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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

MRS GRENMovement as an action by an organism Respiration as the chemical reactions realise energy Sensitivity to detect and respond to changes in environment Growth as a permanent increase in size Reproduction that makes more of the same kind of organism Excretion as the removal of waste products Nutrition, taking in materials for energy, growth and development
plant cellplant cell
animal cellanimal cell
bacteria cellbacteria cell
function of the cell wallgives shape to cells, stops cells from bursting when they fill with water, allows water and dissolved substances to pass through freely
function of the cell membranecontrols movement of other substances into and out of the cell, keeps contents of the cell inside, forms a barrier between the cell and its surroundings
function of the nucleuscontrols all activities in the cell, controls how cells develop
function of the cytoplasmplace where chemical reactions take place (like respiration and making proteins for the cell)
function of the vacuolestores salts and sugars, full of water to maintain shape and firmness of cell
function of the chloroplastsstores starch, produce energy through photosynthesis and oxygen-release processes, site of photosynthesis
ciliated cells functionmovement of mucus in the trachea and bronchi
palisade mesophyll cells functioncontains lots of chloroplasts, close to where the light is so max amount of light hits the leaf, for photosynthesis
red blood cells functioncarry oxygen from the lungs and deliver it throughout our body
sperm and egg cells (gametes) functioncarry out fertilization in sexually reproducible organisms, reproduction
cellbuilding blocks, muscle cells contract and relax
tissuesimilar cells working together in the same way, cardiac muscle tissue is made of muscle cells that contract and relax together
organgroup of tissues working together, your heart is made of muscle and other tissues and pumps blood around your body
organ systema group of organs working together, your heart and blood vessels make up your circulatory system which carries blood around your body
organisman individual living species, which exhibits all the properties of life
diffusionnet movement of particles from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration, down a concentration gradient, as a result of their random movement
where does energy for diffusion come fromkinetic energy of random movement of molecules and ions
importance of diffusion of gases and solutes in living organismsallows them to gain the useful substances they require to obtain energy and grow, and lets them get rid of waste products, allows for gas exchange
how does surface area influence diffusionas the surface area of the membrane increases, the rate of diffusion also increases, as there is more space for molecules to diffuse across the membrane
how does temperature influence diffusionmolecules move faster and collide more often as the temperature increases, diffusion is faster at warmer temps
how does concentration gradient influence diffusionhigher the concentration the higher diffusion rates
how does distance influence diffusionThe greater the distance that a substance must travel, the slower the rate of diffusion
role of watersolvent in organisms
how does water move in and out of cellsosmosis, through the cell membrane
how are plants supportedby the pressure of water inside the cells pressing outwards on the cell wall
osmosisthe net movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential (dilute solution) to a region of lower water potential (concentrated solution) through a partially permeable membrane
the importance of water potential and osmosis in the uptake and loss of water by organismsIf the water would only diffuse out or into the cell, it would shrink or burst, nutrients and minerals are diffused along with the water.
active transportthe movement of particles through a cell membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration (against the concentration gradient) using energy from respiration
importance of active transporta process for movement of molecules or ions across membranes, including ion uptake by root hairs
what happens during active transportprotein carriers move molecules or ions across a membrane
chemical elements that make up carbohydrates, fats and proteinscarbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
what is starch made ofglycogen and cellulose from glucose
what are fats and oils made offatty acids and glycerol
iodine test for starchchanges from brown to a blue/black colour
benedicts solution for reducing sugarsfrom blue to green/yellow if the amount is low and red if it is high
biurets test for proteinslilac
Ethanol test for fats and oilsmilky white
DCPIP test for vitamin CIt changes from blue to red with acids but loses its colour in the presence of certain chemicals, one of which is ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
structure of a DNA molecule2 strands coiled together, each strand contains bases, bonds between pairs of bases hold the strands together, bases always pair with each other (A&T, C&G)
