Estás en modo de exploración. debe iniciar sesión para usar MEMORY

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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

to separatesepararse
to marrycasarse
to diemorir
to loveamar
to be bornnacer
to break up withromper con
to give birthdar a luz
to fall in love withenamorarse de
to get divorceddivorciarse de
to go out withsalir con
to wantquerer
to get along with goodllevarse bien
to celebratecelebrar
to be pregnantestar embarazada
to be deadestar muerto
to be a widowser viuda
to be hurtEstar herido
to be engaged toestar comprometido con
to look likeparecerse
to graduategraduarse
to wash the clotheslavar la ropa
take out the trashsacar la basura
wash the disheslavar los platos
to do homeworkpara hacer la tarea
to set the tablePoner la mesa
last nameapellido
to make your bedhacer la cama
look after siblingsCuidar a los hermanos
look after petscuidar de las mascotas
to go shoppingIr de compras