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level: Reproduction

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Reproduction

MeiosisCell division resulting in four genetically unique daughter cells [gametes] each with half the number of chromosomes [haploids] as the parent cell [diploids]
Crossing Over + Recombination- Occurs during Prophase I - Homologous Chromosomes: each consisting of two sister chromatids, line up together forming a tetrad - One chromatid from each homologous pair cross over at points called chaisma, and genes/alleles are exchanged
Definition of SpermatogenesisProduction of sperm from spermatogonia
Definition of OogenesisProduction of eggs form oogonia
Location of SpermatogenesisTestes
Location of OogenesisOvary
Continuity of SpermatogenesisContinuous since puberty
Continuity of OogenesisDiscontinuous process: early stages in faetus, continuing post puberty
Cytokinesis of SpermatogenesisFour haploid sperm cells produced [4 spermatozoa]
Cytokinesis of OogenesisOne oogonium produces one ovum, and three polar bodies which get degraded and reabsorbed.
Independent AssortmentChromosomes and associated genes separate independently from non-homologous chromosomes when gametes form
Random FertilisationUnpredictable union of gametes during sexual reproduction, contributing to genetic diversity in offspring through the chance combination of different alleles from each parent.
FertilisationFusion of two haploid gametes results in the formation of a diploid zygote → zygote divides to multiply, producing an embryo.