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level: How has the Constitutional Changed?

Questions and Answers List

level questions: How has the Constitutional Changed?

Uncodified. How has this been Affected from Constitutional Reform-UK Constitution still Uncodified, however: -UK leaving EU gets rid of an Important Source of Law -More Unwritten Sources of the Constitution are in Statute Law [Bills] - like the HRA wrote the ECHR into UK Law
Unentrenched. How has this been Affected from Constitutional Reform?-Parts of British Constitution is being Semi-Entrenched -Governments have Informally Entrench their Policies via Referendums. -Scottish Parliament safe from Abolition as Scottish Voters voted Very Much for Devolution
Parliament is Sovereign. How has this been Affected from Constitutional Reform?-Popular Sovereignty has Conflicted with Parliamentary Sovereignty due to Referendums -The 2016 EU Referendum wasn’t Legally Binding onto Parliament [De Jure], but it basically was as going Against the People is Undemocratic [De Facto]
Unitary. How has this been Affected by Constitutional Reform?-Devolution has made it possible to say UK is a ‘Quasi - Federal’ Constitution [Semi-Federal] -Laws are in Different Shapes in Different Areas of UK -UK Constitution not Unitary as it began, as Devolution has gone across at a Different Pace across UK, and different Devolved Assemblies have different Powers
Fusion of Power. How has this been Affected by Constitution Reform?-Law Lords was the Highest Court in UK and had Court Cases in the House of Lords -Now Britain has got itself a Separate Supreme Court, and greater separation Powers in the Judiciary
What is Statue Law, and name some Examples in the Constitution-These are Laws passed by Parliament -Human Rights Act of 1998 -Constitutional Reform Act of 2005 [Creating the UKSC]
What is Constitutional Conventions, and name some Examples-Unwritten Laws which are sen to be Binding onto All Members of the Political Community -Salisbury Convention [House of Lords to not block Legislation on the Manifesto] -Collective Cabinet Responsibility
What are Foreign Treaties and Agreements, and name some Examples-Agreements with External Bodies that Binds with Britain in some way -European Convention on Human Rights with the Council of Europe [ECHR]
What are Authoritative Works, and name some Examples-Writing of Constitutional Experts that show the Meaning of the Constitution. -A.V. Dicey ‘ Law of the Constitution’ -Walter Bagehot’s ‘The English Constitution’ 1867
What are Common Laws, and name some Examples-Rules passed down through various Judgments in Court Cases. They have not be passed via Parliament -Rules of Parliamentary Procedure and Discipline -Various Rights like Freedom of Expression and Privacy