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level: 12th Nov.

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 12th Nov.

Prenses Elizabeth, 1926'da Londra'da doğdu.Princess Elizabeth was born in London in 1926.
Küçük kız kardeşiyle birlikte Londra'da büyüdü.She grew up in London with her younger sister.
Evde eğitildiler.They were educated at home.
Doğduğunda kraliçe olması beklenmiyordu.She was not expected to become queen when she was born.
Amcası krallığı bıraktı ve babası kral oldu.Her uncle gave up the king and her father became King.
Erkek kardeşleri yoktu.She didn’t have brothers.
1947'de kuzeniyle nişanlandı.In 1947, she got engaged to her cousin.
Kenya'dayken babası öldü.When she was in Kenya, her father died.
İngiltere'ye geri geldi.She came back to England.
Geldiğinde Kraliçe oldu.When she came, she became Queen.
Tören televizyonda gösterildi.The ceremony was shown on TV.
Tören, birçok kişi tarafından izlendi.The ceremony was watched by many people.
Kraliçe olarak rolü sadece törenseldi.Her role as a queen was just ceremonial.
Dünyanın birçok ülkesini ziyaret etti.She visited many countries in the world.
Elizabeth köpekleri ve atları severdi.Elizabeth loved dogs and horses.
Kocası 2021'de öldü.Her husband died in 2021.
Kraliçe bir yıl sonra öldü.The Queen died a year later.
Oğlu, yeni kral oldu.Her son became the new King.
Geçen ay İngiltere'de toprağa verildi.She was buried in England last month.
"Des" olarak çağrılırdım.I was called “Des”
Geç gelmeme izin verilmez..I am not allowed to come late.
Törene davet edildim.I was invited to the ceremony.
Tören TV de gösterildi.The ceremony was shown on TV.
Okula gidiyorken,While I was going to school,
Babam hasta olduğu için, .....As my dad was ill, ........