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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

To be fair, she is never too ________ wrong. Her predictions aren't always on the money, but close.FAR
The resting human heart tends to beat ________ a rate of 65 beats per minute.AT
________ you find yourself feeling a bit fed up, try to note down some things you are grateful for.WHEN
It isn't easy to get by ________ anything less than €1000 in major European cities.ON
Well, __________ you, who is an expressive person, I prefer to keep my feelings bottled up.UNLIKE
If I were you, I'd ________ no attention to anything she says.PAY
There are ________ things more satisfying that sticking your key into your door come Friday evening.FEW
They weren't so interested in ________ I had to say, sadly.ANYTHING
Were ________ not for you, I would still be in that mess. Thanks!IT
There isn't a great ________ I can do for you. My hands are tied.DEAL
________ what I know now, I would've done it all totally differently.KNOWING
Once she tallied ________ the takings, she realized there was some money missing.UP
Yeah, it's certainly important but I think we should also briefly ________ on the other items on the agenda as we are running short for time.TOUCH
It isn't a matter of ________ or not she is good enough, it's more if she's ready. The ability is obviously there.WHETHER
Various members from the board ________ thought to be growing increasingly frustrated.ARE
Some people are said to admire her for her outgoing ways. ________ something that is totally promoted today, to be frank.NOT
They are a country with a rather clean history. ________ England, France or U.S.A.UNLIKE
We ________ be certain when she'll strike again, but it's thought to be soonCAN'T
Well, ________ ill-advised article did you read to make you think that?WHOSE
_________ they can compete, they might be overwhelmed by the level of the contestantsALTHOUGH