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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

economic problemthere exists unlimited wants but limited resources to produce the goods and services to staisfy these wants
opportunity costis the next best alternative given up by choosing another item
needsis a good or service which is essential to living
wantsgood or service which people would like to have but isn't essential for living, people's wants are unlimited
economic problemthere exists unlimited wants but limited resources to produce the goods and services to staisfy these wants
factors of productionland, labour, capital, enterprise
scarcitylack of sufficient products to fulfil the total wants to the population
specialisationwhen people and businesses concentrate on what they are best at
importance of specialisationspecialised machinery and technologies are now widely available, increasing competition means that businesses have to keep costs low
division of labourwhen the production process is split up into different tasks and each worker performs one of these, tasks
advantages of division of labourworkers are trained in one task and specialise in this which increases efficiency and output, less time is wasted moving from one workbench to another, quicker and cheaper to train workers as fewer skills need to be taught
disadvantages of division of labourworkers can become bored doing just one job and efficiency may fall, if one worker is absent and nobody else can do the job production might be stopped
added valuedifference between selling price and materials and bought in costs
how added value can be increasedincrease sale price and try to reduce the costs of materials
primary sectorextracts and uses natural resources to produce raw materials (woodcutter)
secondary sectormanufactures goods using raw materials from primary sector (furniture maker)
tertiary sectorprovides services to consumers and the other sectors (retailer)
de-industrialisationoccurs when there is a decline in the importance of the secondary, manufacturing sector of industry in a country
reasons for the changing importance of business classificationsources of primary products become depleted, developed countries are losing competitiveness in manufacturing to newly industrialised countries like China
public sectorbusinesses owned and controlled by the government, will make their own decisions about what and how to produce and price, some goods and services are provided free of charge like health which is paid for by the taxpayer
private sectorbusinesses not owned by government these businesses will make their own decisions about what and how to produce and price
capitalthe money invested into a business by the owners
mixed economyhas both a private sector and a public sector
entrepreneurorganises, operated and takes the risk for a new business venture
characteristics of successful entrepreneursinnovative, creative, independent, optimistic, hard worker
contents of a business plandescription of the business, products and services, the market the business is targeting, financial information
how business plans assist entrepreneursthey are forces to think ahead and plan out their business carefully which can help them get a loan
why governments support business start-upsreduce unemployment, increase competition, benefit society
how governments support business start-upsloans for small businesses at low interest rates, organising training for entrepreneurs, 'enterprise zones' which provide low-cost premises to start-up businesses
capital employedtotal value of capital used in the business
methods to compare business sizesnumber of people employed, value of output, value of sales
limitations for number of people employed, value of output, value of salessome firms use production methods that employee few people but produce high output levels, a high level of output does not mean a business is large, could be misleading because of higher end products
why owers might want to expand a businesspossibility of higher profits, larger share of the market, lower average cost
different ways a business can growinternal, external involving a takeover or a merger
3 examples of external growthhorizontal merger, vertical merger, conglomerate intergration
internal growthoccurs when a business expands its existing operations
external growthwhen a business takes over or merges with another business, it is often called integration as one business is integrated into another
takeoverone business buys out the owners of another business, which then becomes part of the business which has taken it over
mergerthe owners of two businesses agree to join their businesses together to make one business
horizontal integrationwhen one business merges with or takes over another one in the same industry at the same stage of production
vertical integrationone business merges with or takes over another one in the same industry but at a different stage of production
conglomerate integrationwhen a business merges with or takes over a business in a completely different industry
problems linked to business growth and how these might be overcomelarger business is difficult to control (operate the business in small units), cost of expansion (expand more slowly), larger business leads to poor communication (operate the business in small units)
causes of business failurelack of management skills, changes in business environment, over expansion
why some businesses remain smallthe type of industry the business operates on, market size, owners objectives
why new businesses are at a greater risk of failinglack of finance, poor planning, owners of a business may lack experience and decision-making skills
sole traderbusiness owned by one person
partnershipis a form of business in which two or more people agree to jointly own a business
private limited companybusinesses owner by shareholders, but they cannot sell shares to the public
public limited companybusinesses owner by shareholders, but they can sell shares to the public
franchisesa business based upon the use of the brand names, promotional logos, and trading methods of an existing successful business