catalysta substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction and is not changed by the reaction
enzymesproteins that are involved in all metabolic reactions where they function as biological catalysts
why enzymes are important to all living organismswithout enzymes reactions simply would not occur or would run too slowly to sustain life, for example without enzymes digestion would be impossible
lock and key modelonly a substrate molecule with a shape that fits into the active site will take part in the reaction catalysed by this enzyme
photosynthesisthe process by which plants synthesise carbs from raw materials using energy from light
what does chlorophyll dochlorophyll transfers energy from light into energy in chemicals for the synthesis of carbohydrates
why do plants store starchplants store starch as an energy store
why do plants store celluloseto build cell walls
why do plants store glucoseused in respiration to provide energy
why do plants store sucrosefor transport in the phloem
why do plants store nectarto attract insects for pollination
why does chlorophyll need magnesium ionsregulate the activity of key photosynthetic enzymes
why does photosynthesis need chlorophyllto absorb the energy from light
why does photosynthesis need lightprovides energy for the process
why does photosynthesis need carbon dioxidediffuses into the leaves from the air
balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis6CO2+6H2O→C6H12O6+6O2
how leaves have adapted for photosynthesisa large surface area to absorb light rays, a thin shape so gasses can diffuse in and out easily
leaf diagramleaf diagram
balanced dieta diet consisting of a variety of different types of food and providing adequate amounts of the nutrients necessary for good health
principal dietary source and importance of carbohydratessugars, provide you with energy
Principal dietary source and importance of fats and oilslong term energy store, good thermal insulators, butter
principal dietary source and importance of proteinsgrowth and repair, needed to make your own proteins, nuts
principal dietary source and importance of vitamin Crepair resistance to disease, citrus fruits
principal dietary source and importance of vitamin D and calciumstrengthens bones and teeth, milk
principal dietary source and importance of ironformation of haemoglobin in red blood cells for transport of oxygen, eggs
principal dietary source and importance of fibrehelps the movement of food in the alimentary canal, cabbage
importance of waterneeded for chemical reactions to take place
cause of scurvy and ricketsvitamin C deficency, vitamin D deficency
digestive systemdigestive system
ingestionthe processes of taking food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing it
digestionthe process of mechanically and enzymatically breaking down food into substances for absorption into the bloodstream
absorptionthe movement of nutrients from the intestines into the blood
assimilationuptake and use of nutrients by cells
egestionthe removal of undigested food from the body as faeces
physical digestionthe breakdown of food into smaller pieces without chemical change to the food molecules
what does physical digestion doincreases the surface area of food for the action of enzymes in chemical digestion
tooth structuretooth structure
function of the stomach in physical digestionrelease gastric juices that begin to break down all the food you've eaten
chemical digestionbreak down of large insoluble molecules into small soluble molecules that can be absorbed
what does amylase break downbreaks down starch to simple reducing sugars (maltose)
where is amylase secretedproduced by the salivary glands and the pancreas
where does amylase actsalivary glands
what does proteases break downprotein into amino acids
where is protease secretedpancrease
where does protease actbreaks down protein in the acidic conditions of the stomach
what does lipase break downfats and oils into fatty acids and glycerol
where is lipase secretedpancreas
where does lipase actsmall intestine
functions of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice with killing harmful micro-organisms in foodgastric juice contains pepsin, which starts the digestion of proteins to smaller molecules called polypeptides, it also contains hydrochloric acid which kills any bacteria in food, killing harmful microorganisms in food, providing an acidic pH for optimum enzyme activity
functions of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and providing an acidic pH for optimum enzyme activitygastric juice contains hydrochloric acid, as a result the enzyme pepsin works in acid pH of about 1.5-2
what does trypsin dobreaks down protein in the alkaline conditions of the small intestine
bile and functionalkaline mixture that neutralises the acidic mixture of food and gastric juices entering the duodenum from the stomach to provide suitable pH for enzyme activity
small intestinethe region where nutrients are absorbed, most water is also absorbed here, but some is also absorbed from the colon
