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level: Level 2

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level questions: Level 2

Liquid preparation that ONE OR MORE SUBSTANCES that can be liquid, solid or gas and can be dissolve in a suitable solvent or liquid HOMOGENOUS solute and solvent the SOLUTE in the solution is BELOW THE SOLUBILITY LIMIT expressed in PERCENT STRENGTH in dilute: PPM or PPPSINGLE-PHASE SYSTEM OR SOLUTION
CLEAR LIQUID preparation or transparent in color and usually HOMOGENOUS in natureAQUEOUS SOLUTIONS
CLEAR, SATURATED AQUEOUS SOLUTION of volatile oil or other aromatic or volatile substances Used as a FLAVORANT or perfume vehicle for water soluble drugs. AQUEOUS PHASE for some emulsion and suspension (state disadvantages)Aromatic Waters disadvantage: 1 salting out 2 may reduce the solubility of the substance 3 deteriorate with time
Preparations for AROMATIC WATER1 Distillation/Cohobation 2 Solution method 3 Alternate solution method (read their procedures in the copy)
aqueous solution of INORGANIC OR ORGANIC ACIDS of suitable strength they only have PERCENT STRENGTH OF 10% W/V Used as INTERNAL ADMINISTRATIONDiluted Acids
1 Preparation for Diluted Acids 2 used for the treatment of ACHLORHYDRIA (absence of HCl in the stomach).1 dilute concentrated acid with purified water 2 Diluted HCl, USP
DIRECTED against a PART or INTO BODY CAVITY for the CLEANSING in an ANTISEPTIC ACTION dispensed in POWDERED FORM then add specific quantity of warm water or any solvent. Sometimes, add BORIC ACID AS LUBRICANT. Cleansing, and Antiseptic agentDouches
IN DOUCHES 1 In using douches, we use __ to point wherever we want to clean 2 Usually dispensed in powdered form then add specific quantity of warm water or any solvent. Sometimes, add __ as lubricant. 3 Examples of douches. 1 bulb syringe 2 boric acid 3 Eye douche, pharyngeal douches, nasal, and vaginal douches
Enemas types1 Evacuation enemas 2 Absorption/retention enemas 3 Aminophylline retention enema
Evacuates bowel. USED when the patient will UNDERGO COLONOSCOPYEvacuation enemas
use for local disease or affect local disease. It has anthelminthic nutritive, sedative or stimulating properties. Sometimes used for ROENTGENOGRAPHIC EXAMINATIONAbsorption/Retention Enemas
an examination that ADD RADIOPAQUE SUBSTANCES for the EXAMINATION OF LOWER BOWEL. Add to the enemas then to the bowel then the bowel will LIGHT UP when undergo with this kind of examinationRoentgenographic Examination
– Usually RETAINED IN THE INTESTINE in SMALLER AMOUNT or also called as MICRO-ENEMA. are usually formulated together with ETHANOL and PROPYLENE GLYCOL. As a result it can CREATE MICRO-ENEMAS which can be retained up to the intestine in smaller amounts. USED for LOCAL SITE OF DISEASE. Example is Hydrocortisone enemasAminophylline Retention Enema
These are aqueous solutions that are frequently CONTAINING either ANTISEPTIC, ANTIBIOTICS OR ANESTHETICS used for TREATING PHARYNX AND NASOPHARYNX. This is by FORCING AIR FROM THE LUNGS to the GARGLE which is held in the THROAT. Should be held in the throat for 30 SECONDS The air that is forced out from the lungs will go to pharynx and nasopharynx and then treat the condition Diluted with water.Gargles
Gargles examples1 Cepacaine 2 Nystatin 3 Hydrogen peroxide 4 Bactidol
1 a TOPICAL ANESTHETIC used to relieve PHARYNGEAL AND ORAL PAIN. 2 used to TREAT ORAL FUNGAL INFECTIONS 3 used in the treatment of PHARYNGITIS and VINCENT STOMATITIS (painful infection and ulceration in the mouth and throat. Usually start from the infection of the gums).1 Cepacaine 2 Nystatin 3 Hydrogen peroxide
It is EMPLOYED FOR DEODORANT, refreshing, and SOMETIMES ANTISEPTIC. MOSTLY AQUEOUS solution with some alcohol. Usually incorporate alcohol which serves as a solvent and also preservative. 10-20% OF ALCOHOL AS PRESERVATIVE. It also has GLYCERIN AND SORBITOL serves as HUMECTANT (prevents the drying up of the solution) and gives sweetness in the preparation. 5-20% OF TOTAL PREPARATION. Presented with PLEASANTLY FLAVORED and COLORED according to flavor Intended by SWISHING THE LIQUID around the oral cavity.Mouthwashes
Mouthwashes 1 __ serves as humectant (prevents the drying up of the solution) and gives sweetness in the preparation. 5-20% of total preparation. 2 In recent developments, mouthwash is also use as dosage form __ 3 sometimes employ to mouthwash. The purpose of this is to treat painful side effects of chemotherapy. 1 Glycerin and Sorbitol 2 for painful effects after cancer chemotherapy 3 Antihistamine, Hydrocortisone, Nystatin, and Tetracycline
Type of Mouthwashes1 Therapeutic mouthwash -allopurinol -pilocarpine -amphotericin B 2 Cosmetic mouthwash - Chlorohexidine gluconate 3 Diagnostic purposes - Toluidine blue mouth rinse
MOUTHWASHES 1 (used for STOMATITIS or INFLAMED and SORE MOUTH) 2 (used for DRY MOUTH) 3 (Used for CANDIDIASIS). 1 Allopurinol 2 Pilocarpine 3 Amphotericin B
(Used for PLAQUE CONTROL) MOUTHWASHChlorhexidine gluconate
(It will TURN THE CAVITY INTO BLUE. It is used to detect oral cancer and lesions).Toluidine blue mouth rinse
1 Type of mouthwash usually used to reduce the plaque, gingivitis, dental caries, and stomatitis. 2 Type of moutwash - Usually seen in the grocery. - Formulated to reduce bad breath through the use of antimicrobial and also flavoring agents.1 Therapeutic mouthwash 2 Cosmetic mouthwash