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level: Perceptual development

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Perceptual development

What is perceptionIt is the process by which our minds organise, process and make sense of sensory data.
4 type of different types1.Pattern perception 2. Face perception 3. Constancies 4.Deph Perception
What is pattern perceptionInfants show preference for certain patterns, showing that they have the visual perceptual skills to perceive the different patterns BABIES LIKE COMPLEX PATTERNS PREFER PATTERNS THAT RESEMBLE FACES
Face perceptionnew born babies have preference for attractive faces over unattractive faces and show a preference for faces or their own ethnicity.
Constancies types and what are theySize constancy - the ability to perceive an object having the same size even when its from a further distance and may appear smaller Shape constancy - Shape constancy is the tendency to perceive an object as having the same shape regardless of its orientation or the angle from which we view it. Depth perception - Children are able to assess depth or distance from an object to themselves.
How can perceptual development be measured in childrenPreferential looking Brain scanning Visual CLiff Dark Rearing
Sample Gibson and walk36 human babies aged 6-14 months also did infant animals (chicks ,lambs etc)
Procedure of Gibson and WalkCornell universities USA . Lab experiment . Visual cliff that had a shallow side and deep side that was glass but appeared as a clift. Human babies were placed on the centre to see if they would crawl to the mum on the deep side
Results for Gibson and Walkonly 3 infants crawled onto the deep cliff side all infants who moved off the centre board most when shallow side animals - mainly went on shallow side but when kittens are reared in darkness they went both sided equally
Evaluation for Gibson and WalkHypothesis testing – The researchers tested the hypothesis that babies and young animals would prefer the shallow side to the deep side. Falsifiability – The hypothesis that depth perception is innate can be both proven right and wrong, and is therefore falsifiable. = PSYCH as a science Validity - face validity measures perception on depth and Reliability - same visual cliff - replicable mothers bhv different - so less
Application for perceptual developmentDeveloping perception by teaching through play and constancies depth and etc such as depth perception - the ball rolling away shape constancy - shape sorters face perception - potato heads