function of xylemtransports water and mineral ions, upward direction only, made of dead cells walls separating them made of lignin, outer shells are not living, no end walls between cells
function of phloemtransports dissolved sugars like sucrose and amino acids, goes in both directions, made of living cells, where translocation happens, has end walls (sieve plates)
xylem and phloem positionxylem and phloem position
root hair cells functionabsorb water and mineral ions
how have root hair cells adaptedlarge surface area to increase the uptake of water and mineral ions
pathway taken by water through the root stem and leafroot hair cells, root cortex cells, xylem, mesophyll cells, much of the water enters the cell walls, evaporates to form water vapour and then diffuses through stomata to atmosphere
how does water move upwards through the xylema transpiration pull that draws up a column of water molecules held together by forces of attraction between water molecules
transpirationloss of water vapour from the plant leaves by evaporation of water at the surfaces of the mesophyll cells and then diffuses out of the leaves through the stomata as water vapour
how wind speed affects transpirationwindy conditions increase the rate of transpiration, water molecules are blown away from the leaf surface so more water molecules diffuse out of the stomata
how temperature affects transpirationwarm conditions increase the rate of transpiration as warm air can hold more water vapour
how humidity affects transpirationhumid conditions decrease the rate of transpiration as humid air has a lot of water molecules, so the concentration gradient for water vapour is less steep
how and why does wilting occurif the plant doesn't get enough water the cells are no longer turgid so they can't hold it up any more
translocationmovement of sucrose and amino acids from their source to a sink
sourceparts of the plant that release sucrose or amino acids
sinkpart of the plant that use or store sucrose or amino acids
what do electrical impulses travel alongneurons
what is the CNSCentral nervous system, consisting of the brain and the spinal cord
what is the PNSPeripheral nervous system, consisting of the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord
role of nervous systemcoordination and regulation of body functions
simple reflex arcreceptor - sensory neurone - relay neurone - motor neurone - effector
reflex actionautomatically coordinating stimuli with the responses of effectors (muscles and glands)
synapsejunction between two neurons, ensures that impulses travel in one direction only
structure of a synapsehave vesicles containing neurotransmitter molecules, the synaptic gap and receptor proteins
events at a synapsean impulse stimulates release of neurotransmitters from vesicles into the synaptic gap, the neurotransmitters diffuse across the gap, neurotransmitter molecules bind with receptor proteins on the next neurone, an impulse is stimulated in the next neurone (travel in one direction)
sense organsgroups of receptor cells responding to specific stimuli - light, sound, touch, temperature, chemicals
eye diagrameye diagram
cornearefracts light rays into the pupil
iriscontrols how much light enters the pupil
lensfocuses light rays onto the retina
retinacontains light receptors, some sensitive to light of different colours
optic nervecarries impulse to the brain
pupil reflex in bright lightradial muscles relax, circular muscles in iris contract, pupil becomes smaller so less light enters the eye
pupil reflex in dim lightradial muscles contract, circular muscles relax, pupil enlarges so more light enters the eye
eye looking at a distant objectciliary muscles relax, suspensory ligaments are tight, so the lens becomes more thin and light rays are refracted as they pass through the lens and focus on the retina, so the distant object is in focus
eye looking at a near objectciliary muscles contract, suspensory ligaments are not pulled, so the lens becomes fatter and light rays are refracted more so the near object is in focus
where are rods and cones in the eyelocated mainly around the periphery of the retina
function of rodsgreater sensitivity of rods as they are responsible for night vision
function of cones3 different types of cones for absorbing light of different colours, for colour vision
function of foveaa region of the retina with the highest density of cones where the eye sees particularly good detail
hormonechemical substance produced by a gland and carried by the blood which alters the activity of one or more specific target organs
what hormone does the pancreas secreteinsulin and glucagon
what does insulin dodecrease blood glucose concentration
adrenalinehormone secreted in fight or flight situations
effects of adrenalineincreased breathing rate, heart rate and pupil diameter, increase blood glucose concentration
homoeostasisthe maintenance of a constant internal environment
how to control blood glucose levelswhen your blood glucose levels increase, insulin is secreted into the blood which liver cells to convert glucose into glycogen. this stimulates the liver cells to absorb lots of glucose from the blood, so the concentration decreases and returns to normal.
