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level: IRM and CRM

Questions and Answers List

level questions: IRM and CRM

What is Individual Ministerial Responsibility?-IRM is the Principle that Ministers are Responsible to their Actions and Personal Conduct for their Work and Department -IRM is a Constitutional Convention
What are the 4 Elements of IRM?-Ministers to be Accountable to Parliament from the Policies their present and Departments Decisions. Answer Questions, give Evidence to Select Committees and Justify Actions -IF a Minister makes an Error then they should Resign. Amber Rudd had inadvertently Misled Parliament whether She knew about Regional Removal Targets for Illegal Immigrants -If the Department makes a Fault, the Minister must Resign, even if not Involved. Education Secretary Estelle Morris resigned in 2003 after her Department failing to meet Literacy and Numeracy Standards -If the Conduct falls below Acceptable Levels they must leave and be Dismissed by the PM. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon resigned in 2017 after Bad Behaviour with Women
How has IRM been held up recently?-Minsters are starting to Not Take Responsibility for their Policy Failures or personal Error Judgements -Minsters may not even take Responsibility for their Personal Conduct
How has Ministers making a Serious Error not been Reinforced lately?(EX)-Gavin Williamson allowed a Ofqual Algorithm which Downgraded A Level Students Results for Thousands -This Policy was soon Reversed but Gavin took no Responsibility -2020, Education Secretary
How has Minsters accepting Errors from Poor Departmental Performance not been Reinforced lately? (EX)-2019 saw Chris Grayling not resigning after his Department [Transport] gave a Ferry Contract for Cross-Channel Transport in case a No Deal Brexit occurred, but the Company given the Contract had 0 Ferries
How has Minsters Personal Conduct being Poor not fall Short of what is Expected not been Reinforced lately? (EX)-Priti Patel, Home Secretary, did not Resign over her Inquiry that she was Bullying Civil Servants
Why has IRM started to erode?-Ministerial Resignations makes the Government look weak, so they may aim to 'Ride out the storm' -Ministers have perhaps shown loyalty, and can expect a degree of the same support if things go wrong for them. This can mean they are less likely to be Sacked and won't 'jump the ship'
What is Collective Ministerial Responsibility?-Refers to the Unconstitutional Convention that Ministers supports Government Decisions in the Public. Privately, he can complain. Failure to do so should lead to a Resignation
What are the Principles of Collective Ministerial Responsibility.-All Members of Government responsible for Government Policies -Ministers supports all Gov Policies in Public even if they have doubts (Express them Privately instead.) -Ministers who oppose a Key Gov Element Policy, and won't defend it in Public, should Resign -If a Ministers Dissents without Resigning, then they may be Booted by the Prime Minister
Why is CRM important?-Portrays a Sense of Government Unity -Help the Prime Minister maintain Dominance -Gets rid of Dissidence within the Government -Helps Ministers express Doubts in Private -Protect Individual Ministers from Pressure if Government takes Collective Responsibility for a Policy
Name some Examples that has happened over the past 2 Decades (EX)-Robin Cook (Foreign Secretary) Labour: Resigned over Government Decision to Intervene in Iraq -Iain Duncan Smith (Work & Pensions Secretary) Conservative: Resigned over Proposed Cuts to Disability Benefits -Sajid Javid (Chancellor) Conservative: Resigned over his refusal on accepting his Advisors that were Chosen by Johnson -Lady Sugg (Junior Foreign Office Minister) Conservative: Resigned over the Ending of sending 0.7% UK GDP as Aid
How can a Coalition Government affect CMR? (EX)-During 2010-2015, CMR was Abandoned for Policies where Lots of Disagreement was around - Trident Nuclear Missile System and the EU
How can Issues diving up the Cabinet affect CMR? (EX)-Divides from Brexit went out into Public during May's PM. Several Cabinet Ministers (Johnson) criticised her for refusing to take a 'No-Deal' Brexit off, while others wanted a Harder Stance on Europe. -Up to 17 Ministers resigned over her Brexit Strategy
How can the PM lacking Authority affect CMR? (EX)-May failing to get a Majority at 2017 greatly affected her Power. Cabinet Members were 'plotting her downfall' from the Election Night Onwards, and yet, saw No Consequences.
How can Personality clashes force Cabinet Members to divide and affect CMR? (EX)-Blair and Brown had a Rivalry that Split the Cabinet to Brownites or Blairites. Leaks of their disagreements occurred, but no one was Sacked over this