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level: Level 1 of Ethical Considerations

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Ethical Considerations

Three R's in research1 Replacement 2 Reduction 3 Refinement
the USE OF NON SENTIENT MATERIAL TO REPLACE METHODS which use conscious living vertebratesReplacement
MINIMIZING THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS used to obtain informationReduction:
DECREASE INCIDENCE or severity of INHUMANE PROCEDURES applied to the animalsRefinement
HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY that encompasses ALL ASPECTS OF ANIMAL WELL BEING, including proper housing. management, nutrition, disease prevention and treatment, humane handling, and when necessary, humane euthanasia; Well-being, characterized as the fulfillment of needsAnimal Welfare
ANIMALS HAVE THE SAME MORAL RIGHTS AS HUMAN BEINGS or in part because they have many of the same mental capabilities and activities as people.Animal Rights
has adopted an animal welfare policy, which includes the following statement: "We do not accept the view that animals have specialized rights as an entity on their own. We believe that animals can benefit more from the point of view that man is responsible for the provision of animal welfare, rather than from the view which promotes animal rights alone."World Veterinary Association (WVA)
freedom from pain or suffering The only very strong interest that nonhuman animals possess is an interest in not experiencing pain or suffering or, if they must undergo some pain or suffering in their use by people, in not experiencing unnecessary pain or suffering.Anticruelty position
GOVERNMENT OFFICES1 Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) 2 Philippine Association for Laboratory Animal Science (PALAS) 3 Committee on Laboratory Animal Resources Development and Standardization (LARDS) 4 Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) 5 Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD)
1 Animal Welfare Act 2 Rules and Regulations on the Conduct of Scientific Procedures Using Animals1) R.A. 8485 2) D.A. A.O. No. 40
➔ Justified statistically ➔ Alternatives (less invasive procedures, other species, isolated organ preparation, tissue culture, computer models)Appropriate species, quality, number or animals
are not normal methods of housing Not to be used simply as a convenience in handling Period should be minimum Train animals to adapt to these Observe animals at appropriate intervals Provide veterinary care in case of injury or illness due to thisPHYSICAL RESTRAINT
Multiple major of this on an animal are discouraged ➔ Permitted if scientifically justified ➔ Cost savings alone is not an adequate reason Pay attention to animal well-being through continuing evaluation of outcomesSURGICAL PROCEDURES
➢ Should be scientifically justified ➢ Monitor physiologic or behavioral indexes ➢ Use least restriction to achieve scientific objective ➢ Use highly preferred food instead of restriction for positive reinforcementFOOD OR FLUID RESTRICTION
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS➢ Veterinary care ➢ Personnel qualifications and training ➢ Personal hygiene ➢ Occupational health and safety of personnel ➢ Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment ➢ Facilities, Procedures and Monitoring ➢ Personal protection ➢ Medical evaluation and preventive medicine for personnel
❖ Species, strain and breed of animals ❖ Sex, age, size ❖ Maintained singly or in groups ● Ability to form social groups through sight, smell, contact ❖ Design and construct of housing ❖ Availability and suitability of enrichments ❖ Project goals and experimental design ❖ Intensity of animal manipulation and invasiveness ❖ Presence of hazardous materials ❖ Duration of holding periodANIMAL ENVIRONMENT, HOUSING AND MANAGEMENT
1 primary enclosure ● Immediate surroundings, temperature, humidity, air composition ● Can induce changes in metabolic and physiologic processes 2 secondary enclosure ● Room, barn, outdoor habitat1 Microenvironment 2 Macroenvironment
❖ Naturalistic environments ❖ Sheltered or outdoor ❖ Primary enclosuresHOUSING