration.Water Movement
How does water move out of the plant during transpiration?Water leaves the plant through the stomata by diffusion, driven by differences in water concentration.
The process by which plants draw in more water through the roots to compensate for water lost through transpiration.Water Absorption
Why does more water need to be drawn in through the roots during transpiration?Water leaves the plant during transpiration, leading to the need for more water absorption through the roots
The ability of plants to control the opening and closing of stomata, influencing gas exchange and water loss.Stomatal Regulation
How do plants control the level of gas exchange and water loss?Plants can control gas exchange and water loss by opening and closing the stomata.
The speed at which water is lost from a plant through transpiration.Transpiration Rate
What does the transpiration rate refer to?The transpiration rate is the speed at which water is lost from a plant through transpiration.
The relationship between temperature and the rate of transpiration.Temperature and Transpiration
How does temperature affect the transpiration rate?Transpiration happens at a faster rate at higher temperatures because molecules have more energy and move around faster.
The impact of dry conditions on the transpiration rate.Dry Conditions and Transpiration
What happens to the transpiration rate in dry conditions, and why?More water leaves the plant by diffusion in dry conditions because there are fewer water particles in the dry air.
The impact of humid conditions on the transpiration rate.Humid Conditions and Transpiration
How does humidity affect the transpiration rate?Less water leaves the plant by diffusion in humid conditions because there are more water particles in the air, reducing the concentration gradient.
The influence of air movement, particularly wind, on the transpiration rate.Air Movement and Transpiration
How does air movement affect the transpiration rate?The transpiration rate is higher when there's more air movement (wind) because wind carries water molecules away from the plant, leading to more water loss by transpiration.
The level of brightness or illumination in the environment.Light Intensity
What is light intensity?Light intensity is the level of brightness or illumination in the environment.
The relationship between light intensity and the rate of transpiration.Light Intensity and Transpiration Rate
How does light intensity affect the transpiration rate?The higher the light intensity, the greater the rate of transpiration.
The connection between photosynthesis and the opening of stomata.Photosynthesis and Stomatal Opening
Why do stomata open during light conditions?Stomata open during light conditions because plants can photosynthesize, and the stomata allow carbon dioxide to enter.
The result of stomatal opening during light conditions, leading to increased water diffusion and transpiration.Increased Transpiration in Light
What happens to the rate of transpiration when it's light?When it's light, the stomata open, allowing carbon dioxide in, and water diffuses out, increasing the rate of transpiration.
The relationship between low light intensity and a lower rate of transpiration.Low Light Intensity and Transpiration Rate
How does low light intensity affect the rate of transpiration?The lower the light intensity, the lower the rate of transpiration.
The response of stomata to low light conditions, leading to closure.Stomatal Closure in the Dark
Why do stomata close in the dark?Stomata close in the dark because photosynthesis doesn't occur, and the plant doesn't need carbon dioxide, saving water and lowering the rate of transpiration.
Equipment used to estimate the rate of transpiration in plants by measuring water uptake.Potometer
What is a potometer used for?A potometer is used to estimate the rate of transpiration in plants by measuring water uptake.
The parameter (numerical factor) measured by a potometer, which is not the exact amount of water lost from leaves but provides an estimate of transpiration rate.Measurement in Potometer
What does a potometer measure in terms of water?The potometer measures the amount of water taken up by the plant, providing an estimate of transpiration rate.
Describe the procedure of using a potometer to estimate transpiration rate.Record the starting position of the bubble, then check its new position at set time intervals for a certain length of time.
The formula used to calculate transpiration rate based on the distance moved by the bubble and the time taken.Calculation of Transpiration Rate
How is the transpiration rate calculated using a potometer?The transpiration rate is estimated by dividing the distance moved by the bubble by the time taken (e.g., 50 mm ÷ 20 min = 2.5 mm/min).
A more accurate method of estimating transpiration rate by plotting results on a graph and finding the gradient of the line of best fit.Graphical Analysis
Why is graphical analysis considered a more accurate method for estimating transpiration rate?By plotting results on a graph, drawing a line of best fit, and finding its gradient, a more accurate estimate of transpiration rate can be obtained.