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level: Mutations

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Mutations

MutationsPermanent change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA
Somatic MutationMutation occuring in a body cell - not passed on to offspring
Gametic MutationMutation occuring in a sex cell - heritable, form new alleles - cause variation
Point MutationChange, deletion, or insertion of a singular nucleotide base during replication
Frameshift MutationOccurs when theres a deletion or insertion as this completely shifts the mRNA sequence of 3 codons, shifting all subsequent sets of 3
MutagenPhysical, chemical or biological agent causing mutation
UV/Radiation MutagenHigh energy waves ionise atoms → DNA damaged = mutation
Temperature MutagenBreaks bonds between deoxyribose sugar → mutates
Chemical MutagenBase analogues mimic and insert themselves into DNA bases
Non-Disjunction MutationsHomologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate → daughter cells contain wrong number of chromosomes [Aneuploidy]
MonosomyForm of aneuploidy wherein one chromosome is missing [Turner Syndrome]
TrisomyA form of aneuploidy in which a homologous set contains an extra chromosome [3 instead of 2]
Trisomy-21Down Syndrome: Set 21 has 3 chromosomes
MosaicismSomatic mutation in which an individual has two genetically different sets of cells in their body