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level questions: Level 1

It is a radical art movement that embraced as one of the most popular and influential art styles in western history.Impressionism
A type of abstract or non-representational art which tends to be geometric and does not represent specific objects, people, or other subjects found in the natural world is theNon-objective Art
was one of the first forms of Japanese art that found its way across the seas to Europe and America with the opening of trade between the countries.Ukiyo-e
was the most important principles of surrealism which Breton saidPure Psychic Automation
the term _______ probably ultimately derived from the Italian word Barocco which philosophers used during the Middle Ages to describe an obstacle in schematic logicBaroque
developed side by side with supremacism, it’s the two major modern art forms to come out of Russia in 20th century.Constructivism
are painted drawings on cave walls or ceilings, it is mainly in the prehistoric origin which is also known as Parietal Art.Cave Painting
is a heavily ornamented style of music that came out of the Renaissance which often considered to be part of the era of Classical music.Baroque instrumental music
provide examples of the range of relationships of theme and harmony possible in the 1730s and 1740s.The sonatas of Dominico Scarlatti
In fine art, the term ______ which refers to a style of painting, sculpture and architecture, that emerged in Rome and Florence during the later years of the High Renaissance.mannerism
it is the first cantata of Claude Debussy.L’Enfant Prodigue
The L’Enfant Prodigue is the first cantata of _______Claude Debussy
encompass all of the arts, including painting, sculpture, the decorative arts, theatre, literature, music and architecture which revived the classical past.Neo-classicism
it doesn’t contain any words or vocals it includes just the sound of one or more instruments being played.Instrumental music
is the most utilitarian in the era’s art forms that people offered small terra cotta figurines as gifts to gods and goddesses, buried them with the dead and gave them to their children as toys.Classical Greek Pottery
was known for his passionate performances which included dramatic gesture, intense facial expressions and adding his own style to piecesLiszt
was the first artist to use a readymade and his choice of a urinal was guaranteed to challenge and offend even his fellow artists.DUCHAMP
RICHARD'S style was known as ________ which resembled many attributes of the late great Richard Wagner and embrace the Romantic era of musicPost-Wagner Tonality
was both an artistic and a literary movement that suggested ideas through symbols and emphasized the meaning behind the forms, lines, shapes and colors.Symbolism
was one of the greatest graphic artists of the art nouveau movement who invented the 3 Stone Chromolithrography that made Art Nouveau poster art feasible.JULES CHERET
JULES CHERET was one of the greatest graphic artists of the art nouveau movement who invented the ____________ that made Art Nouveau poster art feasible.3 Stone Chromolithrography
It is a radical art movement and was embraced as one of the most popular and influential art styles in Western historyImpressionism
____ gives a major contribution to modern art with its radical goal of separating color from its descriptive, representational purpose that allows to exist on the canvas as independent element.Fauvism
it expresses the majesty of nature and the human form through paint the inner life, often via the painting of harsh and realistic subject matter.Expressionism
proved to be one of the revolutionary art movements in the early twentieth century and born as a response to the modern age.Dadaism
he is a Russian artist who demonstrate the influence of the Spanish artists in his own abstract with 3- dimensional collage made of metal and woodVLADIMIR TATIN
is a genre of art that encompasses painting, drawing, and other graphic media which an artist studies a photograph and attempt to reproduce the image as realistically as possible in another medium.Photorealism
he was a casual organization of Dutch painters, architects and sculpture as well as the journal used to propagate their ideas on abstract art and design.DE STIJL
he is the composer of the Baroque era and the most celebrated member of a large family of North German musicians that admired by his contemporaries primarily as an outstanding harpsichordist, organist and expert on organ buildingJOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH
this is the period of western classical music that began in the late 18th or 19th century which is easily identifiable when compared to music forms from other periodsRomantic
he was the only composer in history to have written undisputed masterworks in virtually every musical genre of his age.WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART
he is a German composer known for his works for organ and one of the greatest organ masters of the generationJOHANN PACHELBEL
he is a German composer who created a type of light burlesque French comic opera known as the operette, which became one of the most characteristic artistic products of the period.JACQUES OFFENBACH
he is an Austrian-American composer created new methods of musical compositionARNOLD SCHOENBERG
An offshoot of the literary Symbolism that influenced visual art was the field of art criticism, particularly that of Albert Aurier.SYMBOLIST THEORY
A German painter who was against the Expressionist movement. However, many of his paintings are described as ExpressionistMAX BECKMAN
A Dutch painter who had great influence on the expressionist movement in Germany.JAMES ENSOR
An Austrian artist whose artwork was displayed in the German magazine “The Storm” when expressionism became a true art movement.OSKAR KOKOSCHKA
A leading member of the expressionist group “The Blue Rider” in Germany, he also painted some abstract art.AUGUST MACKE
A founding member of ‘The Blue Rider’ group, he was also one of the leaders in the Expressionist movement.FRANZ MARC
A Symbolist and Expressionist, ___ is best known for his famous painting ‘The Stream’EDVARD MUNCH
An early adopter of Expressionism, __ died at the young age of 28EGON SCHIELE