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level: Level 1 of Cam 15 passage 3: Fairy tales or Scary tales

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Cam 15 passage 3: Fairy tales or Scary tales

Fairy talea children's story in which magical things happen
amuseentertain, interest, fascinate
universalworldwide, widespread, general
enduringlasting, continuing, long-term
appealattractiveness, attraction, influence, fascination >< repulsion
due tobecause of, owing to, thanks to
seriousthought-provoking, important, significant
a variety of stha lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way
hooda part of a coal, jacket etc that you can pull up to cover your head
be familiar with sthto have a good knowledge or understanding of something
wolfa wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hhunts in groups
run ongo on, continue, keep going
dispose ofkill, murder, assassinate
get intoto enter a place, especially when this is difficult
dress input on, wear
versiontype, kind, form, style
swallow up sb/sthto take someone or something in so that it is destroyed or no longer independent
lock sb in (sth)to prevent someone from leaving a room or building by locking the door
cupboardstoreroom, closet
get the better of somebodyto defeat someone or deal successfully with a problem
on one's ownwithout anyone's help
huntera person who hunts wild animals, or an animal that hunts other animals for food
woodcuttersomeone whose job is to cut down trees in a forest
come to the rescue/ somebody's rescueto save someone who is in a dangerous situation
talea story about exciting imaginary events
attribute sth to sb/sthto believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something
cautionarywarning, deterrent, advisory
in the case of sthan example of a particular situation or of something happening
survivalexistence >< death
relevantrelated, applicable >< irrelevant
anthropologistsomeone who scientifically studies humans and their customs, beliefs, and relationships
suggest/ say/ think/ decide etc otherwiseto say, think, or decide something different
hugeenormous, vast, gigantic, massive, giant >< tiny
gapa big different between two situations, amounts, groups of people etc
prehistorythe time in history before anything was written down
storytellingthe activity of writing, telling, or reading stories
genretype, sort, kind, category, field
incrediblyextremely, unbelievably, extraordinarily
ancientvery old, prehistoric, primeval >< modem, contemporary
folkloristsomeone who studies folklore
academiceducational, scholastic
deviseinvent, create, think up
tẻoyconcept, scheme, idea, belief
borrow sth from sbto take or copy someone’s ideas
techniquemethod, system, procedure
evolutionaryrelating to the way in which ideas or situations gradually chhange and develop over a long period of time
biologistsomeone who studies or works in biology
work something outunderstand, comprehend, make sense of
organismcreature, living thing
compareEvaluate, judge, assess
characteristictrait, deature, quality
speciesclass, type, kind, sort
processprocedure, progression, course of action
phylogeneticbased on natural evolutionary, relationships
analysisexamination, study, investigation
involvechange, grow, progress, develop >< regress
elementpart, section, component
survivelive, continue, last, persist >< perish
variantalternative, variation, modification
similaralike, comparable >< dissimilar
end up with sthto be in a particular situation, state, or place after a series of events, especially when you did not plan it
oral traditiona system for preserving a group's beliefs, customs, and history, in which parents tell their children about them, and the children tell their children, and so on
establishfound, start, create, begin, launch, set up
indeedreally, certainly, definitely
exploresearch, study, investigate, survey
alterchange, modify, vary >< maintain
testexamine, assess, investigate, analyze
assumptionsupposition, hypothesis, theory
aspectfeature, part, characteristic, piece, trait
leastless than anything or anyone else
indicatesignify, imply, suggest, reveal, show
centralcrucial, main, most important >< unimportant
charactera person in a book, play film etc
relativea member of your family
scaryfrightening, creepy, terrifying >< reassuring
in disguisepretending to be somebody else, undercover, imcognito