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level: short term vs long term

Questions and Answers List

level questions: short term vs long term

Jacobs research on capacity of stm- jacobs said there is a limit to what can be stored in stm - 5 to 9 pieces of info - chunking information can make it easier to remember - digits are easier to remember than words
short term memory- temporary storage system that processes incoming sensory memory - duration is limited, around 20 seconds (research by peterson and peterson) - coding is acoustin (Baddely) - capacity : limited 7+/- 2 chunks of information (miller)
Miller (1956) research into STMSTM has limited capacity of 7+/-2 chunks of info. EVAL POINT Miller’s research did not take age into account when considering what could affect STM. Also we don't know how big of a chunk of info we can store in STM
Peterson & Peterson (1959) research into duration of stmSTM has a limited duration of 20 seconds. EVAL POINT ppts were psychology students who may have demonstrated demand characteristics. Low ecological validity, as the experiment does not reflect real situations. Highly controlled.
Baddely (1966) into coding of STMfound that STM (direct recall) : acoustically similar. LTM (20 mins later) : semantically similar. EVAL POINT Good sample size. Controlled experiment. Low ecological validity.
LTMcapacity : unlimited duration : lifetime (bahrick) coding : semantic (baddley)
explicit memorythose we consciously try to remember and recall eg episodic and semantic memory
implicit memorymemories that arent part of our consciousness. memories formed from behaviour eg procedural memory
procedural memorystores information on how we do things, like riding a bicycle. no conscious recall
semantic memoryknowledge is stored in semantic memory
episodic memoryevents we have personally experienced
SUPPORT for MSMHM suffered from epilepsy. He damages his hippocampus, he had amnesia. Procedural memory was still intact but he couldnt form new episodic or semantic memories. His STM and LTM weren't connected. This supports MSM's theory that the STM and LTM are located in different places.
LIMITATION of MSM- machine reductionism -
Peterson and Peterson- 24 psych students participated - participants had to try and recall three letter consants after different intervals - ppts would recall fewer trigrams as time gap increased - STM has limited 20s duration when we cant rehearse information
Bahrick et Al- tested long term memory of nearly 400 ppts - tested at different years after graduation - name recognition maintained the highest accuracy
cause of forgetting in stmdecay
Jacobs research on capacity of stm- jacobs said there is a limit to what can be stored in stm - 5 to 9 pieces of info - chunking information can make it easier to remember - digits are easier to remember than words
Baddeley research into STM and LTM coding- ppts were given four sets of words - stm is acoustically coded - ltm is semantically coded