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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

formularule principle
formularule principle
neglectignore, abandon
restorationrenew, repair
formerex, previous, past
glorybeautiful and impressive in appearance
spectacularimpressive, fantastic, stunning, amazing
bygonepast, former, previous
inhabitantcitizen, resident
monumenta building built to remind important events and famous people
irrigateto supply land or crops with water
utilitarianuseful, practical, effective
uniquesole, distinctive
heydaythe peak of someone's success
primethe time when something or someone was the most popular
castesocial class in India
position (v)situate, locate
descendgo down, move down
negotiateconsult, discuss
tierone of several levels or layers that rise up one above the other
elaborateintricate, complicated, complex
pillara tall upright round post used for supporting a roof or a bridge
Pavilionexhibition area, spectator area
intricatecomplex, complicated, elaborate
relentlessendless, persistent
embellishdecorate, beautify, make fancy
derelictneglected, abandoned
divertreroute, turn away
finestbest, most excellent
pristinelike new, untouched, unspoiled
depictshow, represent, describe, illustrate
incarnationthe state of living in the form of a particular person or animal. According to some religions, people have several different incarnations.
devastatingharmful, damaging, ruinous
earthquakea sudden shaking of the Earth’s surface that often causes a lot of damage
honourrespect, admire
ruinedbroke, destroyed
dramaticspectacular, striking, remarkable, extraordinary
compriseinclude, contain, consist of, involve
strikinggood-looking, attractive
ornatecovered with a lot of decoration
preserveprotect, save
flockgather, from a group
marvelwonder, awesome sight, amazing thing
ingenuitycleverness, inventiveness, creativity
prospectpossibility, likelihood, chance, option
conceiveimagine, visualize, think of
vigorousstrong and healthy
efficientuseful, helpful, well-organized
facilitateaid, help, assist
substantialsignificant, considerable
frontierborder, boundary, edge
abolisheliminate, put an end to, stop, close down, get rid of
labour-intensivean industry or type of work that is labour-intensive needs a lot of workers.
assemblygathering, meeting, get-together
plantfactory, manufactory
haulagemoving, carrying, shipping
exportsell abroad, sell overseas, sell to other countries
importbring in, trade in, buy from abroad, buy from overseas, buy from other countries
inheritbe left, take over
distributionsharing, spreading, allocation
imperativevital, very important, crucial, essential
sustainableable to continue for a long time
adaptget a feel to, get used to, familiarize yourself
policyrule, guiding principle, strategy, plan
objectiveaim, purpose, goal, intention
integrateput together, mix, combine
proposesuggest, recommend, advise
ideallyperfectly, well
blamehold responsible, accused
emissionrelease, discharge
culpritcause, reason
account forrepresent, explain, answer for
deteriorationworsening, decline, weakening
marginaliseto make a person or a group of people unimportant and powerless in an unfair way
emergeappear, come out
accompanygo along with, go together with
ratioproportion, percentage
curbhold back, limit, restrain, reduce, cut back
occupancythe number of people who stay, work, or live in a room or building at the same time.
revitalisere-energize, strengthen
take up the batonaccept a particular duty or responsibility
concentrate onfocus on
logisticsthe business of transporting things such as goods to the place where they are needed.
cohesionunity, consistency, organization
uncouplingdisconnection, separation
saturatedsoaked, wet
arterya main road, railway line, river etc.
bear in mindsince, given that
make a shift of balancechange something and balance it.
innovationimprovement, advance, modernization
survivalcontinued existence
substantialconsiderable, significant
inspiremotivate, engage, stimulate
budgetthe money that is available to use for a person or a thing
recruitmentemployment, staffing
circumstancesituation, condition
quartetfour singers or musicians who sing or play together
quintetfive singers or musicians who sing or play together
revolutionisetransform, develop, modernize, change
fusecombine, blend
ambitionaim, goal, objective
hard-wiredsomeone who was born with a talent that couldn’t be changed
adoptembrace, take on, accept, approve
seizetake advantage of, grab, take
threatenedin danger, in jeopardy
delicateneeding to be dealt with carefully or sensitively to avoid problems and failure
conflictingcontradictory, disagreeing, differing
ensuremake sure, guarantee
collaborativemutual, shared
briefinform, tell
syndromea set of qualities, events, types of behavior
citerefer to, mention to
organismliving creatures
cracksolve, work out, figure out
accomplishedtalented, gifted, skillful, expert
rivalopponent, competitor
pursuechase, follow, hunt
pervasiveexisting everywhere
resistoppose, refuse to accept, deny
veteranexperienced, expert
advocatesupport, encourage, promote, be in favor of
peercolleague, friend
engagementmeeting, appointment
inhibitstop, prevent
regrettableundesirable, unwelcome, unfortunate
optchoose, decide on, select
overbearingdomineering, always trying to control other people without considering their wishes and feelings
interchangeexchange, swap
functionrole, purpose, meaning
take pride into do something very carefully and well, which makes you satisfied
accomplishmentachievement, success
simultaneouslyat the same time, at once
assureensure, make certain, guarantee
formularule principle
anthropologicalthe scientific study of people, their societies, cultures,etc.
wrestle with somethingtry to understand or find a solution to a difficult problem
enigmamystery, puzzle
take offstart out, begin
urbancity, metropolitan
laborworkforce, workers, employees
criteriastandard, principle
sufficientadequate, enough
affluentrich, wealthy
ingredientelement, part
flourishgrow, thrive
succumbgive in, surrender
eccentricunusual, strange, weird
deductionreasoning, conclusion, logic
scepticisman attitude of doubting
strengthensupport, reinforce
appraisalassessment, evolution
notableinteresting, important, excellent or unusual enough to be noticed
alight onto suddenly think of or notice something or someone
staticconstant, unchanging
infantnew born baby
mortalityrate of death
wipe outdestroy, eliminate, remove
sanitationthe protection of public health by removing and treating waste, dirty water, etc.
statisticsdata, information, figures
incidencefrequency, occurrence, rate
deduceassume, reason, figure out
maltgrain used for making beer
coincidencetình cờ
dippingplummeting, dropping, reducing
purifyclean, get rid of impurities
out of contentionno longer having a chance of winning something
forge aheadmake progress, especially quickly
literacythe state of being able to read and write
abandonedneglected, ignored
cutoff pointmaximum value
contributebe a factor
provisionthe act of providing something that someone needs
backuphelp, support, encouragement
verbaloral, spoken
manipulateto work carefully with information, systems etc to achieve the system that you want
predictguess, forecast, foresee
emergecome out, appear
materialdata, information
materialdata, information