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level: Electoral Systems on Voter Choices

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Electoral Systems on Voter Choices

But, using more Data, which can burn FPTP to the ground, explain why STV is Superior-STV cares for Sharing of Power leading to ‘Grown up Politics’ that everyone can agree too -The Model for such a Fractured Nation after Brexit and when Regions attempt to have their own Identify -Large Constituency and a number of Representatives can give the Community a better Service. -Voters given a Large Choice of Candidates to chose from
Give an Argument for Retaining FPTP of only using FPTP Explanation. Use Evidence from General Elections-FPTP will make Strong and Stable Governments from its Decisive Results and Concentrated Support in place -FPTP also has Strong Links between MP and Voters via their Constituency. -2019 GE saw an 80 Seat Majority for Conservatives which ended the Question on Brexit. -2010 and 2017 GE didn’t give a Single Party Majority, but such cases are rare.
Give an Argument for Retaining FPTP of only using FPTP Explanation. Use Evidence from General Elections-FPTP will make Strong and Stable Governments from its Decisive Results and Concentrated Support in place -FPTP also has Strong Links between MP and Voters via their Constituency. -2019 GE saw an 80 Seat Majority for Conservatives which ended the Question on Brexit. -2010 and 2017 GE didn’t give a Single Party Majority, but such cases are rare.
Simply, for FPTP, what can voters do [Effect on Voters] and where is it used?-Voters will be able to chose One Candidate only -UK General Elections
Simply, for SV, what can voters do, and where is it used?-Voters have a 1st and 2nd Preferences -Seen in London Mayor Elections
Simply, for STV, what can voters do and where is it used?-Voters rank Candidates via their Preferences [1.2.3..] -Seen in Northern Irish Assembly and Scottish Local Elections
Simply, for AMS, what can voters do and where is it used?-Voters have 2 Votes. 1 for Candidate to represent a Constituency and another for a Political Party -Seen in Scottish and Welsh Parliamentary Elections and Greater London Authority Elections
For FPTP, what Type of Government usually Forms, and what Party System does it promote usually?-FPTP usually prompts a Single Party Majority Government, with the 2010-2015 Parliament an Exception [Coalition with Cons and Lib Dems] -FPTP promotes the Dominant Party if it gets a Winners Bonus, or, 2 Party if the Majority isn’t as great
For SV , what Type of Government usually Forms, and what Party System does it promote usually?-One Candidate becomes Mayor [London] -2 Party as only 2 Candidates can get through to the Second Round of Counting, and perhaps 1 Party if Majority is great
For AMS , what Type of Government usually Forms, and what Party System does it promote usually?-2 Party Coalition Government, or a One Party Minority Government. 2012-16 however saw SNP get Majority -Dominant Party as the SNP dominates Scottish National Elections during 2012-16. -However, the 2021 Elections demonstrated that SNP couldn’t retain the Majority, so had to collab with the Scottish Greens with their 8 Seats.
For STV , what Type of Government usually Forms, and what Party System does it promote usually?-Power Sharing across Parties - DUP and Sein Fein -It is always Multi-Party System
For these Following, Associate a Electoral System 1. Strong Government 2. Maximum Voter Choice & Multi Party System 3. Strong Constituency Representation 4. Proportional Outcome 5. Absolute Majority for Winner 6. Votes are Equal Value1. FPTP, with maybe STV and SV Second Place 2. STV with its 6 or 7 Candidates. AMS has 2 3. FPTP very Notable. AMS still cares for it 4. AMS always will be Proportional to Votes 5. SV will always ensure a Majority Winner takes hold 6. STV as votes are very likely to not be Wasted
Give an Argument for Retaining FPTP of only using FPTP Explanation. Use Evidence from General Elections-FPTP will make Strong and Stable Governments from its Decisive Results and Concentrated Support in place -FPTP also has Strong Links between MP and Voters via their Constituency. -2019 GE saw an 80 Seat Majority for Conservatives which ended the Question on Brexit. -2010 and 2017 GE didn’t give a Single Party Majority, but such cases are rare. Out of the 21 General Elections, only 3 has led to Minority, and 1 led to Coalition
Give an Argument for Abolishing FPTP of only using FPTP Explanation. Use GE Evidence-Electoral Reform needed as FPTP gives Disproportional Results. -5 Million Green and UKIP voters were Undermined heavily as they only got 1 Seat each. -FPTP goes again Dispersed Support for Parties, but Favours Concentrated Support. -Voters therefore have to Tactically Vote, which may still be wasted if in a Safe Seat. -UK GE don’t give Governments that has Majority of the Electorate. 2005, 2010 and 2015 saw the Party failing to get 40% of the Popular Vote.
Why can SV not Solve the Problems of FPTP?-Little Parties still have low chance of Winning -1 Exception [Ken Livingstone 2000] only Labour and Conservatives Candidate have gone through to the Second Round of Counting in London Mayor Elections -Tactical Voting still an Issue, just like FPTP
Why can SV be a more Attractive Electoral System than FPTP?-SV will Ultimately waste less Votes -Green Party Voters chose Sadiq Khan [Labour] as Second Preference in 2016 Mayor Election, leading to his Victory. Green Voters knew their Second Preference voting may be Useful -SV ensures the ‘least hated’ Candidate Wins as it will get almost 50% of the Vote as possible
Why can FPTP Triumph over AMS Failures?-AMS Ultimately fails to get a Majority Government -SNP Runs Scotland as a Minority Government which can cause Gridlocks and Painful collaborations -Labour runs a Minority Government in Wales as it failed to get 50% of the Seats so needs other support from other Parties to get their Mandate across
Why can AMS declare war on FPTP, and win?-AMS ultimately gives Small Parties Influence -Lib Dems have been Active in Government in Wales and Scotland, giving Credit to Coalitions Government having Stability - all have lasted the Full Term -AMS keeps the Constituency Link as 67% of the Seats are done via FPTP
Why can FPTP spit on STV’s Face?-STV leads a just a Mess of Politics -2017-2020 saw DUP and Sinn Fein refusing to Collaborate and make a Government. UK Gov had to give a Budget involved -STV broke the Constituency Link - Single Representative and their Representatives. STV makes Large Constituencies with a myriad of Representatives
But, using more Data, which can burn FPTP to the ground, explain why STV is Superior-STV cares for Sharing of Power leading to ‘Grown up Politics’ that everyone can agree too -The Model for such a Fractured Nation after Brexit and when Regions attempt to have their own Identify -Large Constituency and a number of Representatives can give the Community a better Service. -Voters given a Large Choice of Candidates to chose from