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level: Level 1 of Chapter 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chapter 2

Making is a creative and transformative processContemporary art
Three Fundamental Components of artsForm,Language,Mode of Production
Under fundamentalForm,Language,Mode of Production
Under object of analysisTechinque,Meaning,Political Economy
Under Process of analysisImagination,Interpretion,Ideology
allows the work to be perceived by the senses and its ideas to be communicated.Form
Form is made ofFormal elements,Overall Composition,Material and Technique
such as lines,shape,color,texture,mass,volume,and space, among others.Formal elements
Which refers to its size,proportionOverall Composition
From which the artwork is made.Material and technique
Is a faculty that allows us to generate mental pictures,ideas, and sensations that do not exists.Imaginations
it is a medium by which cultural meanings are formed and communicated.Language
the___ it creates.Images
the___ and their _____Icons &Symbolic meanings
the____,____belief,and ___ of the culture that produces.Traditions,beliefs,&values
______________ that help explain the work.Writings an intellectual ideas
is concerned with the search for meaning.Interpretation
with power and distribution of economic resources in the context of art productionPolitical Economy
Political economy is concerned with production in relation to the ff.Capital and labour,Power structures and power relations,Institutions of control, arts as propagranda and persuasive medium
questions how images serve the interests of some, but not all, individuals in society.Ideological nature of art