gravitropisma response in which parts of a plant grow towards or away from gravity
phototropisma response in which parts of a plant grow towards or away from the direction of the light source
gravitropism in the rootspositively gravitropic, the growth in the same direction as gravity
gravitropism in the shootsnegatively gravitropic, always grow in the opposite direction of gravity,
phototropism in the shootspositively phototrophic because shoots grow towards the light
auxinmade in the shoot tip, diffuses through the plant from the shoot to the tip, unequally distributed in response to light and gravity, stimulates cell elongation
drugany substance taken into the body that modifies or affects chemical reactions in the body
use of antibiotics in bacterial infectionsused to kill pathogens or stop their growth, acts on bacteria by inhabiting cell wall formation leading to a breakdown of the cell wall and the leakage of cell contents
antibiotics resistancesome bacteria are resistant to antibiotics which reduces the effectiveness of antibiotics, doesn't affect viruses
how antibiotics become resistantantibiotics kill all the non-resistant bacteria and the more you use the antibiotic the more the resistant bacteria grow and the more the non-resistant bacteria are killed until all that is left is non-resistant bacteria
role of testosterone in pubertygrowth of the male sex organs, testes to make sperm cells, growth of facial codes, deeping of the voice, development of muscles in the body
role of oestrogen in pubertygrowth of female sex organs, menstrual cycle, growth of hair, growth and development of breasts, widening of hips
sun useprincipal sources of energy input to biological systems
food chainshowing the transfer of energy from one organism to the next, beginning with a producer
food weba network of interconnected food chains
produceran organism that makes its own organic nutrients, usually using energy from sunlight through photosynthesis
consumeran organism that gets its energy by feeding on other organisms
how food chains are classedconsumers might be classed as primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary according to their position in a food chain
herbivorean animal that gets its energy by eating plants
carnivorean animal that gets its energy by eating other animals
pyramid of numbersa way to show numbers of organisms at each trophic level in an ecosystem, the area of each horizontal bar is proportional to the number of individuals at each trophic level
pyramid of biomassway to show biomass at each trophic level in an ecosystem, the area of each horizontal bar is proportional to the mass of living material at each trophic level
decomposeran organism that gets its energy from dead or waste organic material
trophic levelthe position of an organism in a food chin, web or ecological pyramid
advantages of using a pyramid of biomass rather than a pyramid of numbers to represent a food chaingives indication of the size, measures biomass instead of numbers
carbon cyclecarbon cycle
populationa group of organisms of one species living in the same area at the same time
communityall the populations of different species in an ecosystem
ecosystema unit containing the community of organisms and their environment interacting together
lag phase in growth of a bacteria colonydoubling of the numbers has little effect as numbers are so small, bacteria takes up water and nutrients to make new cytoplasm, DNA and enzymes
log (exponential) phase in growth of a bacteria colonywhen the population is increasing rapidly, population increases by doubling and there is no limiting factors like food or water
death in growth of a bacteria colonymore cells are dying than are being produced, so population declines, causes of death may be lack of food, shortage of oxygen or build up of toxic waste products
stationary in growth of a bacteria colonybacterial cells are dying at the same rate they are being produced, this may be because of shortage of food or waste product build up
factors affecting the rate of population growthfood supply, competition, predation, disease
how competition affects populationplants compete for light, space, water and soil nutrients, animals compete for food, space, mates
how predation affects populationpredators may limit the growth of a population of prey animals, but the lack of prey may reduce the amount of predators
how disease affects populationpathogens are transmitted between individuals more easily when organisms live close together, disease can cause population crashes if the species has no resistance or immunity
how have humans increased food productionsagricultural machinery (use larger areas of land and improve efficiency, chemical fertilisers (improve yields), insecticides (improve quality and yield), herbicides (reduce competition with weeds), selective breeding (improve production by crop plants and livestock)
advantages of large-scale monocultures of crop plantsimproves efficiency, easier to manage
disadvantages of large-scale monocultures of crop plantsuses more water for irrigation, harms the environment
advantages of intensive livestock productionhigh yield, protection of livestock, sustaining food supply with the demand
disadvantages of intensive livestock productionheavy deformation, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, poor living conditions for livestock
biodiversitythe number of different species that live in an area
reasons for habitat destructionextraction of natural resources, freshwater and marine pollution, increased area for housing crop plant production and livestock production
humans impact on habitatsthrough altering food webs and food chains, humans can have a negative impact on habitats
effects of deforestationreducing biodiversity, loss of soil, flooding, increased carbon dioxide
effects of untreated sewage on waterwaysreduces oxygen concentration in rivers, destruction of freshwater communities
effects of excess fertiliser on waterwayseutrophication in fresh water
effects of non-biodegradable plasticsburied in ground, does not decay so it takes up space, pollutes waterways
sources of carbon dioxide pollutionburning fossil fuels
effects of carbon dioxide pollutiongreenhouse gasses
process of eutrophication- increased availability of nitrate and other ions - algae bloom - increased decomposition after death - decreased oxygen levels - death of other organisms in the waterways due to lack of oxygen
effects of methane pollutiongreenhouse gasses
sources of methane pollutioncattle and paddy fields for growing rice, coal and oil extraction