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level: Circadian Rhythm

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Circadian Rhythm

What is a circadian rhythm?Happens every 24 hours, so like the sleep-wake cycle
What regulates the sleep/wake cycle?-Drowsy during the nighttime and alert during the day due to the effect of daylight as an external/exogenous zeitgeber -Goverened by the internal/endogenous pacemaker called SCN, biological clock
How long was Siffre in the cave for?61 days
How much did Siffre's circadian rhythm extend to?24.5 hours, but sometimes to as much as 48 hours
What happened to Siffre's biological rhythem ?it was free-running, going just beyond the usual 24 hours but he did continue to fall asleep and wake up on a regular schedule
What was the Aschoff and Wever study?-Ppts 4 weeks in ww2 bunker -All but one showed a circadian rhythem of between 24-25 hours -Shows the natural sleep cycle is slightly longer than 24 hours but is entrained by exogenous zeitgebers
What was Folkard's study procedure?Group of 12 ppts in dark cave for 3 weeks, going to be bed when the clocks said 11:45 pm and getting up at 7:45 Researrcher gradually speeded up the clock so that the 24 hours changed to 22 hours
What was the results of Folkard?Only 1 ppt could adjust comfortablity to the regime, shows that the strong free running circadian rhythem cannot be easily overridden by exogenous zeigebers
Strength of circadian rhythm?-Real worl application -Bonten found that taking aspirin for heart attacks are most effective at ngith, due to the circadian rhythems corrdination with teh body's natural proccess of heart rate -Significnat as these rise and fall during the course of hte day which has lead to chronotherapeutic, how medial treatmnet can be administed in a way that corresponds to a person's rhtyem -Shows that research can increase the effectivness of drug treatments
A weakness of circadian rhythm?-Generlisation -Studies of the sleep wak cycle use samll groups or even 1 person like Siffre. Siffre observed that in his second study his internal clock was much slower -Ppts might not be representative fo the wider population and this limits making meaningful generalisations. -This meant that it is difficult to use the research data as it dissucces evertyhing as more than avarage which is meaningless
A strength of circadian rhythm?-Application to shift work -Eg: night workres engaged in shift work experience a period of reduced concentration around 6 in the morning (a circadian trough) meaning mistakes and accidents are more likely -Research also suggests a link between shift work and poor health, with shift workers three times more likely to develop heart deseas -Research into sleep waks cycle may hav economic implications in terms of how to best manage shift work.