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level questions: level 3
often used to determine the amount of unsaturation in fatty acids. It is the mass of iodine in grams that is consumed by 100 grams of a chemical substance.
Iodine value Other terms: iodine adsorption value iodine number iodine index higher value = more unsaturated
is commonly used to determine the rancidity of a sample containing fat or oil subject to oxidation.
Peroxide value >10 mEq/Kg indicates fresh oils 30-40 mEq/Kg is associated with a rancid taste.
is the number of mg of KOH required to neutralize the HAc taken up on acetylation of 1 g of a chemical substance that contains free hydroxyl groups. that mass of (KOH) in mg is equivalent to the OH content of 1 g of the chemical substance.
Hydroxyl value
it is a common parameter in the specification of fats and oils. it measures the free fatty acids (FFA) present in the fat or oil. it is defined as the weight of KOH in mg needed to neutralize the organic acids present in 1g of fat.
Acid value (AV)
is the mg of KOH required to saponify 1 gram of fat. Meaures the ave MW of the FA present It depends on the kind of fatty acid contained in the fat.
Saponification Value
are those substances frequently found dissolved in fats and oils which cannot be saponified by the caustic alkalies but are soluble in the ordinary fat solvents. Included are the higher aliphatic alcohols, sterols, pigments, and hydrocarbons.
Unsaponifiable Matter
— endogenous molecules or compounds that catalyze biochemical reactions in the body in order to maintain daily function proteins which acts as biological catalysts. Show maximum activity at 35-40 degree C
Enzyme Properties
1 Sensitive to heat (denatured by excessive temp due to inability to form enzyme-substrate complex 2 Created in cells but can function outside of cells Sensitive to pH 3 Can catalyze only one reaction 4 Capable of working in a reverse reaction
mixture of proteolytic enzymes from the latex of unripe fruit of Carica papaya, Caricaceae Light brown or white colored amorphous powder with typical odor and taste Shows maximum proteolytic activity between pH 5-6. Insoluble in water & glycerine.
Use: treatment of soft tissue inflammation, edema due to surgery and injury Source: mixture of proteolytic enzymes obtained from the stem and ripen fruits of pineapple plant Ananas comosusm, Bromeliaceae Odorless to slightly putrid buff color powder with irritating taste. Solubility: Soluble in water, insoluble in organic solvents like ether, chloroform and alcohol
nutritive, flavouring agent, masking bitter taste, vehicle for preparation containing codliver oil and halibut liver oil. obtained by extracting malt or malted barley, Hordeum vulgare, Graminae Occurs as yellowish-brown or amber colored viscous liquid with a characteristic odor and taste. ◦ Contains nitrogen equivalent to NLT 4% protein. Contains maltose, dextrin, glucose and amylolytic enzymes.
Malt Extract
Source: proteolytic enzyme obtained from bacteria belonging to genus Serratia, present in the gut of the silk worm. Nowadays it is produced by fermentation biotechnology. Reduces capillary permeability and breakdown of proteins and exudates thus supports wound healing. Considered as very effective bacterial enzyme and found to have better effects than trypsin and chymotrypsin with negligible toxicity and side effects. Exerts histamine and bradykinin hydrolyzing and proteolytic effects.
Used to dissolve (lyse) fibrin or blood clots in anterior chamber of eye and in acute massive pulmonary emboli. enzyme produced by kidney and obtained from human urine or kidney tissue cultures. lyophilized white powder, soluble in water. An activator of endogenous fibrinolytic system, which converts plasminogen to plasmin and degrades fibrinogen, fibrin clots and other plasma protein. Derived from human source, less antigenic than enzymes with similar actions like streptokinase.
Used in the treatment of thromboembolic disorders for the lysis of pulmonary emboli, arterial thrombus, deep vein thrombus and acute coronary artery thrombosis. An enzyme obtained from cultures filtrates of beta hemolytic, streptococci group C. Has the property of activating human plasminogen to plasmin. Available as a sterile, friable solid or white powder. The activity is due to activation of plasminogen to a proteolytic enzyme namely plasmin which degrades fibrin clots, fibrinogen and other plasma proteins.
It is a substance containing proteolytic enzyme and is present in the gastric juice of animals. obtained from the glandular layer (mucous membrane) of fresh stomach of hog, Sus scrofa domesticus, Suidae. light buff or white colored amorphous powder, also occurs as translucent scales. as a little acidic or saline taste with slightly meaty odor. soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform.
A complex HMW organic compound consisting of AA joined by peptide bonds "Protos" - of primary importance Essential to the structure and function of all living cells Are enzymes or subunits of enzymes universally are the long chain AA
1 shorter chains of AA (also “peptides” or “oligopeptides”
1 Polypeptides
Important proteins of animal origin
Casein Gelatin Heparin Hemoglobin
Are proteins or glycoproteins without an immune origin. Can agglutinate the cells and precipitate complex carbohydrates. Are isolated from various natural sources like seeds, roots, bark, bacteria, fungi, fish eggs, body fluids of invertebrates lower vertebrates, mammalian cell membrane, seaweed and sponges.