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level: Relationships and Family

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level questions: Relationships and Family

What are some reasons why some Muslims may agree with gender equality? Add sources of authority.They believe God created equal. 'People we created you all from a single man and a single woman'. This shows that men and women were created from a single soul and have the same spiritual human nature. 'Heaven is under you mother's feet'.
What are some reasons why some Christians may disagree with contraception? Add sources of authority.Catholics believe that sex is used to make new life ('be fruitful and increase in number'), contraception goes against God's purpose of marriage. The morning after pill is considered abortion because it prevents the fertilised egg from implanting, so it's a sin.
What is the age of concent in the UK?16.
What is homosexual?To be sexually attracted to people of the same sex.
What is heterosexual?To be sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.
What is human sexuality?How people express themselves as sexual beings.
When was same-sex marriage legal?2013.
What are some reasons as to why some Christians may disagree with homosexuality? Add sources of authority.The Bible says 'Do not have sexual relationships with a man as one does with a woman, that is detestable.' In Genesis, it says that man and woman should be united and 'increase in number'. The Bible says 'men committed shameful acts with other men', which was when God gave them over to their sinful desires of sexual impurity. The Bible says 'wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God ... nor men who have sex with men'. The Bible says 'We also know that the law is made ... for lawbreakers ... for those practicing homosexuality'.
What are some reasons as to why some Muslims may disagree with homosexuality? Add sources of authority.The Qur'an says 'Must you.. lust after males and abandon your wives...? You are exceeding all bounds'. The only permitted form of sexual relationship is between husband and wife because it's considered a blessing from God. The Qur'an and Hadith teach against homosexuality.
What are some reasons as to why some Christians may agree with homosexuality? Add sources of authority.Jesus says 'love thy neighbour'. The Bible says 'treat others how you would like to be treated'.
What are some reasons why some Christians may disagree with sex before marriage? Add sources of authority.Pope Pios said 'every sexual act must be within the framework of marriage'. Marriage is the only acceptable way to have sex. St. Paul taught that there should be no sex before marriage because 'your body is a temple of the holy spirit'.
What are some reasons why some Christians may disagree with adultery? Add sources of authority.One of the 10 commandments is 'you shall not commit adultery' The Bible says 'flee from sexual immorality' (the engagement in sexual acts outside of the sanctity of marriage. The Bible says 'If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife ... both ... are to be put to death'. The Bible says 'If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both ... must die'. The Bible says 'The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality ... those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God'.
Why is marriage important to Christians?It's a sacrament, so it helps them get closer to God. It's the only acceptable way to have sex, and God says 'Be fruitful and increase in number'. 'God made male and female for the purpose of marriage'. You can show your love for each other. ‘That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.’
What are some reasons why some Muslims may disagree with sex before marriage? Add sources of authority.Sex before marriage is forbidden in the Qur'an. The Shari'ah Law considers sex before marriage to be zinah (a sexual offence).
What are some reasons why some Muslims may disagree with adultery? Add sources of authority.The Shari'ah Law considered adultery to be zinah (a sexual offence). Adultery is a serious sin. The Hadith says 'and do not go anywhere near adultery; it is an outrage and an evil path.' In countries under the Shari'ah law, the punishment for adultery is death by stoning.
Why is marriage important to Muslims?'God wishes to lighten your burden; man was created weak'. 'There is no institution in Islam more beloved and dearer than marriage'. A man completes half of his religious life by marrying. The Qur'an and Hadith make it clear that God intended it for the sharing of love and companionship.
What are some reasons why some Christians may disagree with contraception? Add sources of authority.Catholics believe that sex is used to make new life ('be fruitful and increase in number'), and contraception goes against God's purpose of marriage. The morning-after pill is considered abortion because it prevents the fertilized egg from implanting, so it's a sin. The Bible says 'Every sexual act should have the possibility of creating life'. The sanctity of life shows us that all life is sacred and holy, so we should accept and welcome it. The Bible says 'Be fruitful and increase in number'.
What are some reasons why some Christians may agree with contraception? Add sources of authority.Liberals accept the use of contraception. Non-catholics may believe that all non-permanent contraceptives are okay because it allows you to express your love for eachother. It promotes the mother's health by preventing the spread of STI's.
What are some reasons why some Muslims may agree with contraception? Add sources of authority.The Qur'an doesn't have teachings about contraception. 'God wishes to lighten your burden; man was created weak' gives you a chance for family planning.
What are some reasons why some Muslims may disagree with contraception? Add sources of authority.'Do not kill your children for fear of poverty ... killing them is a great sin', meaning you shouldn't use contraceptives.
What are some reasons why some Christians may disagree with divorce? Add sources of authority.The Bible says 'Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her'. Marriage is a sacrament that is permanent and lifelong and is sealed with vows to God, "till death do us part". Jesus taught that divorce is wrong. The Bible says 'The man who hates and divorces his wife ... does violence to the one he should protect'.
What are some reasons why some Christians may agree with divorce? Add sources of authority.Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.
What are some reasons why some Muslims may agree with divorce?It's allowed as last resort. Muhammad married a divorced woman. The Qur'an says 'if you are i doubt, the period of waiting shall be 3 months'.
What are some reasons why some Muslims may disagree with divorce?Marriage is considered a gift. The Hadith considers it hateful to God.
What is a nuclear family?A couple and their children.
What is a step-family?A family made through the re-marriage of a parent.
What is an extended family?A family that includes grandparents and other relatives.
What is polygamy?Having more than one wife at the same time.
What do Christians think the nature of family is? Add sources of authority.One of the ten commandments is 'Honour thy father and thy mother', so family is important and you should respect each other. The Bible says, 'the gift of marriage ... is given so that you can teach your children right from wrong'. 'Anyone who doesn't provide ... has denied the faith', meaning family helps you to get close to God and fulfill your role as a Christian. Christians are also told to evangelize, by having a family, their children can grow as Christians and increase in number. They believe it is where children learn to love.
What do Muslims think the nature of family is? Add sources of authority.They believe it is a part of God's plan. 'Honour your children and perfect their manners', they believe it shapes the morals and character of children. The Qur'an says 'Be kind to your parents'. They allowed polygamy because Muhammad had several wives. Children are seen as a blessing from God. The Qur'an says 'It is one of the greatest sins that a man should curse his parents'.
What are some reasons why some Christians may agree with gender equality? Add sources of authority.'So God created mankind in His own image', meaning that everyone has been created perfectly. Jesus says 'Love thy neighbour', meaning discrimination is wrong. The BiBle says 'there is no Jew nor Gentile (neither slave nor free nor is there male and female)'.
What are some reasons why some Christians may disagree with gender equality? Add sources of authority.The Bible says 'I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man'. The Bible says 'your husband, and he will rule over you'.
What are some reasons why some Muslims may agree with gender equality? Add sources of authority.They believe God created equal. 'People we created you all from a single man and a single woman'. This shows that men and women were created from a single soul and have the same spiritual human nature. 'Heaven is under you mother's feet'.