joint ventures2 or more businesses start a new project together sharing capital, risks and profits
limited liabilityyou only have to pay back the capital you invested in the business
unlimited liabilityyou have to pay back all the debts the business might have
incorporated businesscompanies that have separate legal status from their owners
unincorporated businessthe business does not have a separate legal identity to the owner, so if the owner dies the business will not continue to run
private limited companybusinesses owned by shareholders but they cannot sell shares to the public
public limited companyare businesses owned by shareholders, but they can sell shares to the public and their shares are tradeable on their stock exchange
sole trader risk, ownership and limited liabilitycarried by one sole owner, one person, no
partnership risk, ownership and limited liabilitycarried by all partners, several partners, no
private limited company risk, ownership and limited liabilityshareholders up to their original investment, shareholders - may be few or many but shares cannot be sold to the public, yes
public limited company risk, ownership and limited liabilityshareholders up to their original investment, many shareholders (can be millions), yes
business organisations in the public sectorpublic corporations
public corporationsbusinesses in the public sector that is owned and controlled by the state
need for business objectivesgive workers and managers a clear target, can focus decisions, managers can compare if the business has been successful
different business objective examplessurvival, growth, profit, market share
social enterprise objectiveshas social objectives as well as an aim to make a profit to reinvent back into the business
stakeholderany person or group with a direct interest in the performance and activities of a business
community stakeholders aimsjobs, clean environment, safe products
government stakeholders aimsemployment, taxes, increasing national output
workers stakeholders aimsincome, job security
managers stakeholders aimssalaries, status, control
owners stakeholders aimsprofits, return on capital
customers stakeholders aimsgoods and services, quality, good value
objectives of public sector businessesfinancial, service, social
why people workmoney, job security, social needs
maslows hierarchyphysiological needs, safety/security needs, social needs, esteem needs, self-actualisation
hertzburgs theoryhygiene factors must be satisfied, or they will act as demotivators, but they don't act as motivators so once they are satisfied it can quickly wear off, so the workers need true motivators
examples of hygiene needswork conditions, status, security
examples of motivatorsachievement, recognition, personal growth
what was Taylor's theorythought workers should pay for what they produce, all people are motivated on personal gain, money is the main motivator
limitations of Taylor theoryemployers are motivated by more than just money, if a practice problem arises you cannot easily measure an employer's output
financial reward exampleswage, salary, bonus, commission, profit sharing
non-financial reward methodsjob satisfaction, team working, promotion
organisational chartrefers to a diagram that outlines the internal management structure
hierarchyrefers to the levels of management and any organisation from the highest to the lowest
levels of hierarchyrefers to manager, supervises other employees who are given similar level of responsibilities in an organisation
chain of commandstructure in an organisation, which allows instructions to be passed down from senior management to lower levels of management
span of controlnumber of subordinates working directly under a manager
role and functions of managementplanning, organising, coordinating, commanding and controlling
without having effective management, a business is going to lackcoordination between departments, control of employees, organisation of resources
delegationgiving a subordinate the authority to perform particular tasks
advantages of delegation for the managercan measure the success of their staff more easily less likely to make mistakes, managers cannot do every job by themselves
advantages of delegation for the subordinateThe work becomes more interesting and rewarding, the employee feels more important, delegation helps to train workers
leadership stylesdifferent approaches to dealing with people and making decisions when in a position of authority
autocratic leadershipManager expects to be in charge of the business, and to have the orders followed, communication is normally one way and make most of the decisions themselves
potential advantage and disadvantage of autocratic leadershipquick decision-making during a crisis, no opportunity for employee input into key decisions which can be demotivating
democratic leadershipget other employees involved in the decision-making process final decision as often made by the leader
possible advantage and disadvantage for democratic leadershipbetter decisions could result from consulting with employees and using your experience and ideas a motivating factor, unpopular decisions such as making workers redundant cannot effectively be made using the style of leadership
lassiez fair leadershipmakes broad business objectives known, then employees are left to do organise their work and make their own decisions
possible advantage and disadvantage for lassiez fair leadershipencourages employees to show creativity and responsibility, unlikely to be appropriate in organisations were consistent and decisive making structures needed
trade uniongroup of employees who have joined together to ensure their interests are protected
advantages of employees being union membersstrength in numbers when negotiating with employees improved condition of employment, improved environment where people work, improve benefits for members who are not working
advantages of a trade union for employerhelp improve communication between workers and management, wait agreements are easier to negotiate with a trade union than individual workers
