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level: 1979 Election

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 1979 Election

What were the Results of the 1979 Election? [Seats, House of Commons, Future?]-Conservatives got a 43 Seat Majority -Labour lost 62 Seats -House of Commons dominated by Labour and Conservatives -Thatcher became the First Female PM -Marked the Start of 18 Years of Conservative Rule -TO was 76%
What were the Social Factors that Influenced the 1979 Election?-Growing Size of the Middle Class // Shrinking Working Class. Conservatives had a Natural Ally [Social Classes] -Thatcher trying to be the 'Housewives Friend' may have influenced more Women to Vote -Conservatives won 41% of the C1 Vote - Up by 21% in 1974
What were the Valence Issues that influenced the 1979 Election-Governing Competency was raised as Public Sector Strikes made Labour unable to Control the Trade Union Power -Labour was Linked with High Inflation - Economic Competence -Labour appearing to Fracture with its Left Wing and Moderates - Party Unity
What were the Salient Issues that Influenced the 1979 Election-How much should the State Regulate and Control Industry [Winter of Discontent] -Conservatives expanding Home Ownership proved to be Popular [House Prices were Rising, Differentiate from Labour who wanted Collective Solutions]
How did the Election Campaign influence the 1979 Election?-Labour did Poorly on the Election Campaign, with some Comments on UK shouldn't have a Woman as PM -Conservatives, hiring the Saatchi Brothers, did Amazing. Most Popular is that 'Labour isn't Working' advertising Campaign
How did the Media Influence the 1979 Election?-The Sun switched from Labour to Conservatives, coming with the Headline 'Crisis, what crisis' which made Callaghan seem Out of Touch and little Care for the Industry
Which was the Most Important Factor?-It seems to be the Valence Issues, as if Labour called an Election in 1978, they would have won -But the Winter of Discontent made people Associate it with Labour's Incompetence, and so, Demanded Change