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level: Level 1 of Simple responses

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Simple responses

If it is positive it goes wheretowards the stimulus
if its negative it goes wheregoes away from the stimulus
What is a taxisa taxis is a directional response to a stimulus
what is a kinesisa non directional response to a stimulus
Tropism ( plants)growth movement of part of a plain to a directional stimulus
What is positive phototropismshoots grow towards light
Negative phototropismroots grow towards from light
Positive gravitropismroots grow downwards towards gravity
Negative gravitropismshoots grow upwards easy gravity
What does IAA affectcauses cell elongation inhibits growth in the roots
IAA causes phototropism response in shoot tips1.Cells of the shoot tip make and release IAA, which diffuses down the shoot through cells. 2. Light causes IAA to move (active transport) from the lit side to the shaded side of the shoot, so a greater concentration of IAA builds up in the cells on the shaded side. 3. IAA causes shoot cells to elongate so the cells on the shaded side lengthen more than cells on the lit side 4. Due to this, the shaded side of the shoot grows faster, causing the shoot to bend TOWARDS the light source
If IAA is in the root tips1.IAA gathers in the LOWER cells of the root tissue; 2.inhibits cell elongation; 3.so the lower cells lengthen at a slower rate than the upper cells; 4.this causes the root to grow downwards.