reasons for trainingintroduce a new process or equipment, decrease the level of accidents, improve efficiency
internal recruitmentis when a vacancy is filled by someone who is an existing employee of the business
external recruitmentwhen a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee and will be new to the business
benefits of part-time workersmore flexible hours, easier to ask employees just to work at busy times, can be easier to make them redundant
limitations of part-time workerstakes longer to recruit 2 part-time workers, more difficult to communicate with, less likely to seek training
importance of training to a business and workersincrease skills and knowledge, decrease chance of accidents, improve efficiency
induction trainingintroduction given to a new employee, explaining the business is activities, customs, and procedures, introducing them to the fellows workers
on-the-job trainingoccurs by watching a more experienced worker do the job
on-the-job training advantages and disadvantagesspecific to the job and flexible, workplace distraction can impact effectiveness
off the job traininginvolves being trained away from the workplace, usually by specialist trainers
advantages and disadvantages of off the job trainingemployees are away from workplace distraction, training isn’t usually specific to the business
why businesses might need to downsizefalling demand for their goods and services, relocating their factory abroad, closure
how to decide what workers to make redundantskills of current employees, how much they are being paid, how new they are to the business
dismissalemployment is ended usually for not working in accordance with the employment contract
redundancyemployment is ended through no fault of their own, but the employee is no longer needed
workforce planningestablishing the workforce needed by the business for the foreseeable future in terms of the number of skills of employees required
legal controls over employment issuesemployment contracts, unfair dismissal, discrimination, health and safety, legal minimum wage
employment contracts impactsboth employees and employers know what is expected of them, provides security of employment, legal dismissal is allowed if employee doesn't follow contract rules
unfair dismissal impactsemployer must keep accurate records of workers performance if they want to claim employee has broken contract before dismissing them, employees have security of employment, allows employees to take employer to industrial tribunal
discrimination impactsemployees should be treated equally, when selecting an employee an employer must be treated all equally, employers must be careful when wording advertisement e.g. to put person and not woman
health and safety impactsworkers feel safer and more motivated, reduces accident rate and compensation cost, time needs to be found to train workers
legal minimum impactsencourage more people to seek work, some employers can't afford wage rates, increases business cost causing business products to also increase
why effective communication is important for a businessso information or message being sent is received, understood and acted upon when intended
verbal communication advantages and disadvantagesinfo can be given out quickly and there is opportunity for immediate feedback, in a big meeting there is no way to feel if everyone is listening, no accurate permanent record of the message
written communication advantages and disadvantagesevidence of the message, electronic communication is quick and cheap, no opportunity for body language to reinforce the message, message can be too confusing
visual communication advantages and disadvantagescan present info in an appealing and attractive way, written messages can be made clear with a chart, charts can be difficult for people to interpret, no feedback
how communication barriers ariseif either the sender, receiver, medium or feedback doesn't operate the way it should
how communication barriers can be reduced or removedmake the message as clear as possible, choose an appropriate communication method, receiver should be asked for feedback to ensure understanding
roles of marketingidentify customer needs, satisfy customer needs, maintain customer loyalty
identify customer needsfind out what kind of products or services customers want, the prices they are willing to pay and where they want to get their goods and services
satisfy customer needscustomers want the right products in the right place at the right price failure can lead to losing business
maintain customer loyaltybuilding customer relationships and making sure products and services are still maintaining customer needs
why have consumer spending patterns changed?technology improved, evolved fashion, changed incomes
the power and importance of changing customer needsif businesses fail to respond to customer needs then they are likely to fail
why have some markets become more competitive?globalisation of products, transportation, improvements, Internet/e-commerce
how can businesses responds to changing spending patterns and increased competitionmaintain good customer relationships, improve existing products, keep costs low
niche marketingtargets a very small segment of a market e.g. local restaurants, sales will be lower, the prices will be higher like designer brands
niche marketing advantagesneeds of consumers can be more closely focused on, small businesses may be able to sell successfully
niche marketing disadvantageslimited sales potential, big risks as usually specialised in one product
mass marketingwhen there is a very large number of sales of a product
mass marketing advantagestotal sales are high, opportunities for growth, risks are spread
mass marketing disadvantageshigh levels of competition, high costs of advertising and promotion, might not be specialised to the consumer
how markets can be segmentedsocio-economic group, age, gender, location, use of product, lifestyle
benefits of segmentation to a businessidentify if a segment's needs are not being met, identify a gap in the market
role of market researchwhat price would consumers be prepared to pay, what type of customers would buy the product, where they are most likely to get the product from
