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level: Cognitive development and education

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Cognitive development and education

What is cognitive developmentCognitive developments looks at how the way we think about things changes as we grow. Most cognitive development occurs during childhood so is directly linked to the education system.
Piagets theoryPiaget described a four stage theory which he suggested all children pass through as their thinking develops: Sensory motor , pre operational, concrete operational, formal operational
Differences between Piaget and Vygozyzk theoryPiaget -. Universal stages 2. The role of a more knowledgeable other is not considered- a child will construct knowledge from his or her independent investigations. 3. Language comes second to thinking Vygotsky- . Culture bound – children will develop differently due to interactions 2. The role of the MKO is crucial to development 3. Language is a precursor for learning and thinking.
Wood et Al research sample30 children USA 3-5
Wood et al procedure1. The child came in and was seated at a table with 21 blocks, which he or she was then allowed to play with freely for 5 minutes. 2. The tutor would then show the child how to make a pair of blocks and would help the child to make some more like that one. It took 15 pair constructions to make the pyramid. 3. The child could respond in one of three ways, and the tutor would respond accordingly ignore tutor and play , assemble blocks and child could take up blocks the tutor told them too
Results for Wood et alThe youngest children were much worse than the older children when it came to constructing appropriate assemblies, but they were just as good at recognising an appropriate one when they encountered it. These results show that comprehension/understanding of a task skill comes first. Therefore if the children doesn’t understand the task at all, they will not be able to complete it. Children needed less support as they get older
Evaluation for Wood et Aldoesn't psych as a science - no hypothesis testing so no falsifiability however is standardsised as all children tested with same pyramid Nature - natural progression as not all children required assistance nurture - regardless of their age, children of all age groups benefited with assistance so development is better with help useful - teachers and parenting - showing and telling technique
Apllication cogpeer mentoring context dependent memory