the market research info can be used toidentify new business opportunities or ideas, identify patterns in consumer behaviour and forecast likely demand, identify main competitors
market orientated businessbusiness that carries out market research to find out consumer wants before a product is developed and produced
primary researchcollection and collation of data via direct contact with potential or existing customers
primary research advantagesup to date, not available to other businesses, directly answers the question
primary research disadvantagescan be expensive, takes time to collect
methods of primary researchquestionnaires, online surveys, interviews, focus groups
secondary researchis the use of information that has already been collected and available for use of others
secondary research advantagesoften much cheaper, usually quicker
secondary research disadvantagesmay not be relevant, available for all businesses, can be out of date
methods of secondary researchgovernment statistics, newspapers, trade association, market research agencies, online sources
factors of influencing the accuracy of market research datahow carefully the sample was drawn up, bias, age of information
marketing mixa term used to describe all the activities which go into marketing a product or a service
benefits of developing new productsunique selling point, may allow the business to expand into existing markets, allows for the business to expand into new markets
costs of developing new productslack of sales if the target market is wrong, cost of carrying out market research, costs of producing trial products
role of packagingeye catching, carries info, protects the product
product life cycledevelopment, introduction, growth, maturity, saturation, decline
how product life cycle influences pricingbranded product should be introduced at a high price so low quality idea isn't given, in saturation/maturity prices may be lower to avoid sales dropping to competitors, price discounts in decline stage to extend product life
how product life cycle influences promotionadvertising will be reduced in later stages because product is already known, promotion might increase if business wants to keep product in the maturity stage, spending on promotion will be highest at introduction phase
cost plus pricingcost of manufacturing the product plus a profit mark up
cost plus pricing advantages and disadvantageseasy to apply, no incentive to reduce costs
competitive pricingwhen the product is priced in line with or just below competitors prices to try to to to capture more of the market
comeptitive pricing advantages and disadvantagessales are likely to be high as the price is at a realistic level, your production costs might be higher than competitors which can lead to less profit
penetration pricingwhen the price is set lower than the competitors prices in order to be able to enter a new market
penetration pricing advantages and disadvantagesmarket share could build up quickly, if product is sold at a low price profit may be lower
skimming pricingwhere a high price is set for a new product on the market
skimming pricing advantages and disadvantageshelp establish the product as good quality, high price may discourage some potential customers from buying iy
promotional pricingwhen a product is sold at a very low price for a short period of time
promotional pricing advantages and disadvantagesuseful for getting rid of unwanted inventory, revenue will be lower
price inelasticwhen customers are not sensitive to changes in price like necessities
price elasticwhere consumers are very sensitive to changes in price like non necessities
distribution channel 1producer → consumer
advantages and disadvantages for distribution channel 1lower price if sold directly to customers, may not be suitable for products which cannot easily be sent by post
distribution channel 2producer → retailer → consumer
advantages and disadvantages of distribution channel 2producer sells large quantities to retailer, no direct contact with customers
distribution channel 3producer → wholesaler → retailer → consumer
advantages and disadvantages of distribution channel 3wholesaler may deliver to the small retailer saving on transport costs, produce might not be as good quality because of transport time
distribution channel 4producer → agent → wholesaler → retailer → consumer
advantages and disadvantages for distribution channel 4agents will be aware of local conditions and know the best places to sell, producer has less control over the way the product is sold to customers
aims of promotionincrease sales, create a brand image, improve company image
advantages and disadvantages of television advertisingadvert will go out to millions of people, very expensive
advantages and disadvantages of radio advertisingcheaper than television, not as wide as an audience as television
advantages and disadvantages of newspaper advertisinglots of information can be put in the advert, many young people dont read newpapers
advantages and disadvantages of magazine advertisingmagazine ads look more attractive, not publishes very often
advantages and disadvantages of posters advertisingthey are permanent, can easily be missed as people go past them
advantages and disadvantages of DVD advertisingRelatively low cost, seen only by a limited number of people
advantages and disadvantages of leaflets advertisingcheap, may not be read
internet advertisinglarge amount of info can be placed on a website, security issues may discourage customers from buying online
types of sales promotionprice reductions, free samples, gifts
importance of a marketing budgettype of promotion depends on the amount of money there is to spend, how much they spend relations to how many sales they expect to make
how to decide what type of promotion to usewhere the product is on the life cycle, who you're selling it to (like to another business), cultural issues in internation markets, nature of the target market
why do business sponsorto raise awareness to the public which increases the likelihood of them having a competitive advantage